Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The American Idol: Rat Pack show was last night, I didn't know what the contestants would do but was SO excited to see and hear my Adam. I decided not to do a live-blog because I wanted to be able to just concentrate and totally enjoy his performance. He was scheduled last, which makes sense because everyone would just change the channel after he sang. Haha. I kept warning Hubs throughout the show that when Adam was on, I wanted total and complete silence, no snide comments or trying to start up a conversation with me. Just sit there, be quiet, and look pretty, I said. So it was at commercial break with Adam coming up next and what did that evil hubby of mine do? He stole the remote! And wouldn't give it back! Oh, real funny, hardy har har. He changed the channel to hockey and I just about killed him. Then he threatened that he was going to talk non-stop during Adam's performance. Its kind of embarrassing to admit this, but I got so upset that I actually started crying (I KNOW! I told you I was pathetic!). When Hubs saw those tears and realized they weren't fake, he totally caved and gave me back the remote, and promised he'd be quiet. Phew! He's incredibly lucky he did that, because homicide was a real consideration and I would have been that much closer to getting my Adam for a second husband. LOL

So the show started, Adam in his beautiful white suit, doing the strut down the stairs. I can't even begin to explain how crazy and hyper I was throughout the entire song. I'd describe how I was acting but its mortifying enough that I even have this obsession. Seriously, I feel like one of those girls you'd see in the audience when they'd show Beatles performance clips. Screaming, crying, hysterical, fainting. That is totally how I'd be acting if I wasn't so aware of the fact that I am almost 30 years old. With four kids. Who think I am crazy enough as it is. They roll their eyes at me every time I mention Adam's name. Which isn't too often, only about every 10 minutes on AI nights.

His high note at the end that he held for what seemed a full minute, and the absolute control he has of his voice to be able to do that, combined with the run and the low note afterwards (a 'run' is industry-speak for changing octaves up and down)... That man is INCREDIBLE! Of all the performances that night, he was the only one who really "got" what the Rat Pack was all about: the strut, the swagger, the confidence, the arrogance, the playfulness, the 'cool' factor. And I LOVE Simon's comment to Ryan about the stairs. Yes, they belong to Adam now.

There's so much more I want to say about his performance but my mind is all jumbled and chaotic with thoughts and words. That's what this man does to me. I feel sorry for all the teeny-boppers out there who share my obsession. They're already bombarded with impulses, crazy hormones and mood swings. Add Adam to the mix and its like mental, physical and emotional insanity.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Its heeere....

You've all heard about the swine flu epidemic sweeping through Mexico, the US, and Canada. New cases have been confirmed in Israel, New Zealand and Spain. And today I heard that it is now here in Alberta, one case in northern AB and the other just to the south of us in Calgary! The only thing keeping me calm and sane right now is hearing the news report saying that by the time the cases were confirmed by doctors, the people infected were already fine and recovering; and that the strain is susceptible to two antibiotics. Isn't it weird that in Mexico, people are dying by the hundreds, but here in Canada there's been no deaths (not sure about in the US). I wonder why that is? Better sanitation? A less-deadly strain? Who knows.

I was watching the news today, you can't help it, its on every channel. A man at the airport was being interviewed; he and his family were going to Mexico on vacation. His casual reply to the reporter's question "Are you scared of contracting the virus?" just pissed me off to no end. Basically he said the vacation was booked months in advance and the risk wasn't great enough to cancel. Then it showed him and his wife with their two little girls walking toward the boarding gate. WTF?! What an idiot! So, just because you don't want to be out a few thousand, you're willing to risk your family's health, your little daughter's lives? There's a good chance they will be fine, but IF they did contract the virus and brought it back here to Canada, they've now risked our health, our lives. Just because it hasn't killed anyone in our country yet doesn't mean it won't in the future.

And the more instances of the virus that our country accumulates, obviously there will be more people being infected, and the odds that the virus will mutate and grow stronger, deadlier, becomes greater. Why are some people so damn stupid? I have a Facebook "friend" (someone I knew from high school) who is in Mexico right now and she put on her title-thingy "Having a great time in Mexico!" Yet another GD idiot. First of all, doesn't that seem like an incredibly callous thing to say? Oh, hundreds of people are dying in this country but who cares, because I'm having fun! People leaving comments on that were like "I'm so jealous" -- WHAT?! More fuckin' idiots. One person said "Watch out for the swine flu". Someone has a brain, I see. I wanted to put on there, "Don't come back and bring it with you" but I would have been Facebook-lynched.

I've talked to my kids about it, what the symptoms are (the main indicator is a high fever), how they need to be careful touching things like door handles, surfaces, other people's hands. They know about the importance of hand-washing. And I've reassured them that one news report I saw said that the strain is susceptible to two different antibiotics. So they are being cautious, maybe a bit worried, but not terrified or panicked.

You know what's really freaky though? One news report out of the States had an infectious disease specialist and she said how it was just a matter of time before something like this happened. The world has been through SARS (originated in China, from cats), the bird flu (also from China, I believe) and now we have the swine flu (from Mexico). The specialist said what they are expecting in the future is a kind of super-virus that is an amalgamation of all three of those diseases. How terrifying is that? I've said it before and I'll say it again -- the end of days is upon us.

All I can say about everything is: "Don't go to Mexico! And if you've just come back -- quarantine yourself!"

Sorry to freak y'all out. Take care everyone, remember to wash your hands, and above all - be safe.

Make it stop!

What is the absolute worst thing that can happen when you are elbows-deep in raw hamburger, making meatloaf? (Besides getting a suddenly itchy nose, the phone ringing, or having to sneeze or go pee.)


There I was, kneading raw burger, grooving along to U2's Sunday Bloody Sunday. Ryder was in his highchair beside me, singing along, "Ahhhh AH ayayaya aaaaa!" Then it happened, the most horrible thing ever... A Backstreet Boys song came on, that "tearing up my heart" one. Ryder and I looked at each other and he said what I was thinking - "Yuck!"

I started hollering for one of the boys, "Help! Get up here! Hurry! Help!" Gunnar came running upstairs, probably thinking it was a 911 situation, gets to the kitchen panting and worried.

"Hey kid, hurry, its an emergency, change the radio station!"

"You called me all the way upstairs just for that?! What's wrong with this song?" He listened for about two seconds, then dove for the dial. "Yeah, you're right, that song SUCKS! But did you have to scream like there was an emergency?"

"But Gunnar, it was!"

He was not amused.

