Monday, March 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Mama Hag!

Hope you had a wonderful, relaxing birthday on Saturday! We love you too, too much!

Best buddies

Don't mind Ty's butt in the background mooning you.

Lena has been begging me to put this story on the blog, so here ya go...

Ryder and Lena were in the bath the other day and he said to her, "Lena, I love you." Awwww, how sweet and cute, we both said. I asked Ryder if he loved me too (once he gets started with the "I love you"s he has to say it to every person, repeatedly). He looked at me solemnly and replied, "No. Just Lena."

"What about Daddy?"

"No. Just Lena."


"No. Only Lena."



Oh-kayyy. Of course, Lena was just beaming and gave him a huge hug. "Don't feel bad," she said to me, "Ryder and me are best friends, OF COURSE he loves me best!"

Little stinkers.

Roll me over, hockey's over!!

(I know that sounds dumb but it rhymes, lol)
Yesterday was officially Gunnar's last game of hockey this season, yessss!! I suppose I shouldn't be so excited and happy about it but you guys know what hockey season is like for us around here. Its great to have our weekends back! Ardan finished up two weeks ago and what a relief that was, no more lugging around those stupid white jerseys!
Both boys had an amazing season. If I had Ardan here with me right now he could rattle off his exact stats, but I think he scored something like 45 goals, and probably double that for assists. In fact, at one of his last games he was 'scouted' by a guy who runs a prestigious triple-A Novice team over the summer and invited to tryouts. Pretty impressive for a kid who's only played two seasons of hockey!
Now, Gunnar... what a kid. He was good when the season started, and now he is simply... friggin' AWESOME!! Check out these standings from the Sylvan Lake Minor Hockey website:
Points leader for Playoff Standings, 8 points (5 games played, 5 goals, 3 assists, 0 penalty minutes)

Points leader for League Standings, 22 points (19 games played, 15 goals, 7 assists, 16 penalty minutes)

The next two standing stats were taken from the North Central Minor Hockey website, which compiles stats from players all throughout north central Alberta, and catalogues them according to their Tier (a Tier is like what level of play they're at; AAA is Tier 1, AA is Tier 2, A is Tier 3, etc). Gunnar's team, the Sylvan Lake PeeWee A Lakers, is Tier 3.

Notice that Gunnar is the only player from his team on this Playoffs 2 Standings.

Here, he's tied with Shane at 22 points, but once again they are the only players from their team and tier.
So yeah, its been a great, exciting season; both boys continue to improve and grow stronger. However....

Sunday, March 28, 2010

300th Post!

Wow, I'm already at the big 3-0-0! And I almost didn't even notice either. Anyway, here's some vids of the kids at playgroup Thursday afternoon. It was the first time they'd went and they had so much fun. Its at the community center, the gym is divided in half, one side has ride-on toys and the other has bouncy balls and floor mats and climbing setups. Both kids just gave'r the entire time, running and bouncing and pedalling and laughing. Very pink-cheeked and sweaty when we left. And talk about easy nap-time afterward! We went back the next day; I think it'll be a regular thing.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

1. Did you pass your driver's test on the first try?
Oh MAN! Not this question. Yes, I sure did. Whaaaa? I'm not lying! Okay, FINE. As you all know, I failed two times, yes two. The first time because I fudged the parallel parking, right there in the AMA parking lot. I totally hit the cement pilon. Not even five minutes into the exam and it was over right then and there. Talk about embarrassing. The second time I failed because some lady behind me HONKED when I took too long, according to her, to go after the light turned green. And I guess if some idiot HONKS at you that is an "obstruction of traffic", which means instant fail. The third time I took the test was the charm. Doh!

2. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Holy cow, there are so many, how do I choose... failing my drivers test two times; having my skirt fall down while bowling in front of a group of hot guys; accidentally spitting when talking and having someone notice it; tripping and/or falling while walking and someone sees; turning a corner while driving and going over the curb because I misjudged the distance; laughing or having a giggle-fit during a really inappropriate moment; farting in front of someone not family; calling someone by the wrong name; two words: Roy Orbison.

