Saturday, October 30, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?
The Pitt-Jolie wall, the Travolta wall (oh those crazy Scientologists and John with his spa escapades), the Playboy Mansion walls, Adam Lambert's wall.

2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?
Budget, always. It doesn't necessarily stop us from overspending, though. When you've got four kids to buy for, all the stocking stuffers and gifts from Santa, gifts for both sides of the family, it really adds up. In recent years Hubs and I have stopped getting gifts for each other because it just gets to be too much. I am SO glad that Becky and Amber came up with our family just giving each other 'hugs' for Christmas instead of the $50 gift exchange. Helps out a lot.

3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?
Christine will remember this. In high school, probably grade 7 or 8 (is that right Chris?) I was desperate to lose 20 pounds I'd somehow gained without noticing, and went on an apple-and-water diet. Yes, that's right. I ate one apple a day and then just drank water. I became very adept at hiding this from my parents, would ask to take meals up to my room (then feed them to the dogs), say I wasn't hungry at mealtimes and that I'd just eat later, give my school lunches away to other kids. Looking back, I mean obviously that's such a horrible thing to do to oneself, but what I'm amazed at (and yes I know its shallow and wrong, priority-wise) is the willpower I had. If I tried to do that now, at age 30 rather than 13, I'd probably last half a day before I started snacking. And the sad thing is, is that it worked! The 20 pounds dropped off in like a week and I was able to start eating normally again. Well, somewhat normally. I was always very body-conscious after that and if I felt I was getting "fat" again, I'd fast for a couple of days. So sad, the things that go through young girls' minds and the pressure they feel to be 'thin'.

BUT-- things happen for a reason. Because I've been there and done that, I know the symptoms and signs to look for. And I know that if a healthy, active lifestyle, proper nutrition, and positive self-esteem are encouraged before a girl-child hits that age, there's a much better chance that she'll be able to resist that social pressure. Not saying that my childhood didn't encourage those things but back then, parents didn't even think about that. The media and societal onslaught of 'lose weight', 'look younger', plastic surgery, boob jobs, size zero models, Paris-Hilton-itis... none of that was what it is now. I only have one daughter to guide through that mess, poor Chrissy has THREE. Heaven help us.

4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?
The Office, Modern Family, Friends, Vampire Diaries, Melrose Place (okay so I missed the very first season but that one sucked anyways), Deadwood.

 5. What one song always pulls at your heart?
Wavin' Flag by Young Artists for Haiti (original song by K'naan). I'll be singing along and all of a sudden my throat gets tight, my voice warbles, and I get a tear in my eye. Its a very powerful song. Also, Turn the Page by Bob Seeger (or the Metallica version) because that was Dad's song, Hold On by Sarah McLachlan, and Sister Rosetta Goes Before Us by Allison Krauss and Robert Plant (thanks for introducing me to such a truly, truly beautiful song, Mom. I chose that particular video just for you).

Friday, October 29, 2010

My new fave beauty products

So there's three new products that I've recently purchased and I am in love with them all!

I found this product in the pharmacy section at the Red Deer Superstore. I got the last box, too! Its just like ProActiv and actually claims to be "significantly BETTER than" it. The problem areas on my face are around my mouth and chin, my hairline, and I get whiteheads on my cheekbone area. Also, I've always had very large and noticeable (at least to me) pores on my nose and they always look dirty. Like freckles, only NOT. They're not blackheads, but they are annoying and embarrassing. No matter what cleanser I used, be it Olay or Aveeno or Clean & Clear, I could never get rid of them.

WELL. I've been using AcneFree for about five days now, every morning and night... results?  Hairline pimples GONE, mouth and chin pimples GONE (well, except for a teensy breakout along my jawline but I'm premenstrual right now so I was expecting something to pop up, at least its not in the chin area). And the nose "freckles"? GONE. The pores are tight and tiny, but more importantly, completely cleaned out. So I'm sold on this product. I will DEFINITELY be buying it again. In case you're wondering about price... I paid $29.99 for it and I consider it money very well-spent. With ProActiv, you get your first order for $25 but then it goes up to $50. Plus you have to pay shipping. To buy the three products (cleanser, toner, lotion) from other brands -- such as Olay -- you'd be looking at about the same price, if not more. (Although, to be fair, you'd also get much bigger bottles but whatever.) So yeah. If you have problem skin, go out and get this product. Just try to leave a box on the shelf for me.

Have you seen the commercials for this with Jessica Biel? I'm not much of a fan of hers but I sure am for this product! I've used the Revlon lipstain before but the one complaint I had about it was that my lips would get so dry. So what did Revlon do? Came out with a better version that has the lip balm included right on the bottom of the stick! LOVE. IT. The lip balm actually seals in the color as well as moisturizing, so you don't leave lipstick marks on everything. Also found this product at Superstore and unfortunately the color I wanted was sold out ('Twilight', of course! Hah. Stupid Twihards). I ended up getting the 'Beloved' color, sort of a deep pinky-red (2nd from the right in the pic). Its gorgeous, cannot give enough praise for this brand's product. If you like a color that's not in the red spectrum, there's two colors that are more brown-y (4th and 5th from the left, in the picture they come off as dark reddish-orange but in real life, its sort of browny-orange).