The best makeup EVER

I mentioned in another post that I got some new makeup, but I just have to tell y'all how awesome it really is. I love CoverGirl's TruBlend line, so I picked up some mineral powder (just a light layer of the powder covers virtually any flaws and discolorations). I debated over the new TruBlend products they have out now, foundations with Olay. But in the end I went with the powder. Its great for summer, so light and fresh-feeling.
I also picked up CoverGirl's Outlast lipstain in "blood red" (as Lena says). The thing I find so cool and unique about it is that you can apply it, and because it really does 'stain' your lips, even if you lick off the actual product (like I have a tendency to do, especially if its flavored, which this stuff is), your lips are still that color. Let me put it this way -- I put some on two days ago, didn't wash my face yesterday (I know, ew right?) and this morning my lips were still red. No actual product on it anymore, all licked off, but still stained red. And yes, I did wash my face this morning. (The pic below is the exact color I bought.)
The next thing I bought was L'Oreal's "beauty tubes" mascara. I'd seen the commercial where it says its like getting lash extensions, so I was curious and a bit skeptical. I've found since wearing it a few times that its not quite what its like on the commercial, but, you guys, it is SO different (and better!) than regular mascara. First of all, it looks very natural, no clumps, and its very easy and simple to apply. Just do the white basecoat, then put on the mascara. It does give extra length to the lashes (just not the 1/2" it seems like from the commercial, haha). But here's the bestest part about it. If you're like me and you have a habit of forgetting to take off your makeup before bed, you know that when you wake up you have clumps, flakes and smears of mascara below your eyes. With this stuff, its nothing like that. I had put some on a couple of days ago, didn't wash my face that night, woke up in the morning with ZERO mascara below my eyes, didn't wash my face that entire day, went to bed that night (so, last night) and woke up this morning with my eyelashes looking exactly the same as when I'd just put it on two days before! I know, right?! All that time with no flakes or smears, it stayed put, and it still looked as natural and fresh as when I first applied it! Think about what that means. You can go on a holiday or camping or whatnot, and basically not have to remove it the entire time and it will still look the same! I am just in awe. Another great thing about it is when you do go to remove it, all you have to do is wet a cottonball, hold it to your lashes for like ten seconds, and it just comes right off. Looks like little black strings on the cottonball. No smears below the eyes. It just wipes right off. WOW!
And the very last product I want to rave about is the Rimmel black nail polish. The thing that makes this product different than other polishes is that is has Lycra in it. It just sets differently and has a different "finish" to it. Its like it hardens to a smooth hard layer on your nails. I don't usually apply a topcoat to protect the polish from chipping, so my nails usually look like hell after a couple of days. With this stuff, you don't even need a topcoat. Its been four days now since I put it on -- no chips, dents, scratches, nothing. Just smooth, shiny immaculate nails.
These products are so perfect for me and my lifestyle. I can put the stuff on, go a day or two without washing it off (not saying I do that all the time, but come on, it gets crazy around here sometimes that I just don't have the time or inclination to jump in the shower. Don't judge me!) and still look "made up". Lena really likes when I wear the lipstain. After I reassure her that no, my lips aren't bleeding, she just thinks my lips are "so beautiful". She's so good for the ego, lol.

Monday, April 27, 2009

ALL NEW: Recipes!

Cooking and baking have never been a major passion of mine, but I've found that over the years I've certainly gotten much better at it. To the point that Lena declares every meal "gourmet!" I don't know about that but even I'll admit that the meals I make nowadays are wayyy better than when I was a rookie mom.

I was in the mood for Chicken Kung Pao tonight and I thought, "Why don't I google some recipes and see if I have all the ingredients?" and sure enough, I did! (Well, not really, I'll explain below.) So with a dash of courage, a sprinkling of hope, and a cup of gumption (like the cooking analogies? lol), I went for it. And the result -- AMAZING! "Better than chinese food!" Ardan exclaimed. I'm so proud of myself.

Here is a picture of what it looks like, from the website where I got the recipe (

And you know what -- it looks exactly like that when you make it! Well, actually, to be totally honest with you, I was missing two of the ingredients so I had to improvise. I didn't have green onions, so I used white sweet onions; I didn't have peanuts so I used sliced blanched almonds. It turned out just as tasty, if not more. The kids are just in awe of me, they think I should have a cooking show on TV. Hah! So here's the recipe, enjoy! (It takes like maybe 20 minutes from start to finish; also I had 2 lbs of chicken so I just doubled everything.)

Ingredients: 1 lb boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1” pieces; 1 tablespoon cornstarch; 2 teaspoons sesame oil; 3 tablespoons green onions, chopped; 3 garlic cloves, minced; 1/2 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes; 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger; 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar or dry cooking sherry; 2 tablespoons soy sauce; 2 teaspoons sugar; 1/3 cup dry roasted peanuts

Cooking Instructions: Step 1: Combine chicken and cornstarch in a small bowl and toss to coat. Heat sesame oil in wok or frying pan over medium heat; add chicken and stir-fry 5-7 minutes or until no longer pink inside. Remove chicken from wok. Step 2: Add green onions, garlic, red pepper flakes and powdered ginger to the wok and stir-fry for 15 seconds. Step 3: Combine vinegar or sherry, soy sauce and sugar in a small bowl. Mix well and add the sauce to the wok. Step 4: Return chicken to the wok and coat with sauce. Stir in roasted peanuts. Heat thoroughly. Top with additional green onions if desired and serve over white rice.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Hangover Sunday

Yesterday was Ardan's hockey wind-up party and as you can see by the title there, I obviously had a blast. The party was originally supposed to be held at the new arena, there's no ice so the kids were going to play floor hockey. Then one set of parents volunteered their warehouse/shop that they have over in the industrial area, so plans changed. It worked out much better because then we didn't have a set time limit of how long we could stay, plus, as some of the moms pointed out, then us parents can have a few drinks! And let me just say, I did not plan on drinking at all.

We showed up around 4:30 and the joint was hoppin', as the saying goes. It was a potluck, so I brought my pasta salad (the only thing that Hubs could eat, with his gluten/wheat allergy). Lena was "so shy" at first, hiding behind me for a good ten minutes, but eventually she chilled out and played with the other two little girls there. They were so cute! One girl's mom brought a case full of coloring books, markers, stickers, and.... glitter glue! Of course, us moms were so busy chatting and whatnot, that we just kind of let the kids do their thing. I looked over at one point and saw that Lena and Kylie were doing "makeup" on each other, using, what else, markers and glitter glue. Kylie's mom was all frantic, scrubbing her face desperately to try to get the glitter glue off. No such luck. So I was just like "meh" and let Lena run around looking like a glittery beauty queen clown. She was having fun so I didn't care.