3. What TV show would you like to be on- Oprah, Biggest Loser, or What Not to Wear?
I would totally walk around in the ugliest, nastiest, frumpiest, mom-jeansiest outfit ever if I knew it would net me an appearance on What Not to Wear. I mean, a $5000 shopping spree in New York with Stacey and Clinton?? C'mon!

4. Would you ever get plastic surgery and what kind?
Oh baby, sign me up 'cause I am all about the plastic surgery. When I have reached my goals in the WLJ I am soooo going in for a tummy tuck, and I wouldn't mind a boob lift as well. Perk the girls up a bit. I'm also not ruling out botox or an eye lift down the road, either.
5. What are your favorite jeans to wear?
Sadly, all I have are baggy 'fat' jeans that I refuse to replace with better-fitting ones until I've put a few more miles on the WLJ. But if you were to ask what my fave pants are then I would say my dark olive-greenish-brown pants that make my legs look faaabulous, dahling!

The Princess Tent

Grandpa Roger and Grandma DeeDee got Lena a very special birthday present this year -- a pop-up princess tent! Even though she may not have acted particularly excited when she opened it, you should have seen her when we got home and I set it up! She instantly decided that she would sleep in the tent that night (which she did), so she hauled her little couch in there, some blankets and a pillow, and then she set up a little "office area" (her words) beside the little bed. So cute!

There's the "office area" - a cardboard box is the desk, she's got a pen and writing pad, a zip case of cds, her blue briefcase with coloring books inside, and the best part of all (IMO), the 'lamp' is a silver candle holder with a blue plastic air pump on top, looks just like a real lamp. Too funny!

Of course, Ryder had to get in on the action. And yes, those are yellow post-it notes all over him.

Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!!

Lena the Photog

You Decide...

Gunnar... or Justin Bieber????

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

World Water Day: The Story of Bottled Water

World Water Day is this week (typical me that I don't know the exact day!). I came across this great video by Annie Leonard, who talks about the bottled water industry; how it began and how truly evil it is. Very eye-opening and even a bit scary, to think just how many resources, environmental and financial, are being wasted and abused. The video is lengthy at 8 minutes but it is so, so worth watching.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm a lucky woman

I have the best husband, I really do. Sure he's allergic to housework and is incapable of picking up his dirty socks, but in the grand scheme of life, the 'big picture', its not those little things that measure his worth as a husband and father.

It was a beautiful sunny day yesterday, Sunday, and mid-morning we all decided to go on a family bike ride to the Lion's park (by the cop shop). Hubs got everyone's bikes out and ready, topped up the tires with air, set up Ryder's carrier, while I filled up water bottles. I got the easy job, haha. We had a lovely ride, the little ones played while the big boys went to the skate park, then we all rode back home and had lunch.

After Ryder's nap, Tyler got the kids all dressed warmly (it had cooled down considerably), packed up the truck, and out they all went to the acreage to shoot off some fireworks Hubs had found in the garage.

And what did I do? Though I had a kitchen floor crying to be mopped and an everest of laundry waiting downstairs, my lovely hubby insisted that I "just chill out and relax because you deserve it!"

So I lazed on the couch reading a book and watching tv, enjoying the utter peace and quiet, sending up silent thanks for the man I married.

WLJ: Weigh-in time

One good thing about 'putting it all out there' is that you are then held accountable, by yourself if not everyone else. And so in keeping with that, when I do my monthly weigh-in, I will post those results. Not the actual number I'm at, but just pounds and inches lost.

Now, to be honest with y'all, I hit a wall a while back, sort of a black funk mood that hung around for close to a month. I started the WLJ back in mid-January and was doing really well, until the first week of February when I got sick for about four days. After the sickness passed is when the black mood hit, and it was like I had no desire or motivation to keep up with the WLJ. So for three weeks I was a lazy bum and didn't do my workouts. When March rolled around, I gave myself a swift kick in the ass and got back on track with the Turbo Jam and eating healthy. But those three weeks set me back right to the beginning. Which is incredibly frustrating when it came time to weigh-in and do the measurements!

So, as a result, I have lost ZERO pounds. BUT... when it comes to inches, I have lost one inch around each upper thigh, and one inch around my hips. Whoopdy-doo, but its a start.