Another of Revlon's ad campaign with Miss Biel. I was curious about this product because from the name, you assume it actually helps your lashes to grow thicker and longer. And Lord knows I need all the help I can get when it comes to that. I have short stubby lashes, they're like 5mm long I swear! Mascara is my #1 when it comes to must-have products. #2 is mineral powder to cover all my blemishes (hopefully AcneFree will eliminate that necessity!). But I digress.

This product is AWESOME. On the package it says "96% saw instantly longer, more lush lashes". And its true, it works! Right away I had femme-fatale lashes. The jury's still out on whether it will actually make a difference in the long run regarding lash-growth. So I guess I'll just wait and see. But I'm optimistic!

So there you have it: fall's three new must-have products. IMO.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Comments: maybe this will help?

So I got some feedback via Mom and apparently there's still something wrong with the comment process. I went to Comment Settings and the only thing I could see that might make a difference is changing the moderation from 'only on posts older than 7 days', to 'never'.

Hope this helps!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Who is the better cook, you or your spouse?

A couple years ago, the answer would have been Hubs, for sure. But I think I've come a long way in the kitchen, I'm probably equal now. Some things are my specialty (lasagna, cookies, potato pancakes, rice salad, chili, egg rolls, pot roast) and some things are his (steak, oven-fried potatoes, anything barbecued).

2. How often do you talk to your mom?
Almost every day! If a couple days go by with no contact, either she or I will phone each other and its always "It seems like forever since I talked to you!", haha. Many times I will be thinking of calling her and just about to grab the phone (once I was even mid-dial) and the phone will ring, and its her! We have this mind-link thing going on.

3. Are you adventurous in the kitchen or stick to the recipe?
I try to stick to the recipe. That way, if it doesn't turn out I know its not my fault! And when the kids and Hubs complain about it, I can honestly say "Hey, I followed the recipe!". Gotta cover my bases.

4. Is your second toe longer than your big toe?
No, its almost a centimetre shorter. Hubs and Gunnar, however, have equal-length big and second toes. Weird!

5. Do you dress up for Halloween? (Bonus question: What will you be this year?)
Yep. To both questions. And its usually the same thing: zombie bride or vampire. I tease my hair until its a wild tangled mess, add some plastic spiders and leaves to it. Pale face with bluish-purple bruises under the eyes, heavy eye makeup, fake blood dripping from my mouth, a few fake scars (I got these really cool stick-on tattoo scars one year). Then my LBD, heels, elbow-length purple mesh finger-less gloves. And the piece-de-resistance... the black barbed-wire veil! Best. Costume. Ever. IMO.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Comments: update

Okay guys, I have now changed the comment settings so you don't get that annoying 'word verification' thingy when you want to publish your comment. I know some of you were having problems with that.

Hopefully this will encourage everyone to start leaving comments again! (hint hint)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. What is your favorite Halloween candy?

Reese Peanut Butter Cups, hands down. I could eat the entire bag!

2. Do you fold your socks?
Fold? Well, I do that thing where you pair them up, then fold one side of the sock over both pairs, so just the foot-part is sticking out. Is that considered folding?

3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about?
I'm like 99% sure this question has been asked before on 5-Q-F. Excuse me one moment while I check my previous postings.... Yep, here it is.

4. What is the most significant difference between you and your significant other?
That I am an optimist and he is a pessimist. And boy, does that difference drive me crazy! No matter the situation, I always try to look for the silver lining, the hidden meanings, reasons why it was fated to happen, and how I can deal with it in a positive manner. Whereas Hubs is just the opposite. For him, those same situations are always the end of the world as he knows it; he's gotta rant and rage, vent his feelings of frustration, hopelessness or helplessness, anger, fear. So for me, its kind of a double whammy: first I have to deal with the situation, then I have to deal with Hubs' reaction, try to calm him down.

You know, I did a tarot reading on the two of us one time, figured out what our Soul and Persona (personality) cards were. This is done by numbers, adding your birth year, month and date together to get the Persona number, then further reducing it by adding those numbers to get a single number, which is your Soul number. And get this...

Me: 1980 + 01 + 27 = 2008 = 2+0+0+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1.
Tyler: 1977 + 08 + 23 = 2008 = 2+0+0+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1.

So our Soul and Persona cards are exactly the same.

Our Persona card is 10, which is the Wheel of Fortune. Our Soul card is 1, the Magician.

(Also present are WHEEL OF FORTUNE 10 and SUN 19) [In our case, no Sun)

The soul of a MAGICIAN is independent, original, a leader, and a self-starter. The dynamic power and vitality of number 1 can be transformed to the highest healing alchemy using the magical tools of the MAGICIAN. Cultivate a path of spiritual development and study the magical arts. Maintain a positive attitude by valuing the many talents and abilities with which you were born.