There was one little incident between Kylie and Lena, and it was friggin' hilarious! At least to me. Kylie's mom wasn't too thrilled, but only because her daughter was the 'bad' one. I guess the girls were drinking water and Kylie up and spit a mouthful of water right in Lena's face. Lena's pretty 'go-with-the-flow', like me, and she just wiped it off. But you should have seen poor Carolynn (Kylie's mom). She was like, "KYLIE!!!" and marched her right outside, where we could all hear the heck she was giving her daughter. Poor little Kylie came back in shame-faced and apologetic, said she was sorry, and the girls were off and running. No big whoop. Carolynn came over to me, sooo sorry for Kylie's behaviour, and she was a little shocked at my response. "Well actually, I'm glad Kylie did that." What?! "Yeah, Lena's been going through a spitting phase, even got me in the face one day, which earned her a smack upside the head. So now she knows what it feels like to get spit on, right in the face. I think this will teach her a lesson." Oh. Oh-kayyy. So you're not upset? "No, not at all! Consider it a learning experience for Lena. No worries." Carolynn was so relieved. Haha. I took Lena aside later and asked how it felt to be spit on ("Not good") and that that is how we feel when she spits on us. She got it.

Lena and Kylie playing tag.

So I had brought some vodka lime coolers to the shindig, just in case, you know. Didn't want to be the only one with no booze, even if I just sipped on one cooler the entire time, at least I wouldn't look like a nerd. I took my time getting ready before the party, too. I painted my nails black (Rimmel polish with minerals and Lycra, in Black Satin, LOVE IT!!!), used my new TruBlends mineral powder, applied my new Loreal "beauty tubes" mascara (that give you the look of lash extensions, don't know about that, but they looked a little longer), and my new Covergirl Outlast lipstain in Wildberry Red. It looks like a huge red child's marker, with thick felt tip, so its like you're 'drawing' the lipstain on. It lasts, like, forever. Seriously, the day I first got it, I still had most of it on when I woke up the next morning. The color is amazing, a "true" red that makes your teeth look brilliantly white, and I knew the red was the exact shade I was looking for when Lena said to me, "Mom, your lips are bleeding!" Hah! I had my new Smitten Kitten shades on, and my skinny pants (the ones that make my legs look superlong and slim) and OF COURSE, my new black studded Ed Hardy purse.

I knew the look I was going for was an obvious hit when the mom's all exclaimed, "You look AWESOME! Like a rocker chick!" Yep, I told them I'd been "Glambertized". Only a couple of mom's got it. One mom was so jealous of my "diamond" encrusted skull-and-crossbones necklace, "Where would you even find something like that?" Hubs got it for me, isn't he great?

So by the mid-point of the party, I'd only had one cooler, had a nice buzz going on but by no means was I drunk. I'm careful about stuff like that when there's kids around. I never want my kids to be embarrassed and ashamed that I'm one of those "drunken moms" that use any excuse to tie one on, even if its a family event. Know what I mean? Well, the coach set up a little game for everyone to play together, basically like a shoot-out between the kids and parents. He would choose a parent to take the shot, and the parent would choose a kid to be the goalie. Then it would switch so the kids would take a shot at a parent in net. Everyone was having so much fun. Ardan was chosen as a goalie for another parent and they blind-folded him. No other kid-goalie had been blind-folded, probably because none of them are amazing goalies like Ard. So it was quite a thing, everyone giggling and "ooooo"-ing. And darn if little Ardan didn't block the shot, with the blind-fold on! It was awesome, I think every person in there gave him a hug or pat on the back or high five. He was loving all the attention.

So then the coach calls my name to take a shot. I wanted to pick Ardan or Gunnar to be my goalie, but they'd each already had a turn so I picked another kid, who was just thrilled to finally get called. I grabbed the stick, got in the hockey stance, and started toward the net.

Now, here's a little back-story for ya, just to explain how what happened next came about. I wore my black knee-high boots to the party, and had to walk through the gravel parking lot to get to the shop. My boots have a tendency to get small pebbles and rocks stuck in the heel, which I then have to pry out. Of course, walking to the shop, I picked up several pebbles in both heels. I was able to get all of them but one out, it was in there too deep. So I just stomped my foot a couple times, to push it in deeper so I wouldn't feel it every step I took. Except it refused to go in all the way and stuck out about 1/4" from the bottom of my heel. So there's the set-up: I had a rock stuck in my heel.

I made my way closer to the goalie, doing some fairly decent stick-handling, and I raised the stick to take my shot, lowered it and smacked the ball a good one. Next thing I know, I'm half on my knees, half on my ass, staring up at the faces of all the parents. Horrified, embarrassed, laughing my ass off, "What the...." My one foot had slid to the side and shot out from under me (that damn rock!) and sent me to the ground, right in front of the goalie. You could say I kind of did the splits. All the kids were laughing hysterically, of course; while the parents were trying to restrain their laughter and show concern for me, even though I knew, I knew!, it had to look funny as hell. As I got to my feet I said to one mom, "Thank GOD I wasn't wearing a skirt", which everyone heard and they all burst out laughing. "I'm so embarrassed! I can't believe I did that! And I can't even blame the coolers, because I only had one!" (At that point, I HAD had only one, it was afterwards that I chugged the second, mostly to drown the lingering embarrassment.) Gunnar later took me aside and told me, "Don't feel too bad, Mom, you were the only Mom who was able to raise the puck." I was? Really? "Yeah, and the goalie just barely saved it, you totally would've got a goal." Even though I fell on my butt and looked like a fool? "Mom, how many other people would've been able to raise the puck AND almost get in in, while they are in the middle of falling down? So you should be proud." And I was. Am. Not of myself. Proud of my wonderful 10 year old who took the time to comfort and reassure his mom, because he was sensitive to her embarrassment and wanted to make her feel better.

The rest of the party was spent chatting and getting to know the parents better, chasing after my littlest one (who was obsessed with "escaping" the shop to go outside and throw rocks at the vehicles, arrghhh!), and eating, of course. One mom had also brought a pasta salad, she was originally going to bring a greek salad, but do you know what she did? She made the greek salad, minus the lettuce, and just added pasta to it. And it was the frickin' BESTEST pasta salad I've EVER had in my LIFE! Cherry tomatoes, sweet pea pods, crumbled feta, chunks of cucumber and REAL cooked ham (my salad also had ham but it was canned, haha!). I ate two big helpings of her salad. But it was weird that whenever I looked at someone's plate, it was my salad they were eating. And I honestly couldn't tell you why, her salad was like a 10 while mine would maybe score a 6. She said that in the summer, they cut up some bbq'd chicken breast and add it to the salad, and that's their meal right there. So that's what I'm going to do from now on, too. The party ended around 8:30, we made plans to get together with some of the parents that we really like, it was just a great time. And I still had two coolers left.

Here's all the kids getting their awards, Ardan got "MVP" (Coach said he also should've got Top Scorer but each kid can only get one award and he thought Ardan deserved the MVP the most.)