My goals for next month's weigh-in are to have lost at least 10 pounds, be down 2-3 inches around my waist/hips, and half an inch around my biceps. So we'll see how that goes, cross your fingers...!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Staying motivated

Losing weight. Its kind of like being on a long and winding, at times depressing, road, where the light at the end of the tunnel is there, but sometimes it seems like you won't ever see it. The key is to get, and STAY, motivated.

A person always starts something with great intentions, energy and enthusiasm; staying with it, going the distance, is the real challenge. Its hard enough working towards a goal that is short-term, even with the gratification of seeing immediate results. When its a long-term goal, that requires an actual change in lifestyle, where you may not see results for a long time, and its just your own dedication and commitment that keeps you going... how does a person do it?

Its kind of like that commercial where it shows a guy surfing and its says "Step 1,056", then it shows him eating some healthy cereal and that is "Step 1". My ultimate goal to be a certain weight, a certain dress size, is like 100,000 steps from where I'm at now (feels that way sometimes!) and so that is what I have to remind myself. Every day that I work toward my goal, every workout that I complete, every healthy meal, puts me that much closer.

Baby steps, right? If it can work that way with quitting smoking (which I still struggle with), then it can be applied for other willpower-reliant goals. Its all about the baby steps...

Friday, March 19, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life
1. Have you ever had a celeb sighting?
I was sitting here pondering this question and I honestly couldn't think of any celebs I've spotted; I asked the kids and Gunnar said to me, "What about at the concerts you've been to?" What a brilliant child, he thinks outside the box. So yes, I have seen the Red Hot Chili Peppers, System of a Down, The Tea Party, and Our Lady Peace.

2. What temperature do you keep your house?
I have split personalities when its comes to the house temperature. Sometimes it seems unbearably hot and stuffy so I crank down the digital thermostat to the 60s (yes, its in Fahrenheit) or else I switch it off completely. Then an hour or so later I'll be shivering and covered in goosebumps and I'll jack it up a few degrees. Although lately, I just grab a sweater or blanket -- our heating bills lately have been outrageous! But anyway, I have the thermostat programmed so about 3-4 times a day, at certain times like right before I wake up, the heat will come on for a bit (at about 70F), get the house nice and toasty, then it'll go back down.

3. Do you notice dust at other peoples homes?
Sometimes, if its very noticeable. But not usually.

4. What's the worst job you ever had?
Massaging lotion into my dad's feet. Oh, wait, you mean a real job? Hmmm. I haven't had that many jobs; I babysat, did mail-outs for my dad's friend, worked the till at A&W, very very briefly worked at Toys R Us, waitressed at the Red Deer Lodge, then did the classifieds at the Red Deer Advocate. I enjoyed working at each and every place, some more than others obviously, but I've never thought Oh, that place was the worst! So I'll rephrase it, the job I'd prefer never to have to do again is... fast food service. The rank smell of the grease, you just don't forget that.

5. What is your most sentimental possession?
My wedding band set. It was Leah's, Tyler's mother, and when she passed it was held for him for his own future wife. When he decided to propose to me, he had to get the ring from his sister first, so all his family knew what was coming. Of course, they all loved and adored me already for the miraculous influence I'd had on Ty. The rings are a little too tight for my finger and have been for a while, but once the WLJ kicks in they'll fit and I can proudly wear them once again.

Someone needs to learn this trick for parties

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wavin' Flag: Young Artists for Haiti

P.S. The young kid singing at the very end, Justin Bieber, bears a striking resemblence to a certain young Kasha kid, and when I pointed this out I just about got my head ripped off: "I do NOT look like him! NEVER say that again!!" Oh-kayy. So, me being the shit disturber Simcoe-at-heart I am, called Gunnar out to the kitchen this morning, "Your favorite song is on!". He came to listen and when he heard Justin Bieber singing 'One Less Lonely Girl', he shot me the dirtiest look you've ever seen. Muahahaha!

Stupid chocolate

Well, I've got the working-out part down, now to work on my friggin' willpower! Which is like non-existent. Dang! I do so good during the day, get my workout done, drink water, eat healthy... its that late-night boredom that gets me every time. So I'll say it to myself once more, "Today will be different, today I will have the strength and willpower to resist!"