With the personality cards of the SUN 19 [not us] and the WHEEL OF FORTUNE 10, this indicates a charmed life. This person will have the soul of the MAGICIAN who can work magic and make all will-powered events come true. Their personality shows the radiant success of the SUN after the ever-revolving WHEEL OF FORTUNE turns in their favour. Doors of opportunity can open easily because the SUN and the MAGICIAN have the power to make the best of any situation.
  • magical strength; all endeavours that require willpower are manifested; a powerful person who can work magic and heal; human magic
  • a very creative card, represents imagination, willpower, confidence, creative energy, communication, and skill; a card of words and action rather than contemplation, a call to confidence and self-expression; indicates travel and creative projects, communication and integrity; in spiritual context, card shows its time to put intuition and psychic abilities to good use
  • the master of his own destiny and unafraid to act as he chooses. By setting specific and attainable goals, the Magician utilizes his great knowledge and wisdom to succeed where others have failed. Although, with such power comes great responsibility. The Magician must decide whether to act morally, or forsake ethics for personal gain.
  • you are completely powerful and can manifest your goals; you are experiencing magical strength and can actualize your desires through your own creativity and will; you can have it all, you just need to see what lies before you
  • expansion, good luck, fate; opportunity abounds; all is magically blessed and serendipitous; universal symbol of healing, change and transformation; wisdom gained from experience, changes, a new cycle, a progression, or a movement
  • this card represents change in your life, so be ready for unexpected challenges to come your way and to experience life from all sides; as you seek and gain new knowledge, you can accept whatever life throws at you; anything is possible; fate is about to take a hand in your life
  • can represent meeting your unconscious self, which may be the darker side of nature: the unconscious, a darker aspect of your personality or desires that you usually keep hidden; we get to know ourselves better
Now, the Magician (like all of us) is like two sides of a coin: good and bad, light and dark, yin and yang. Opposites. The Magician can use his power for good or bad, it depends on his personality, disposition, morals, etc. How this relates to me and Tyler, in my opinion, is that because of that difference (optimism and pessimism), my lighter view of the world and my place in it, the 'happy' thoughts that I project into the universe, returns to me in the same manner. (Being a Magician, I can actualize my desires through my own creativity and will.) Tyler, however, with his darker view of life, recieves just the opposite. Now I'm not saying that he is directly to blame for any misfortunes that befall him, of course there are outside influences that can alter the path his life takes (though, it is his choices and decisions, in reaction to those influences, that directs the path).

I guess what all my jibber-jabbering is trying to say, the point I'm trying to make, is that its all about karma, baby. What you project, your spiritual and emotional outlook, the choices and reactions made... it all influences your place in the universe and what is returned to you. In my opinion.

5. What are three words you would use to describe yourself?

Happy, funny, kind.

Can this diet help fight depression?

I received a newsletter from a health website I subscribe to ( and it gave a link to an article about how the "Seratonin diet" may help fight depression. Here's the article, and here's the link to the article on the site (there are some great links to other depression-related articles at the bottom of the page, I'll include them here).

"If you have depression and have gained weight while taking antidepressants, or if you are struggling with your weight in general, the serotonin diet may be just what you need. By carefully timing your intake of carbohydrates, the serotonin diet may be able to help you curb your cravings, shed excess weight, and feel better mentally.

'Serotonin is a natural brain chemical,' says Nina Frusztajer, MD, co-author of The Serotonin Power Diet. 'It is associated with reducing appetite — it balances mood and can give you a calm energy.'

Serotonin is produced mainly in the brain, and experts believe that this brain chemical, or neurotransmitter, helps regulate your mood, sleep-wake cycle, and appetite. Researchers have found that people with low levels of serotonin are at risk of developing depression and other mood disorders. Antidepressants work by boosting the level of serotonin in the brain to relieve symptoms of depression.

'The only way for your brain to make serotonin is through a series of reactions ... precipitated by eating carbohydrates,' says Dr. Frusztajer.

When you eat a carbohydrate-rich food, insulin is released into the bloodstream, which facilitates the crossing of the amino acid tryptophan from the blood into your brain. In the brain, tryptophan acts to increase the production of serotonin.

According to Frusztajer, by eating certain foods, you can manipulate your body's production of serotonin to control your appetite and balance your mood.

The premise of the serotonin diet is that eating carbohydrate-rich foods may help keep your carbohydrate cravings under control and even improve your mood. 'You eat … in such a way that you elevate brain serotonin to control your appetite,' says Frusztajer.

According to Frusztajer, animal and human studies have shown that consuming carbohydrates to boost brain serotonin can help people control their appetite and lose weight. People on the serotonin diet meet the majority of their daily protein requirements at breakfast and lunch. In the afternoon and evening, the focus shifts to carbohydrates, because Frusztajer says that brain serotonin levels are naturally lower later in the day, making people more likely to overeat. 'You eat carbohydrates to prevent binges,' explains Frusztajer.

People on the serotonin diet have a carbohydrate-rich snack in the afternoon, which may be pretzels, whole-wheat crackers, or a low-fat granola bar. The ideal snack is 25 to 35 grams of non-fruit carbohydrates (Frusztajer says that fructose, or fruit sugar, doesn't cause much insulin to be released). A typical dinner on the serotonin diet would be a controlled portion of pasta with vegetables, followed by a frozen chocolate treat for dessert.