When we got home, the kids were exhausted and by some silent agreement, they all went downstairs to the hide-a-bed, turned on the tv and fell asleep together, like little sardines all squished together on the bed. So cute. Ryder was so tired that he fell asleep even before we got home. Hubs took him to his crib, changed his diaper and put on a sleeper. All without Ryder even cracking an eyelid. He was so tuckered out from all the running and playing he did with his little buddy Cooper, who is a month older than him. They were "the little hockey guys", with their Gap hoodies on (that was kind of a weird coincidence) and ministicks, chasing each other and the puck around. Adorable.

With all the children in bed and sleeping, what else was there to do but keep the party going, right? I finished my coolers right away, then that sneaky Hubs of mine started bringing me Jack Daniels & DP. I think I had about two of those. Oh, and over half a pack of smokes. The night is kind of a blur after that, but I do remember us laughing hysterically at something on tv, Hubs convincing me that drunken-blogging is never a good thing (but think how hilarious that post would have been!), falling off my chair three or four times and Ty just shaking his head at me, and somehow managing to spill almost an entire bag of popcorn twists all over the floor. I still ate them of course, just scooped them up off the carpet. The 'three second rule' becomes the 'five minute rule' when you're drunk and hungry. Haha.

This morning was a different story. Not feeling so hot today, oh no. I skinned my knee when I wiped out so that was hurting, not to mention the pounding headache, scratchy sore eyes and stiff muscles. Various other body parts were a bit tender and aching too, but that may be a bit TMI for you. Hah! Oh well, what can I say, drunken sex is HAWWWT. You don't quite remember all the details, but somehow you just know you had a really really good time. So now that I've put those images in your head, I'll take my leave and bid you a...


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sleepy Boy

Ryder got up unusually early a few days ago, like 6am, and was just go-go-go for hours. It was my fault for putting him to bed about an hour before he usually would the night before. Now, on a normal day he goes for a nap around 10:30-11. On this particular day, he started getting cranky around 9:30, so I "locked" him in his room (as Hubs would say) so he could play with toys, without driving me crazy. After a couple of minutes, I noticed that it was very quiet in there. And any parent of a toddler knows that is never a good thing. This is what I discovered when I went into his room to check on him.

What a little angel. My sweet baby boy...

Lena the Photog

My little girl has discovered a new passion for photography. Every day she grabs the camera and walks around, snapping pics. She fills the memory card every time. I've transferred literally hundreds of her pics to the computer, but then spend like half an hour going through them, deleting all the extreme closeups, blurred or fuzzy pics. There was a series of about 30 pics just of the tv screen when her favorite show was on. I've created a folder just for her photos (she was quite thrilled) and these are a few of the best ones. Enjoy!

Look at that dirty little boy, he loves spaghetti!

The beautiful Easter tree that Gramma Dea got the kids, Lena loves that it "looks like a REAL tree!"

This is the other Easter tree that Dea got Lena a couple Easter's ago (she got all the kids their own 'tree' to hang Easter ornaments on, so cute!)

Pabs, the King of the Jungle-known-as-our-house. Enjoying a lazy nap. Like usual.

Punkin, his haywire sister. She enjoys long walks up and down the stairs, quiet dinners in the laundry room, yowling for attention, rubbing against people's legs, and chasing after her brother.

That "shh" above his head cracks me up. Its sooo not Ryder.

Lena also loves "doing writing", using the letters she's learned to make words. How crazy is it that she actually almost did spell a word? Her favorite word to write? P-O-O-P. Kids, eh?

Her beautiful new Princess socks from Gramma Hag.

The kid has discovered the joy of feeding himself, oh yay. Fun for Ryder, hilarious for the kids as they giggle at his food-covered head and body, lovely for Mama when she has to wait an hour for him to be done feeding himself, then the joy of cleaning up the massive mess. The things we do as parents to encourage independence...

The camera-battery charger went missing for three days after this pic was taken. Eventually I found it his closet in the dirty clothes hamper.

His ear looks ginormous in this pic. Must be the angle. Hoping its the angle.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Live-Blogging the AI Results show

I had so much fun last night live-blogging the AI show, and I figure that I might as well do the results show, too. Can't leave you guys hanging, wondering who's out. Actually, Dea's probably the only one who cares. So I'll dedicate this post to my wonderful grandma. (Does that mean I have to tone down my rantings and ravings to something more PG? Awww, that's no fun! But I am who I am, so... rated R, TMI and OMG, here we come! hah)

9:52 - The show starts in less than 10 minutes and I just remembered that I have to rinse out my hair dye. Hope my hair will turn out. Its weird but my roots accept any color, its just the ends that are super-resistant. So when I dye my hair, its usually two-toned. Let's cross our fingers, everyone, and pray for a full head of blond hair....

10:01 - Shoot, I missed the start because I was in the bathroom blow-drying my hair. Okay, so there's a double elimination tonight (because of the "save" last week). Oh, man... *groan*... they're going to do a disco medley, it better be good. Oh, and David Archuleta is going to perform later. He was the runner-up last season. Whatever, I didn't watch last season. Intro to the judges, Simon gets cat calls once more, rolls his eyes this time. So cocky, haha. Paula Abdul is choreographing the dance medley, its showing a behind-the-scenes. Ooo, look at Adam rockin' the moves! Omg, Adam just said he's going to get the sweatiest and he wiped his forehead with a towel. You bet your ass someone is going to sell that towel on ebay for hundreds, no, thousands. Glamberts are obsessed, I tell ya. Paula is quite the task-master. Okay, here they go. Adam's got the moves, baby! Look at that funky white boy go! (He sang that song one week.) They're all doing their own little dance moves now. LOVE Adam's snakey arm movements. Adam's singing now, there's that sexy Adam growl us Glamberts love. Thrust those hips Adam, oh ya! Awww, the contestants just gave Paula a huge bouquet, that's sweet.

10:09 - Commercial break. Gotta get back to my hair! BRB... Man, how disappointing. Why does this always happen to me? Instead of the 'light golden blond' it should have been, I have a head full of light brownish-red-blond hair. Why, oh why can't my hair ever just do as its told? Dammit, I just wanna be a blond! Oh well. At least the difference in color between the roots and ends isn't so noticeable now.

10:12 - Back to the show. Just the guys are on the bench, the girls are still changing out of their dancing clothes. A new Ford commercial with the contestants. Less corny than usual. Aww, Adam is washing a dog! It runs away and he has to chase it. Ryan says Matt took the longest to change because he "had to put on his makeup". Hah! Okay, time for elimination. Lil Rounds is up first and she is: out. Gone. Now she has to sing her disco song. I'm going back to the bathroom while she sings, gotta check out the hair one more time. Maybe its lightened up in the last few minutes! Endless hope, eh?