Now if I could just get Hubs to stop bringing home chocolate treats...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
Oooo, this could be an embarrassing question. To be honest, there have been times when I got too involved in blogging or whatever and didn't realize the time and was like, "Ohholycrap, I just spent five hours online!" but those are few-and-far-between, and usually done when mom has the kids or something and I'm alone. On an average day though, I start up the computer the very nanosecond the boys leave for school, park the little ones in front of Looney Tunes, and spend about 1-2 hours online (reading and responding to email, doing online banking, browsing my fave sites, and just generally wasting time and procrastinating doing housework). Then I'll get my ass in gear, do some laundry, tidy up downstairs, dishes, vacuum, tidy bedrooms, more laundry, make snacks or lunch, etc etc. Ryder goes down for a nap, I get a workout in, then shower. Then I just putter or read or take a nap, whatever. The boys come home, we get started on chores/afterschool snack/homework/doing papers/hockey practice/getting supper ready/whatever is on the agenda for that particular night. Then, when supper is done, the boys have done their supper chores (they all clear the table, Lena puts condiments back in the fridge, Ardan wipes the table, Gunnar sweeps the floor, I supervise, hah) and the kids have scattered downstairs or out to the livingroom to do whatever, Tyler's on the couch "just resting his eyes", then I will get back online for another couple hours.
So there you have it, an extremely long and detailed itinerary of my average day, just to answer a simple question where I could have just said "about four hours" but instead chose to bore y'all to tears with the utter repetitiveness of my daily life. You're welcome.

2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
Aww shite. You mean I have to actually think about this instead of tucking it away in the far recessed corners of my mind where it can join the many other things I'm in denial about?? *sigh* Hmmm, lets do the math here. Four children + four college or university tuitions + winning the lottery = sure! No, we're raising our kids with the full knowledge that we will help however much we can (we have a few accounts set up for that sort of thing) but ultimately it will be something that their hard work and ambition will be responsible for.

3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
One time, a few years ago in Red Deer. A lady turned left in front of us, Ty was driving the Durango, she must've thought she had enough time but CRUNCH! Ty saw it coming and slammed on the brakes but still, the sound and feel of that impact will always remain with me. Kids were all okay, so were we, the Durango had some front fender and undercarriage damage but was able to be driven home, the other lady was physically fine, so it wasn't too bad. Now, if that question had been asked to Tyler, that's a whole 'nother answer! Haahaha, it'd be more like somewhere in the double digits, poor guy!

4. What is your favorite book?
I'm an equal-opportunity kind of gal, I don't discriminate when it comes to individual books. There is no definite or specific answer I can give to that question because I am such a voracious reader, I just love books and reading. So it becomes more of a thing with me where I fall in love with a certain series of books, and right now I am all about the Immortals After Dark series by Kresley Cole (werewolves and valkyries and vampires, ohmy!) and the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost (also the spinoff series by the same author, called Night Huntress World, where secondary characters get their HEAs). Seriously, you guys should check out this new series, it is so great! Tyler got me the first book for my birthday and then for Valentine's day he got me the next three! Serious thank-you nookie that night, let me tell you, HAH! TMI, I don't care. The books are from a first-person pov (you know, I did this, I did that), which I usually detest because I like books where the story is told from both the woman AND man's perspective, but in these books it works because the main character is such a, well, character! Her name is Catherine, called Cat, and she is the world's only half-vampire/human (her vamp dad raped the mother, Cat was born, yadda), and at the age of 16 she began her vamp slaying career. The first book starts with her at age 22 being kidnapped by Bones, a hawwttt vampire bounty hunter who happens to have a wicked "blimey" English accent, luv it. He trains her to be a vampire-slaying machine and they team up to go after vamp bad-guys. Its obvious to the reader that Bones fell in love with her on sight but she doesn't clue in until halfway through the book, then she has to wrestle with her own mental demons before she can reciprocate. The next three books just get better and better.

5. Do you make your bed everyday?
No. Maybe if I'm feeling energetic or Martha-like. I like the look of a mussed bed, it brings back happy memories. ;P