'The appetite-controlling effects of raising brain serotonin are particularly effective for people who have gained weight on antidepressants,' says Frusztajer. She says that some people can gain up to 70 pounds in a year after starting antidepressants, and for them weight loss on the serotonin diet can be dramatic.

While Frusztajer does not claim that the serotonin diet can help treat depression, she says that it can balance your mood, increase your mental energy, and help you sleep better. 'Those are the effects of serotonin,' she says.

Frusztajer adds that the serotonin diet works particularly well for women, since their levels of serotonin are naturally lower than men's. While women may initially do well on a low-carbohydrate diet, this approach results in chronically low serotonin levels that tend to eventually cause overeating and weight gain, she explains.

If you have not had success on other diets, particularly popular low-carbohydrate options, or if you have gained weight on antidepressants, consider the serotonin diet. You may find that it reinforces your first-line efforts to manage depression.

Links to more depression-related articles:

Overcoming Depression: Putting together a treatment plan

All about Antidepressants

Finding the right Inpatient Depression Treatment

Get Moving to Ease Depression

Finding the right Depression Medication

Electroconvulsive Therapy for Depression

Help for Treatment-Resistant Depression

Finding the right Therapist to help Depression

Coping with Antidepressant Side Effects

The Best Natural Treatments for Depression

Depression, Antidepressants, and Suicide Risk

Eye Movement Therapy for Depression

How SSRIs treat Depression

St. John's Wort for Depression

8 Inexpensive Depression Remedies

Does Online Depression Treatment Work?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Now why didn't I think of this before??

I just finished posting about Lena being on my shit-list, but I guess this makes up for it.

In Walmart tonight (which I'm now embarrassed to return to), heading down the hair-color aisle, I decided to look through the perfumes and see if they had Juicy by Juicy Couture. I'm peering at all the bottles and boxes and Lena pipes up, "There it is, Mom!" She'd spotted it right away because of the distinctive pink box and crown emblem on front.

"Oh, right on! Thanks, Lena!" When I saw the price, about $40, I pouted and turned away, intent on getting my box of hair color. Lena stayed behind to continue looking at all the perfumes.

"Hey Mom!" she yelled, "This box looks just like the Juicy box but its a darker pink! It even has a crown on it!"

I turned back and looked at what she was pointing to. And do you know what it was?

A Juicy knock-off, you know, one of those "our version of" kinds. I couldn't believe it! And the price? $10!!!

So we sprayed it and inhaled... exactly the same!

I am just in heaven. WHY did I not think to look for knock-off versions sooner? Here I've been going through Juicy withdrawals for the past several months (because my one precious bottle didn't last long, what with Lenagurl using it constantly to make her room "smell pretty").


Guess I'll have to take back the 'I'm-telling-Santa' threat.


So I'm in Walmart tonight with No.3&4 and I notice that everyone is grinning at me. Men in particular. So of course I'm thinking its because I'm looking so cute. I mean, after all, I had done my eyes up a new way (dark purple liner instead of black) and my hair was all blond and fluffy and cute. I was wearing my denim capris and purple plaid flats. Cute, right?

Even the cashier grinned at me. I was starting to think I really had it going on, baby!

Then we get out to the vehicle and I look in the mirror.


There was a tiny piece of green plastic stuck to my forehead.

Immediately I turned to Lena and barked, "Look at my forehead! Has this thing been on there all along?"

She nodded.

"Well, thanks for the heads-up Lena, THANKS. A. LOT!!"

She just shrugged. Ooooo, that is SO it, little girl, Santa is definitely hearing ALL about this!

'Cause we're mean like that

Lena and I were in the vehicle the other night and this song came on. I turned it up immediately and asked if she knew who it was. "Uh, DUH Mom, yes! Its Justin Bieber, my boyfriend!" (Wonder what the Jonas brothers think about that? And hey, now that I think about it, what happened to not wanting a 'for-real-boyfriend'? Guess it doesn't apply to celebrities, lol!) And so we sang along, heads bobbing and bodies swaying. THEN Lena came up with a brilliant prank we could play on the boys, Ardan in particular (because Gunnar's a little more music-savvy). As soon as I heard it, I was like, "YES." So...

We come in the house and I call to Ardan to come upstairs right away. Both boys come halfway up the stairs, thinking I brought home a treat or something, I'm sure.

I say to Ardan, "Hey, do you know who sings this? Listen..." and I start to sing, "You smile, I smile, wooooo-ooo-ooo..."

He shakes his head, no.

"Do you like the song? Its good, right?" (Me and Lena glance at each other out of the corner of our eyes, stifling our giggles.)

Ardan starts to nod his head and was juuuust about to say 'yes' (I frickin' know it!) then Gunnar has a 'aha!' moment and jumps in, "Noooooo, Ardan! Its Justin Bieber!"

Immediately Ardan's like "Ew, gross Mom, NO, I hate that song and I hate Justin Bieber!"

But me and Lena, we knew the REAL answer he'd been about to give. And so now we love nothing more than to turn the volume up real loud when a Bieber song comes on and yell for Ardan, "Hey Ardan, your favorite song is on!!"