10:22 - Even after a quick flat-ironing (in the hope that the heat will cause a lightening affect), its still... not blond. Ryan just introduced Miss Freda Payne (sp?) singing a medley of famous disco songs. I'm out of here, one more trip to the bathroom to fuss over the non-blond hair. *sigh* Guess I'll just have to accept the fact that if I want my hair a certain color, it'll have to be professionally done. I'm so cheap, though. But I guess if you're only willing to pay $8 for hair color, you get what you pay for, right? LOL.

10:26 - After a closer inspection, I can say that the ends of my hair are maybe half a shade lighter than they were before. I even left the dye in for 25 minutes longer than recommended! What the hell? This probably never happens to anyone else. Ugh, that stupid disco medley song is driving me crazy. Why would they have the original artists up there singing a song that was a hit for them like 30 years ago? Obviously, their vocal ability is not the same. Its kinda sad. Omg, the guy from KC & The Sunshine Song is singing his song. His voice is so shot, he's all old and balding. I'd much rather be hearing Adam singing "Do a little dance, make a little love, get down tonight". That would inspire some wicked-nice dreams. Instead I have to watch a fat old guy in a flaming red shirt try to do 70s dance moves with his sexy backup singers dancing around him. Is the singing almost over? Yes, finally! Ahh, sweet sweet commercial break. I'm done with checking my hair, though. I'm not beating that dead horse any longer. (That's a saying, you know that, right?)

10:34 - Here we go. Time for another elimination. Kris Allen, please stand up, you are: safe. Good, he deserves to stay. Time for Adam! Everyone is screaming so loud and long, Ryan can't even talk. They won't stop yelling and screaming even while he's talking! Awesome. Ryan asks him about the risk he took changing the arrangement of the song. Adam says yeah, he was a little worried, would people even recognize it, but after reading the lyrics, he realized it didn't matter. Good answer, my sexy future-husband. OH! I said that out loud. (Don't worry, Hubs already knows Adam's going to take his place if he kicks the bucket. Ha ha). So what's America's decision about Adam? "Take a seat, you're safe." OF COURSE, no duh! Danny's turn now. Ryan asks Simon what he meant last night by Danny being 'clumsy'. Simon replies that Ryan is being facetious and would he please get back to the contestant. The audience goes "oooooo". Ryan snarks that Simon is "grumpy". Danny is: safe. Anoop is: in the bottom 2. Good decision America. Allison and Matt both on the hot seat, who is in the bottom 2 with Anoop...? Allison?! What?! Really, America? She is awesome! What the hell is going on here? Matt, the guy who butchered Staying Alive, is safe? I don't know, people, I don't know.

10:45 - Ryan intros "Welcome back David Archuleta", singing 'Touch My Hand'. Omg, he's like 14! No, 12! This is friggin' HILARIOUS! He SUCKS! Wow, how the heck did he make it to No.2 last year? For reals, you guys, this is just bad. Capital B. I'm in misery right now. I had to turn the volume wayyy down. Adam is probably sitting on the bench thinking "I'm a shoo-in if this is what America almost picked last year for their Idol." Nah, Adam is too nice to think that. But damn straight, everyone else there and across America is thinking it. I'm so embarrassed for the little guy. He's trying so hard to sing. Hubs just said, "Definitely a cabaret singer, or a cruise ship." Who knew my hubby was so funny? Hah. Song is finally over. I don't even want to hear what Ryan is talking to him about. Ugh!

10:54 - Down to Anoop and Allison, bring down the lights, good luck to both of you... The second person going home tonight is: Anoop Desai. Allison is safe. Thank God! Anoop has to sing his song now. Time for the 'mute' button. Tyler just said, "See, they have to know they're going home because how would they know what song to sing?" Oh, my sweet adorable Hubs. So not 'with it' when it comes to AI. I explain that they sing the song they sang the night before. "Oh." He's so cute. Okay, song is finally over. Turn the volume back up. I just want the camera to pan to Adam once more before the show ends. One more fix. Please! Nope, not to be, they're showing the "goodbye video" for Lil and Anoop. I really do like Lil, look at her three adorable kids, they're so little. I feel bad for her because she really does have an awesome voice. Poor song choice did her in every performance. Kind of a self-sabotage. Aww, all the contestants are hugging now. Come on camera, show me Adam. Okay, there he is hugging Lil. Damn you Lil, don't you be touching my man.

Show's over, there's the results, buh bye. I'm going to check my hair one more time. Hey, that's cool! AI results tonight, my hair-dyeing results tonight. How would America vote on my hair? OUT!

My little Houdini

Ryder figured out how to escape his crib the other day. I knew that day would eventually come, but I didn't expect it so soon! I should have known, though. That boy is constantly surprising us with how brilliant he is. You can tell him anything and he'll understand you. If I were to say 'Go to your room, get your truck, bring it to your brother, then give me a kiss' - he would do it, all in order. When I ask if he's hungry, wants to eat, or wants a snack, its "YEAHHH! Mmmm!" The other day Tyler came home from work while the kids were all at the table, eating. I said, "Daddy's home!", the kids were like "meh" but Ryder bursts out "OH yeahhhh!" It was awesome.

But back to the crib thing. I had just put him and Lena down for naps, maybe 15 minutes had gone by, more than enough time for them both to fall asleep. But I could hear bumps and bangs and toy noises coming from one of their bedrooms. I assumed it was Lena, since she was pretty resistant to the whole nap idea. The noises got louder, then I could hear the toy noise coming from the hall. "Lena! Get back to bed - NOW!" I peeked into the hall and there was Ryder, sitting on the floor, playing with a toy. "What the...? How? Huh? Lena, did you get him out of the crib? Oh, she's sleeping. Ryder, did you get out of the crib by yourself? Okay, then, show me!" So I put him back in the crib and sure enough, the little bugger had figured out a way. He lifted his little leg up as high as he could, so his toes could grab hold of the top of the side rail. Then he used his tiny muscled arms to pull himself up high enough that he could swing that leg over. He repositioned his arms so that he could get the other leg over and dangle there. Then he let go and dropped those three inches to the floor. DOH!

So nap and bed times are pretty fun now, NOT. After the first few times of putting him to bed and him showing up in the livingroom moments later, I learned to keep his door shut. But then you just hear him banging on the door and yelling to be let out. So now I know that he has to be dead tired before I put him for a nap, so tired that his eyes roll back as soon as his head hits the pillow and the bottle goes in his mouth. Bedtime last night was a nightmare. Four times I had to go in there and plop him back in the crib. That last time, after I snapped and yelled at him, he realized I meant business.

