Friday, April 17, 2009

I can't stop the insanity!

I can read your minds: Enough with the Adam obsession! Not happenin', people. Its getting worse. I even started my own thread on the AI message boards ("What song are you desperate to hear Adam sing?" - my answer: Hold On by Sarah McLachlan). I became an "official fan" on facebook, left a comment along the lines of I'd give up my vow of no more kids to have your baby, Adam! (HAHA!) I even replied to one woman's comment on Adam's facebook page (she was bashing his alleged gay-ness, spouting religious nonsense); I said "Judge not lest ye be judged". See, I can quote the bible, too, lady.

Its embarrassing to admit but I just spent like two hours online getting pictures of him to save to a folder. I swear, if I was like 14 I'd probably be making a collage from the pics to put on my bedroom wall. Hmmm.... I kinda like that idea!

Anyway, just like the saying "Misery loves company" I figure the same applies to obsession. If I'm going down that path to insanity, I'm bringing y'all with me! Muah ah ah ah! Oh yes. You can't beat me, so you might as well join me.

So I'm going to post a lot of those pictures, but be warned: Any of you 'upright' types may be offended by a few of the more 'flamboyant' ones. (The majority of those type of pics are from various stagework he's done, so don't judge before you know "the rest of the story"). But I just want to say that I actually find his alleged gayness (I'm convinced he's bi, though) makes me like him that much more. His attitude is that of 'I am who I am, take it or leave it' and I admire that in a person. He's comfortable in his own skin, he doesn't hide that part of himself, he's honest yet incredibly laid back (he responded to someone's question about recently leaked photos of him kissing a guy by laughing in the guy's face). Plus, I have no judgement whatsoever on homosexuality so it doesn't bother me in the least. Besides, a guy who's totally unafraid to wear makeup, and the degree of skill he has in applying it, is a total turn-on. If only he could teach me to apply my eyeliner like that! I'm jealous.

But anyway, here's the pics...

Belting it out on AI, I think this was the 'Black or White' performance

Singing 'Mad World' on AI, my 2nd fave performance after 'Ring of Fire'

A guy that wears a scarf with style

Love the tongue here

Oooo, the slicked-back hair, the eyes...

A fan did this one, looks cool

Not sure what song this was but I think it was from Motown week, he's so suave!

Scary sexy

And it burns, burns, burns... the ring of fire

From one of the stage plays he did (I'm jealous of the arm touching him)

Um... Glamazon Drag Queen? He wears it well, though

Zero makeup, no tan, freckles everywhere -- still stunning!

From another play, he looks like a Rock God Pharaoh or something

This is one of the 'leaked' kissing photos (the other two had tongue so I'll spare your maidenly sensibilities, lol) but the Glamazon makeup and waves of purple hair make me think there's more going on here than meets the eye. The other kissing pics weren't as 'obvious' as this one, you know? Maybe this was from a Halloween party and they're just putting on a show, who knows.

I've posted this pic before but its No. 5 in my top 5 fave pics of him so I gotta post it again

This is the album cover from his CD, check out his eyes! *shiver*

Classic Lambert

No. 4 in my top 5 pics


No. 3 in my top 5 pics

LOVE IT! Check out the skinny tie, lol

"You, yeah you, that's right, I'm pointing at you."

It's all about the attitude

No. 2 in the top 5 -- its all about the eyes!

Just finished his AI performance, loving the reaction of the judges and fans

Oh, to be those fingers... heh!

Kind of a Clockwork Orange vibe here (that movie caused me extreme mental scarring yet he makes insanity look good, haha)
He's like, "Pardon? What did you just say to me?"

I really like this one

Getting goth-emo-punk-glam before the show

The classic scroll-down pic, check out the pigeon toes! I feel instant kinship

Oh man, okay, I'm starting to get sensory overload here...

And here it is -- my No. 1 fave pic! In my crazy imaginings, his wrists are bound and tied to the bedpost, he's looking at me with those sexy smiling eyes... heaven! Oops, did I say that out loud? lol
Okay, all right, time to cool down. You are a married woman with 4 kids. You do not lust after a 26 year old emo. That wears more makeup and jewelry than you do. And nicer clothes and shoes. (Doh!) Yes, but his birthday is two days before yours, and you're both Aquarius. All those same Zodiac-al qualities. Ha ha. I'd be happy if he only taught me how to line my lower lid with eyeliner like he does so perfectly.
[Seriously, how does he do it? Can you ladies line your eyes so perfectly? I'm pretty good at lining my top lid (all those hours and episodes of What Not to Wear, the makeup application scenes, finally pay off), but the lower gets all smeary. Or works its way into the little lines under my eyes, lines that I have thanks to over a decade of inserting contacts. Some people make it look so effortless, and its not.]

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