Muahahahah! Ya, 'cause we're totally mean like that.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Zug Izland, just for Mom

So in a recent comment, Mom mentioned wanting me to post a Zug Izland clip. Um, Mom, do you know what a Juggalo is?? Because as I was browsing youtube for this Zug Island (which is actually spelled 'izland') I started to realize that this is a Juggalo band. I am soooo going to bug my mom that now she is a Juggalo! (J/K, you're not really one, Mom, unless I catch you buying clown facepaint.)

According to Wikipedia, a Juggalo is:
Juggalo or Juggalette (the latter being feminine) is a name given to fans of Insane Clown Posse or any other Psychopathic Records hip hop group. Juggalos have developed their own idioms, slang, and characteristics.

History of the Juggalo:

The term originated during a live performance by Insane Clown Posse. During the song "The Juggla", Joseph Bruce addressed the audience as Juggalos, and the positive response resulted in Bruce and Joseph Utsler using the word thereafter to refer to themselves and their friends, family, and fans, including other Psychopathic Records artists. Juggalos have compared themselves to a family. Common characteristics include drinking the inexpensive soft drink Faygo and wearing face paint. They view the lyrics of Psychopathic Records artists (which are often violent in nature) as a catharsis for aggression. Several well known figures have identified as Juggalos. These include professional wrestlers Kazushige Nosawa and Vampiro, and rappers Chuck D, Kung Fu Vampire, MURS, Coolio, and Vanilla Ice. According to Utsler, "[Juggalos come] from all walks of life -- from poverty, from rich, from all religions, all colors. [...] It doesn't matter if you're born with a silver spoon in your mouth, or a crack rock in your mouth."

From Urban Dictionary:
For the most part, an uneducated, pathetic excuse for a human being who listens to the group ICP who are bold enough to actually consider themselves musicians. People you see wearing "hatchet-man" accessories. They should not be allowed to reproduce, because that is too cruel to future generations. ICP isn't rap, it isn't metal, it isn't rap/metal, and it isn't horrorpop. There is only one way to properly categorize ICP; unnecessarily and unartfully offensive and obnoxious noise.

Here are some website blogs devoted to/making fun of Juggalos:

Some images of Juggalos:


And of course, the band that started it all...

But here ya go, Mom, just for you because you asked so nicely...

(On a side note: now I'm going to have to figure out how to delete these youtube video searches for this band because now they'll keep adding Juggalo vids to my "Because you watched this, you may be interested in this" section, the horror!! Oh and delete it from Google Search so there's not some record on the interwebs of all my image and website searches! Damn you, Juggalos!)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. What do you listen to while driving?

Usually, my ipod loaded with all my favorite songs (that I tend to skip through to find the Adam Lambert and Justin Bieber songs; the former because, well, its ADAM-FRIGGIN-LAMBERT and the latter because I live to torment my boys, muahahah). But if the ipod is dead, I go through all my pre-programmed radio channels to find which one is playing the best song. I have to have music to listen to. If the ipod is dead and all the radio stations suck, then I am in agony. Because listening to silence or, even WORSE, kids bickering just really 'drives' me bonkers. (Get it, 'drives', because I'm in the car, huh, huh? Okay, sorry.)

2. What is your least favorite thing about Fall?
Never knowing if its going to be nice out or cold, because then my front entry is filled with a mix of warm heavy coats and light thin coats, mitts and hats, shoes, rubber boots, winter boots, dirt chunks on the floor, mud tracks, bike helmets, rollerblades, hockey sticks, skateboards....

3. What does your dream house look like, inside and out?
Oooo, love this question! I have spent many a time making fantasy lists from the Ikea catalogue of what I want in each room, what color walls I want, carpet or hardwood, themes, etc. For the outside of my dream home, I love the natural look: lots of stone or dark granite/slate, huge front and back yard with tons of trees and flower beds and a little patio with a beautiful sitting area (lots of dark bamboo patio furniture and glass/black metal tables), either dark gray or brown vinyl or wood siding, at least two stories tall, huge attached garage and front driveway, maybe a wraparound deck or at least a nice front porch with a couple of columns, lots of flower pots and hanging plants. For the inside, I'd love a huge front entry with a large spacious coat closet (I love front entries, or foyers for you snooty types, that have cute little tables with a mirror hung above, looks so classy, and of course a beautiful vase of fresh flowers on the table). Open design and vaulted ceilings so it feels light and airy. Giant kitchen with lots of cupboards, two ovens, one of those big fridges that have the freezer on the bottom, like in a pull-out drawer. A big island smack-dab in the middle of the kitchen with shelves and cupboards built in. Don't know what color/type of wood I'd want in the kitchen, but probably something darker with pewter knobs to contrast with the walls, which I would love to be a light mossy green. Lots of plants, hanging and in pots. French doors leading out onto a big deck that leads down to the backyard. You know what, I could continue on for every room in the house but then you'd be reading for hours, so let's just end the fantasy now.

4. Would you ever own a minivan?
I have, it was green and for the time that we had it, I loved it. Lots of room for the kids, had that fun sliding door, lots of room in the back. But it wasn't necessarily the safest kind of vehicle for Alberta winter driving so we switched to the Durango. And now I'm driving my Suzuki XL-7 (Suzi), its a crossover (half SUV-half van), which I absolutely love and adore; it has proven itself to be reliable on the winter roads, its great on gas, looks cute and fun and sporty, not too big like a truck or SUV, not too small like a car (though it drives like one, which I love -- sometimes the Durango felt like driving a bus).