Tyler thinks he's ready for a big-boy bed now. HELL no! I'm not emotionally ready for that milestone yet. Its bad enough that he's starting to do big boy things like feeding himself, walking up the stairs (holding the rail, of course), trying to put on his own shoes, talking real words, singing songs. I'm kind of in denial that my baby isn't really a baby anymore. Getting rid of the crib just might cause an emotional breakdown.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My 1st Live Blog: American Idol Disco night

Those of you familiar with blogger lingo know what a live blog is, for the rest of you its basically what it sounds like. Blogging in real time. I've never done it, never really felt the urge to. But tonight is my long-awaited American Idol night, I've been jonesing hard this last week. And its Disco theme night! Can't wait to see what Adam looks like. I've been dreading/hoping that he'll wear the iconic white suit John Travolta made famous in Saturday Night Fever. Wouldn't that be something to see? Adam in tight white, showcasing his lovely bulge (which I've actually seen thanks to internet pics, maybe if you're lucky I'll post that pic sometime. Be warned: you'll need a shower and ciggie after!)

9:01 - Ryan makes a speedy intro, Simon gets cat calls and he grins. Is that Vince Neil from Motley Crue in the audience? Here come the contestants - holy shit! Adam is wearing a beautiful black suit, no makeup, slicked back hair. I'm seriously drooling. He looks like a giant standing next to Ryan. I think I read somewhere that Adam is between 6'1 and 6'4. *panting* We all know how I feel about tall men. They have big feet. Which means..... big shoes! Heh.

9:04 - Lil Rounds sings Chaka Khan's "I'm Every Woman". She looks awesome in a black pant suit, very toned arms. Randy doesn't like the song choice, thinks it doesn't show what vocal control she has. Kara says she's been waiting for Lil to sing Chaka, but not sure if it was worth the wait. "But you look great!" Nice back-handed compliment, there. Paula gives props to Lil for her vocal recovery (had some sort of voice problem yesterday) but agrees with Paula and Kara. Simon says "no originality, very copy-cat, vocals were a mess, I absolutely believe this is your final shot." Looks like tomorrow night, its goodbye Lil!

9:12 - So many commercials, annoying! Kris Allen is up next. He's kind of a cutie. Never really noticed him before. He's singing "She Works Hard for the Money" by Donna Summer. He's holding a guitar, why?? Playing guitar on a disco song? Weird. Okay, now that he's playing it and singing, it actually works. I like the bongo drums. He's not wearing anything special, a white t-shirt and jeans. Not very disco-ish. He's giving the song kind of a laid-back, acoustic, Caribbean spin. Oh, guess he's actually wearing grayish-green slacks. The audience liked his performance. What do the judges think? Kara can't get a word in, the way the audience is carrying on. She said he took a risk and it paid off, "I gotta give you props". Paula thinks it had a classy Santana feel to it. (That's who I was thinking it sounded like, Santana!) She made a weird comment about Kris shopping for ladies clothes, it starts a little situation with her and Simon, both of them snarking at each other. Paula says Simon shops for women's clothing. Simon just wants her to shut up, I can tell. Simon thinks Kris's performance was original, well thought out, "NOT karaoke". Randy says he knows who he is, he's ready for the big time.

9:18 - Going to commercial. Allison and Danny after the break.

9:22 - Danny Goke is singing Earth, Wind & Fire's "September". He looks blah, same as usual. I do like Danny, he's got a heart-wrenching back story (his beloved wife died of cancer). He has a good voice. I could see him in the top 4 with Adam, Allison and Kris. Paula is standing and grooving along. Okay, yes it is Vince Neil in the audience with some blonde. Must be the wife. Randy says he turned the song into something that really worked for him tonight, he worked it out, baby. Kara says she was kinda worried, like if Simon wore a plaid shirt. What? Kara implies it might not be a memorable performance, though. Paula says Danny chose vocally to show his agility and brilliance, she thinks he has one of the sexiest voices and that women of all ages will agree. Simon pretty much agrees with all that's been said, but he didn't get a feeling of star power, the performance overall was a bit clumsy and awkward. Paula throws in, "See you in the final 3!"

9:27 - Allison Irehata sings "Hot Stuff" by Donna Summer. I friggin' LOVE her husky, deep voice. And she's only like 17! Why is she sitting, no, reclining, on the bright red stairs? Get up, girl. Whoa, what is she wearing? Are those black latex leggings under her short, silver sequined skirt? I like the curly hair. Wow, she can really belt it out. She must've changed the arrangement of the song, though, it sounds different. Randy thought it was a little over-indulgent, didn't like the arrangement, but that she is one of the best singers in the competition. Kara thought making the arrangement slower hurt the performance, but from a singing perspective it was a 9-10. Paula says the last note hit it off the charts. Simon says Allison was the under-dog, but it was a brilliant performance.

9:32 - Adam Lambert after the break! Woot woot!

9:36 - FINALLY, what I've been waiting for all week.... Here he is! GAWD he looks hot. He's doing "If I Can't Have You" from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Putting his own spin on a disco classic, says Ryan. Wow, he is changing it up. Its so beautiful and slow, soulful. Ohman, look at the faces he's making! Sexy smoulder, pained love. He can hit those high notes, shit! Everyone is cheering and screaming for him. He's wearing the coolest pinky ring ever, it goes right almost to the nail. Ack! I can't type fast enough to say all the things going through my head right now. Song ends on a gentle falsetto note. Standing O from Paula, of course. Simon is clapping. Randy says Adam is ready-right-now-dude, he's got it majorly going on, he's a hot one tonight, America! Kara says he's brilliant, every week he ups it, he looks like the guy from "Saturday Night Live" (*snicker* Dontcha mean Fever?! She did that before, said Studio 57 instead of 54) meets Clark Kent. Paula looks near tears. She says he chose to take a disco song and not make it cliche; she felt his pain "like he tore his heart out and wore it on the stage" (might have screwed up the quote there, I'm too busy grinning like a maniac and devouring him with my eyes), he's brilliant and will be in the final. Simon says he would've bet $10,000 that Adam would have done Donna Summer. LOL. The performance was original, the vocals were immaculate, people will remember this. Ryan is so short standing next to Adam! He says Paula was melting into a pool.

9:41 - Matt Giraud after the break. Who?

9:46 - Ryan says Matt is hoping the song is a metaphor for him staying in the competition (the judges chose to use their one and only "save" to keep Matt in the competition last week after he was voted off). Matt is doing "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees. What's up with the weird falsetto he put in there? Tyler says "Holy, this song sucks. Definitely karaoke singing." Wow, listen to Hubs sounding like Simon there. Hah. Matt has the dorkiest hat on, he must be trying to look like Justin Timberlake. Another shitty falsetto. Talk about trying to sound like Adam and it totally backfiring. Omg, I just typed that and Hubs comes out and says the same thing. I tell ya -- soulmates. Matt has a skinny black tie on. Doesn't he know only Adam can get away with skinny ties? More falsetto. The judges are going to rip him to shreds. Randy thinks the song choice and arrangements were bad choices, but that this bunch is the most talented group AI has had. Kara says he brought disco back, brought the groove. She liked his dancing, the vocals were pretty good. "Was it crazy-original the way that Adam's was? NO." Paula thinks this song was a "strike" (as in bowling) and that he deserved the save they made last week. Are the judges insane?! He SUCKED!! Simon actually didn't like that performance, because he's got to get himself out of "Idol land" and into the real world. In the real world, it came across as desperate, no originality, he's not a huge fan, sorry. Yes! Thank you, Simon. I knew I wasn't crazy.

9:50 - Anoop Desai closes the show after the break. You know, during auditions I really liked Anoop and was sad to see him go during Hollywood week. Then they brought him back after another contestant was kicked off for some nefarious reason or another. But he's let me down. I wonder what he'll sing, not that I really care at this point. I've still got an Adam-high goin' on, but its getting wasted watching these losers.

9:54 - Ryan takes a drink from Paula's Coke cup. Anoop is singing "Dance the Night Away". I think that's what its called. Didn't catch the original artist's name. I like the pink sweater vest but the gray suit is ugly. His dance moves are seriously sucky. And he really needs to shave. That last note was HARSH, totally off-key. Randy says he didn't really love this one, because it was kind of corny, but Anoop can really sing. He thinks it was nice, baby, nice. What, really? Kara liked the beat, like it could actually be on the radio. Uh, what?! What is wrong with these judges. Paula says the stubble makes him look fantastic and that real men know how to wear pink. She says he hit that magical tone in his voice, and he should smile more - "You've got beautiful teeth!" Simon totally disagrees with the judges, it was mediocre at best, a horrible version of that song, genuinely his worst performance ever. Once again, Simon says what we all are thinking. At least, what I am thinking. Ryan comments on Anoop's man-scaped eyebrows. What a thing to say.

9:58 - The recap. Love Lil's earrings, didn't notice them before. Oh, there's the bongos again. Danny's dorky dancing. Allison's hair rocks. Mmmmmm, Adam.... Matt sucks. Anoop is boring.

And there you have it, AI is out (remember when Ryan used to always say that? hah), at least until tomorrow night's result show. Hope you liked my 1st ever Live Blog. I had fun. My fingers hurt like hell from the frantic typing, though.

Here, I found a pic on the message boards. (YES, I went immediately there after the show, I told you I'm an addict. Cut me some slack, I needed to talk about the show with fellow Glamberts, its just like after seeing a movie at the theatre!) This was taken just before the show tonight. Isn't he beautiful? *sigh*

“True genius does not fulfill expectations, true genius shatters it."

(That quote is from Paula to Adam, during judging after his Born to Be Wild performance.)

You know that I'm really doing all these Adam posts for myself, right? So I can get my Adam-fix every day, or whenever the craving comes upon me. Well, I wanted to do a post today to show everyone that I'm not the only one with an obsession. I'm going to give some links to the American Idol message board forums, to a few select threads that I've found to be very eye-opening and touching. (A thread is a topic that a user has created for other fans to reply to, I've created about four threads in the last couple days, lol). To give you an idea of the incredible popularity he has, the other contestants have a few thousand threads on their forums. Adam's number? Well, its going on 100,000+.

It seems that Adam's affect on people is massive and widespread. Everyone from tweens, to teens, to young adults, to middle-agers, even "grannies for Adam" (that's a real group formed on the board) -- all these people of all ages, from all walks of life, have something to say about how he has impacted their lives. And its not just all "he's so hot" like you'd expect (although there are millions of comments like that, of course, just look at the guy). For example, one woman left a comment saying that being able to see the sweet, polite, genuinely good-hearted side of Adam enabled her to look beyond her teenage son's own image of pierced-nose-black-nail-polish-mohawk-hair to the person inside; changing the path of anger, confusion, and shame that she was going down onto one of tolerance, acceptance, and love. It was incredibly touching. I'll try to find that comment and quote it specifically, because my words don't do hers justice. (Okay, so after half an hour of searching, I can't find the comment because first of all, I don't remember the thread title and secondly, new threads are added every second, so even though that particular thread was created yesterday, its probably on page 5 by now.)

The first thread I'm going to link to is titled "Adam obsession: A middle-aged woman's ramblings". So many woman in their 40s-50s-60s replied, it was amazing. But the basic theme to all their posts was that, while they can recognize his sex appeal, the main feeling he has inspired in them is a feeling of excitement similar to what they experienced in their youth, that mad rush of emotion that they felt for the Beatles, Elvis, Freddy Mercury, etc. They know, because they've seen and experienced it before in their youth, that we are seeing something truly spectacular happening here, the rebirth of music and the interpretation and expression of it, the re-emergence of a musical talent that understands the importance of "putting on a show" (ala Freddy Mercury, whom Adam is compared to constantly). For years we have been inundated with artists that are created in the studio, reliant on the vocal-perfector machines (whatever they're called). The music all sounds the same, no one stands out, there's no more Kurt Cobains, David Bowies, Ozzy Osbournes that bring about the creation of new musical genres. We've grown to accept this path that music has taken, away from true talent and showmanship. We are used to these artificial artists that rely on background dancers and lip-synching at their live shows to detract from the fact that how they sound live is nothing like their CDs. Yet here we have a man who can bring everyone up out of their seat, screaming with excitement, dancing up a storm in their livingrooms, dying with anticipation each week to see how he will change his image, what song he will perform and make his own, what emotions he will unlock and inspire in us through his interpretations.