5. Do you wash new clothes before wearing them?
I didn't use to, because I liked how the clothes looked all pressed and neat and perfect. But then my bff Christine told me that she read somewhere that the process used to treat the clothes (giving them that perfect look) uses formaldehyde, which can be absorbed by the skin. So now I'm all paranoid and have to wash them. As for 'new' (to me) clothes from Valloo Vallajhe, YES, they MUST be washed! My hands always smell like pee after shopping there from touching all the clothes as I flip through the racks and it traumatizes me! I've learned to bring wet wipes and hand sanitizer on these shopping trips, and I use them every ten minutes or so. I'm sure I look like one of those germaphobes but I literally shudder just remembering the feel and smell of my hands in that place! Ah well, how I suffer for fashion (and low prices!), haha.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Levi & Amber, you are LOVED

As I mentioned in my previous post, Levi and Amber came by to drop off a movie (the just-released Beauty & The Beast disney dvd) and some cookies for the kids. You know, probably just something that is, to them, nothing.

But to me, to the kids, it is EVERYTHING.

As kids growing up, my brothers and I never really had 'relationships' with our aunts and uncles. Sure we saw them at family events. And sure we loved them. I especially loved it when my mom and her two sisters would get together. I would sit there and just watch them interacting with each other, the laughing, the inside jokes, the same sense of humor. And I loved it! I always thought my aunties were hilarious! But I wouldn't necessarily say that we had special relationships, or that they went out of their way to visit and interact with us. And that was fine, because its just the way it was. We didn't know any different. I'm telling you this because the point I'm trying to make is that its not like we had role models, per se, when it came to being an aunt or uncle. No real point of reference there.

So I know that Levi's role of 'uncle' comes from the heart, its REAL; he acts the way he does towards and with my kids because he's just doing what comes naturally to him. As for Amber, I can't say what kind of aunty role models she's had or the impact they've made on her (I DO know that she bawled when she found out her one aunt had travelled here just for the bridal shower!). But I could not ask for a better Aunty for my kids and Amber, I can honestly say that you are going to make one HELL of a mother and I cannot wait to witness first-hand the amazing job you'll do!

Levi and Amber have always taken a very active role in my children's lives. For a while there it was certainly easier because we had regular family dinners and would see each other on a weekly basis. But even when those became sporadic, they still made an effort to see the kids and do fun stuff together.

Taking all the kids (or sometimes just one! And you know THAT was special for that particular child) to a movie. Meeting up at a park to play with the kids. Going for long walks together. Coming over for quick little visits with treats for the kids. Coming to the Westerner Fair with us and then the two of them taking the little ones on the baby rides so me and the boys could do the big rides. Bringing over something that might help with Ard's warts. So many other instances where, just by their INTEREST in them, they've shown my kids how much they are loved and appreciated.

I cannot even begin to express how it makes me feel. I am in awe, I am utterly impressed, I am proud of you both, I am so deeply touched. I appreciate, I marvel, I get a bit teary. And I am just so damn thankful to have two such special people in my life and the lives of my children!

Levi and Amber, you have set the 'aunty and uncle' bar SO high, I don't even know how I can ever compare when you two start having kids.

Maybe I could just be the Crazy Candy Aunty, who brings awesome cool candy???

Update: Wisdom Teeth

I was cocky. I bragged that I led a charmed life. Well, it all came back to bite me on the butt, big time. (Or the TOOTH, as it were.)

Monday I had my post-surgery consult with the oral surgeon, as I reported it was fine, great. That night, I started feeling nauseous and out of nowhere, just started puking my guts out. AGONY. I could feel my mouth trying to stretch wide and I tried, I really did, to keep it closed but puke doesn't care. The body can't help what it wants to do. It felt like something wrenched in my jaw area on that one side and it was like an explosion of the most intense pain I've ever felt.

The nauseous-ness continued on to Tuesday. After that first time, I was so paranoid of my jaw doing that wrenching-thing again that I was frantic to stave off future vomiting episodes. Plus I really needed something for the pain. So I took a couple of percocet and ate a yogurt, hoping the food would calm the nausea that usually accompanies the taking of the percocet. But no, that just fed the fire, excuse the pun.

And so began a vicious circle; puking, taking a pain pill with food and water, then puking it all back out again, and so on. I wasted a TON of my precious percs.

Finally, by Tuesday night whatever 24-hour bug I picked up ran its course. Blessed relief.

Early Wednesday morning: as I'm packing the kids' lunches, I bent down to give Ryder his good-morning-hug and the little DICK (no 'ens' on that one) rammed his big ole rockhead right into my jaw, RIGHT on that one painful spot. On purpose!

I just about blacked out from the pain. I thought what I felt during that first puke episode was the epitome of pain, well. That was nothing compared to this. Instantly I was hunched over, waves of nausea, light-headed, jaw THROBBING. It felt like the inside of my mouth had exploded. Immediately I popped two percs, pulled up my big girl panties, and finished the morning routine of packing lunches, getting breakfasts ready, hustling the kids through their routines of brushing teeth, getting dressed, etc. All on autopilot, all done while waiting for the meds to kick in.

Which they did, for a brief hour. An hour! And then the pain returned. And it was horrific. I wanted to take more pills but I only had two left, so I waited as long as I dared, made it to noon. Took those last two pills with a prayer that the relief would be longer this time. And they definitely did take the edge off but there was still that constant throb.

And what a day for visitors. My cousin Kim called out of the blue and asked if she could come over for a visit as it was her lunch break. I'd mentioned in the past that she should come over for coffee and a chat, so I WAS happy that she took me up on the offer. Most people just say 'sure!' and then you never hear from them. So I said yes, come on over. But part of me was like, 'Really, today of all days?' When I was wandering around in a perc-and-pain daze, looked like absolute SHIT, greasy hair, unwashed body, wearing dirty clothes? Because of the pain, I was in that mood where I just didn't care. And I told her that on the phone, that I was a complete mess, so she was forewarned.

And of course, being a hair stylist, she was dressed all snazzy, awesome hair, looking friggin' GREAT (she's lost at least 20 pounds since I last saw her, I swear!). So we had our coffee and somewhat-awkward chitchat -- being that we don't have a whole lot in common beside kids and husbands and messy houses. Lol! But those DO make great topics of conversation, so it was all good.

Later that night, Levi and Amber stopped by to drop off a movie for the kids and cookies. Levi could tell that I wasn't myself, he noticed it at once just by the way I opened the door! Hah.

So yeah, not a very good night. And not a very good Thursday (today) either. I knew, I knew, that something was very wrong with my mouth. I called the surgeon's office and she said to come in right away and they'd fit me in. Ryder and I arrived at the office and were there probably a good half hour before they called us back to the doctor's room. He took a look and of all the things I'd braced myself to hear (infection, dry sockets, exposed nerve, abscess) it was NOT this:

"There's some food impacted in the site."

Uh, what now? Friggin' FOOD?! You mean to say that the source of all this agony was some bits of G-D food? I felt like a beast, a slobbish pig of a beast!

He assured me that that was very common and it was definitely a good thing I came in because it would have turned to an infection in a day or two. He used a cool little water-pick looking thing, basically a syringe with a long curved tip, to flush the food out and it was GROSS! I was just so, so embarrassed. He gave me one of those syringes to take home and advised that I use it after each meal to keep the site clean. So now I'm paranoid about it happening again and I've been flushing the area constantly.

So yeah. Brought down from my charmed-life pedestal by a piece of food. Niiiice.

And so it begins... *GROAN*

I thought I'd get lucky, I thought it would be at least another couple years before I had to start worrying about this.

What's that saying? Dad would know it off the top of his head, for sure. Something like, "With a son, you only have to worry about one prick. With a daughter, you have to worry about ALL of them."

So Lena came home today and informed us that her friend-that-is-a-boy, Kyler, really wants to be her 'for-REAL-boyfriend'. Thankfully, her response was that no, she only wants to be friends, she doesn't want boyfriends.

PHEW! Good reply, little girl.

Then she told me that she added, "My mom said I'm not allowed to 'date' until I'm married." (Which I DID in fact say just the other day.) I hope the teacher wasn't listening!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Powerful words: "I call it living"

I found this article on a website I frequently browse (Celebitchy), I was going to skip over it because its about Jamie Foxx and I don't like him, but when I saw the content, I paused and then just had to read it.

Here's the link  but the gist of the article, from ET Online (watch the video through their website), is this:

Jamie Foxx on his sister with Downs Syndrome: "I don't call it a condition, I call it living."

We’ve seen Jamie Foxx with his sister DeOndra Dixon on the red carpet but now he’s putting her in the spotlight and opening up about caring for a sibling with down syndrome.

“This little lady right here lives with me along with my other sister, along with my father and my mother. So, we’re one big happy family,” Foxx said while seated next to DeOndra.

On Saturday night, DeOndra and her peers participated in the Be Beautiful, Be Yourself Jet Set Fashion Show where music great Quincy Jones and “Survivor” host Jeff Probst were both in attendance. The event went to benefit Global Down Syndrome Foundation.

The actor couldn’t help but dote on his sister, telling ET, “I don’t call it a condition. I just call it living. … When she loves, she loves. When she’s mad, she’s mad. When she cries, she cries. When she’s happy, she’s happy, but she always tells the truth.”

He said the message of this event was to be yourself and to recognize that there’s “beautiful everywhere.”

Monday, October 4, 2010

Does this mean I'm 4x dumber?

I had oral surgery (I love saying that) last Wednesday to remove my four wisdom teeth. The oral surgeon said three of the teeth would be easy but the one on the bottom had an abscess behind it and was pretty close to both a nerve and bone, so it would be a bit tricky.

Surgery day came, I was "nervous and allergic", but everything went smooth and I was sent home to recover. The pain wasn't near as bad as I was expecting (thanks in part to the wonderful percocet!) but I could've done without all the gloopy blood and saliva. Ewww, TMI! Sorry.