But back to the women on the AI thread... They also feel protective of him, because of his background and the struggle he's gone through, its like a mother would feel knowing her child has been bullied. Its somewhat comforting and reassuring to me to know that I'm not the only one dancing around like a nut, pumping my fists in the air, getting hyper because Adam's onscreen and doing his thing.
"Adam obsession: a middle-aged woman's ramblings"

This next link is to a thread that started by quoting something someone said. The original quote was from an older man, a "grandpa" in his own words, who talked about Adam's emotional journey. It is pretty enlightening, to realize that even though Adam's talent and charisma practically screams at you, its taken him years and years to get this far in his career. Adam mostly did musical theatre and cabaret shows, but still dealt with rejection from industry people saying he wasn't what they were looking for. As a kid growing up, he was teased mercilessly for being the way he is, not so much on the gay/bi issue, but because he's a dramatic, out-there (no pun intended) kind of guy. And a lot of people can't deal with that. So from a young age, he had to learn how to look past that, to ignore his critics and tormentors and just be himself, and to be comfortable in his own skin. And despite all the hardship, he's a genuine person; kind, soft-spoken, polite, open-minded, considerate, and above all, incredibly humble. This is a guy who truly deserves the title of the ultimate American Idol. He's changing the perception of what a man is "supposed" to be.
"A grandpa's assessment of Adam's emotional voyage"

One thread was just a link to an article written by Brad Laidman, who writes for BlogCritics Magazine (here's the article). Its a glowing tribute to Adam and his artistry, and includes a couple awesome YouTube clips. One video clip was of the AI Tracks of My Tears performance, which I hadn't actually watched in full until that article. And by the end of the song, I had tear tracks of my own running down my face. When you watch Adam's other, wilder, performances with the screams, growls, lip-curls, hip-shaking, black nail polish, spiked emo hair, dark eyeliner... its easy to forget that he is also capable of stripping a song down to its bare, emotional, vulnerable core with nothing more than his soft, tender voice. No theatrics, no strutting around the stage, no makeup or jewelry, just a man sitting on a chair singing about the aching loss of love. So watching that video gave a new dimension to the Lambertitis I'm experiencing, made me see him as more than a hunky sex god capable of bringing down the roof with his high notes. He creates an emotional connection to the music that we the viewers experience, through him, as well.

On a lighter note, here is one video from the article that is not only awesome in its truth, but pretty cute and funny.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Adam Lampresley

An orb in my house?

Or it could be a speck of dust. What do you guys think?

Lena took a series of pictures and this was one of them (that's why its just an aimless pic of nothing, lol). I only noticed the orb after transferring the pics to the computer. And I can honestly say that even though my house does get incredibly dusty, I've never had an orb in a pic taken inside before. So its kinda cool to think that something could have been there (Dad? Ed?) and only showed itself to Lena through the camera.

Or, like I said, it could just be evidence that my house is dirty and I'm slacking off on the dusting. I'm sure that's what Levi prefers to think, else he'd probably never set foot in my house again. HAH!

Friday, April 17, 2009

I can't stop the insanity!

I can read your minds: Enough with the Adam obsession! Not happenin', people. Its getting worse. I even started my own thread on the AI message boards ("What song are you desperate to hear Adam sing?" - my answer: Hold On by Sarah McLachlan). I became an "official fan" on facebook, left a comment along the lines of I'd give up my vow of no more kids to have your baby, Adam! (HAHA!) I even replied to one woman's comment on Adam's facebook page (she was bashing his alleged gay-ness, spouting religious nonsense); I said "Judge not lest ye be judged". See, I can quote the bible, too, lady.

Its embarrassing to admit but I just spent like two hours online getting pictures of him to save to a folder. I swear, if I was like 14 I'd probably be making a collage from the pics to put on my bedroom wall. Hmmm.... I kinda like that idea!

Anyway, just like the saying "Misery loves company" I figure the same applies to obsession. If I'm going down that path to insanity, I'm bringing y'all with me! Muah ah ah ah! Oh yes. You can't beat me, so you might as well join me.

So I'm going to post a lot of those pictures, but be warned: Any of you 'upright' types may be offended by a few of the more 'flamboyant' ones. (The majority of those type of pics are from various stagework he's done, so don't judge before you know "the rest of the story"). But I just want to say that I actually find his alleged gayness (I'm convinced he's bi, though) makes me like him that much more. His attitude is that of 'I am who I am, take it or leave it' and I admire that in a person. He's comfortable in his own skin, he doesn't hide that part of himself, he's honest yet incredibly laid back (he responded to someone's question about recently leaked photos of him kissing a guy by laughing in the guy's face). Plus, I have no judgement whatsoever on homosexuality so it doesn't bother me in the least. Besides, a guy who's totally unafraid to wear makeup, and the degree of skill he has in applying it, is a total turn-on. If only he could teach me to apply my eyeliner like that! I'm jealous.

But anyway, here's the pics...

Belting it out on AI, I think this was the 'Black or White' performance

Singing 'Mad World' on AI, my 2nd fave performance after 'Ring of Fire'

A guy that wears a scarf with style

Love the tongue here

Oooo, the slicked-back hair, the eyes...

A fan did this one, looks cool

Not sure what song this was but I think it was from Motown week, he's so suave!

Scary sexy

And it burns, burns, burns... the ring of fire

From one of the stage plays he did (I'm jealous of the arm touching him)

Um... Glamazon Drag Queen? He wears it well, though

Zero makeup, no tan, freckles everywhere -- still stunning!

From another play, he looks like a Rock God Pharaoh or something

This is one of the 'leaked' kissing photos (the other two had tongue so I'll spare your maidenly sensibilities, lol) but the Glamazon makeup and waves of purple hair make me think there's more going on here than meets the eye. The other kissing pics weren't as 'obvious' as this one, you know? Maybe this was from a Halloween party and they're just putting on a show, who knows.

I've posted this pic before but its No. 5 in my top 5 fave pics of him so I gotta post it again

This is the album cover from his CD, check out his eyes! *shiver*

Classic Lambert

No. 4 in my top 5 pics


No. 3 in my top 5 pics

LOVE IT! Check out the skinny tie, lol

"You, yeah you, that's right, I'm pointing at you."

It's all about the attitude

No. 2 in the top 5 -- its all about the eyes!

Just finished his AI performance, loving the reaction of the judges and fans

Oh, to be those fingers... heh!

Kind of a Clockwork Orange vibe here (that movie caused me extreme mental scarring yet he makes insanity look good, haha)
He's like, "Pardon? What did you just say to me?"

I really like this one

Getting goth-emo-punk-glam before the show

The classic scroll-down pic, check out the pigeon toes! I feel instant kinship

Oh man, okay, I'm starting to get sensory overload here...

And here it is -- my No. 1 fave pic! In my crazy imaginings, his wrists are bound and tied to the bedpost, he's looking at me with those sexy smiling eyes... heaven! Oops, did I say that out loud? lol
Okay, all right, time to cool down. You are a married woman with 4 kids. You do not lust after a 26 year old emo. That wears more makeup and jewelry than you do. And nicer clothes and shoes. (Doh!) Yes, but his birthday is two days before yours, and you're both Aquarius. All those same Zodiac-al qualities. Ha ha. I'd be happy if he only taught me how to line my lower lid with eyeliner like he does so perfectly.
[Seriously, how does he do it? Can you ladies line your eyes so perfectly? I'm pretty good at lining my top lid (all those hours and episodes of What Not to Wear, the makeup application scenes, finally pay off), but the lower gets all smeary. Or works its way into the little lines under my eyes, lines that I have thanks to over a decade of inserting contacts. Some people make it look so effortless, and its not.]