I followed the after-care instructions to the letter. Well, except for the "no smoking" part. I lasted almost a day smoke-free, then thought Screw it and lit up. I figured as long as I was keeping my mouth clean and being careful, I'd be okay.

Then I read in the pamphlet about how smoking creates "dry sockets", whatever those are. Started to worry that I'd messed up my mouth. Still didn't stop smoking, though.

Well, anyways, long story short: I had my post-surgery consultation today and everything is fine! The visit literally took less than five minutes. He said my face looked great, no bruising or swelling. He was surprised because the surgery had been "intense", what with that one problem tooth and abscess. He shone a light in my mouth, looked around, praised me for "keeping my teeth and mouth so clean!", said everything is healing wonderfully, then sent me home! Obviously he couldn't even tell I'd been smoking (because I certainly didn't volunteer that info). So hah! No, but seriously, I'm very lucky because I've heard nothing but horror stories from people about their wisdom teeth surgery.

I tell ya, I lead a charmed life!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Remember my obsession with this?

I was watching The 40 Year Old Virgin tonight (great movie!) and I'd totally forgotten that at the very end, there's an Age of Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In musical number by the cast! So of course, this reminded me of my HUGE obsession with the movie/musical Hair. Had to search youtube for the clip I wanted, and here it is!


I could watch this all day. Seriously. Yes, I'm a dork.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Did you have a pen pal when you were little (or now)? Where were/are they from?

I had totally forgotten until just now that I DID have a penpal, two actually! The school started a penpal program and we could choose one from a long list; I chose a girl from Thailand. I must admit she was better at the whole penpal thing than I was -- she would send me letters with little gifts enclosed, usually origami animals or beautifully decorated bookmarks that she made herself. I was always in awe that she made those things! And her letters were always so neatly printed and full of really interesting things about her daily life. Mine were utterly boring, I'm sure; talk about school and friends, life on an acreage, boys. Maybe to her they were interesting, just because our lives were so different, who knows. I would recieve a letter from her probably about once every couple of months or so. My letters in return were more sporadic, usually when I finally remembered to reply. Bad me! The other penpal I had was from Australia, I think. Only corresponded with her a couple of times then I think we both sort of lost interest. Eventually my Thai penpal quit corresponding, I think because she graduated (she was older than me, obviously), but we had a good two-or-three year run.

2. If you could do a different job for one day, what would it be?
Sometimes I think I'd like to try nursing. This is usually brought on by being on the recieving end of a really special nurse who has made an impact on me. When I was in labor with Gunnar, I had a Scottish nurse who took me under her wing, I was a scared-shitless eighteen year old going through this scary process and she comforted me like I was her own daughter; and yet she wasn't afraid to scold me when I said "I can't do this!" or to give me tough-love encouragement ("You got yourself into this, you can darn well finish it!" and that was exactly what I needed to hear). Something about nurses like that make one think that if you have those qualities of empathy and encouragement, that you could help someone else like that. Of course, then I remember that I don't take demands very well and that people start to annoy me after a while. Nurses are a very special breed and I honestly don't think I have the capacity to be a truly good one.

3. Do you remember your biggest fear from when you were little?
Being kidnapped or else having my mom or brothers die. I used to have nightmares about that all the time.

4. What do you think is a waste of time? Why?
Trying to reason with a bratty kid. I know that sounds harsh, but its true. I always see kids having meltdowns and the parent is practically kissing their ass to get them to behave. I call that a "first-time parent thing", haha. And yes, I do remember doing that as well. When we just had Gunnar and I had it in my head that I would be the best parent ever, I would do everything the child-rearing books said, try to reason with him, calm him down, promise this and that, try to talk it out with him. Once I had more kids, I realized that's all just a waste of time. What a kid in melt-down mode really needs is for the parent to step in, set firm guidelines and then follow through.
In most cases, the child's emotions are raging out of control, they don't know how to process what they're feeling, usually they can't even identify what exactly it is they're feeling. I remember teaching Gunnar the difference between feeling angry, confused, sad, jealous, nervous (remember? "nervous and allergic"?? lol), so that when he did get overwhelmed with emotion, he could use his words to describe why he was upset. So I'm a big advocate of taking a firm hand during tantrums. And I don't mean beating the child or anything like that. I just mean, recognizing that the situation has gotten out of hand, that no amount of talking or reasoning is going to help, and that sometimes you just have to say "Enough!", take the child to a quiet place, tell them you will come back when they have calmed down enough to talk, and then follow through. I do not believe in spanking during tantrums. A tantrum is usually just an overflow of confusing emotions being expressed the only way a child knows how; I would never punish the child for that. Spanking is saved for situations when its called for, like intentionally hurting someone, doing something self-harmful like running into the street when a car is coming, etc.

5. What is the oldest item you have in your closet?
I have a pair of white jeans, size 30, from before I had Gunnar. I remember buying them for the start of grade 12 and they were my absolute favorite pair of jeans. I looked hot in them. So I've kept them for all these years because they're my "one day" jeans. One day I'll be able to wear them again, hahah. I also have a really cute jean jacket from those days as well.