Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hydrogen Peroxide: Did you know?? (UPDATE)

2ND UPDATE: Okay, so Aunt Stephanie commented on facebook that she and Uncle Kirk have been doing H202 therapy for a while now and they feel amazing. What a relief, to hear from someone with first-hand knowledge, someone I know and trust, that this stuff really works. Hey, if its good enough for the 'Witch Doctor', its good enough for me. (But I'd still suggest people do research and know what they're getting into!)

UPDATE: One of my facebook friends, who is a nurse, pointed out to me (after I posted a status praising H202 therapy) that I should really do a lot of in-depth, reputable research before trying this, as H202 can be very dangerous at higher percentages. I knew this from reading that article, but I did what she said and researched a bit more. It IS a little scary to read that H202 can melt the skin right off your body! When handling the 35% food-grade peroxide, one has to wear protective glasses, gloves, be in a well-ventilated room, ALONE, making sure not to spill even one drop. And that if you don't get the dilution-concentration just right, it can result in brain damage, ulcers, damage of the esophageal and stomach linings, and many more not-nice things. So I felt a little irresponsible, doing a blog post making it seem like a miracle-drug without fully listing all the 'cons'. In doing my research, I did come across many first-hand accounts of how H202 therapy does help (one guy in particular used it to treat cluster headaches and they disappeared within days). But I would definitely, HIGHLY recommend you do the research as well if interested and make your decision based on your own opinions, not just what you've read here on the blog.

Lena came home from school yesterday complaining of a splitting headache. When asked how long she'd had it for, she said "All day." Poor little girl suffered with it all day at school and didn't say a word to her teacher! I would have picked her up in an instant. But anyway, I gave her a couple of children's Tylenol and a cold cloth for her forehead and she laid on the couch in a nest. I checked on her and she had a raging fever! Soon after came the sore throat. I thought to myself, Uh oh. This is how the H1N1 started last year, severe headache, fever, sore throat, next comes the stomach cramps. And sure enough, within half an hour she had a wicked stomach ache. She was just in misery. The tylenol wasn't working, the fever was raging, and her headache just got worse. She could barely swallow, her throat hurt so bad. And the cramps had her groaning in pain every few minutes. I braced myself for dealing with whatever strain of flu this was, riding it out over the weekend, and praying no one else would pick it up.

About an hour later, after listening to her groans and sobs of pain, out of sheer desperation I started google searching. And lo and behold, came across the video above. Went down to the laundry room to get the bottle of peroxide (its the only thing I use for stain removal), there was just barely enough left to do what the doctor suggested: pour one capful into the ear (with head laying sideways on a pillow), let it sit for 2 minutes, then repeat with the other ear. I was sceptical, but hopeful. And to see the nonstop bubbling action going on, I knew something had to be happening.

Results were not instant. In fact, I didn't think it was going to work at all. By that time the tylenol had worn off (not that it helped with the pain or fever anyway) and she flat-out refused to take more. So I settled her on the couch watching a show. After about 45 minutes, I asked how she was feeling. "Way better!" She was surprised. Sure enough, I felt her forehead... fever gone. Asked about the headache and sore throat... gone. Stomach cramps... gone. It was like a miracle! Any experience I've had with the flu, in myself and others, is that once it starts there's no stopping it until its run its course. So this was just amazing. She woke up this morning (after a full night's sleep, which never happens when they're sick, its always 'Mooommmmmyyy' every ten minutes, am I right?) and she was completely fine! I was, and am, dumbfounded.

I have no idea how or why this simple trick works, what the science is behind it, but I'm just floored. And so I did some google research and look at what I found:

From the site, and I would definitely recommend reading the article in its entirety, as I've only copied certain parts:

When exposed to other compounds hydrogen peroxide dismutates readily. The extra oxygen atom is released leaving H20 (water). In nature oxygen (02) consists of two atoms--a very stable combination. A single atom of oxygen, however, is very reactive and is referred to as a free radical. Over the past several years, we've continually read that these free radicals are responsible for all types of ailments and even premature aging. What many writers seem to forget, however, is that our bodies create and use free radicals to destroy harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. In fact, the cells responsible for fighting infection and foreign invaders in the body (your white blood cells) make hydrogen peroxide and use it to oxidize any offending culprits. The intense bubbling you see when hydrogen peroxide comes in contact with a bacteria-laden cut or wound is the oxygen being released and bacteria being destroyed. The ability of our cells to produce hydrogen peroxide is essential for life. H202 is not some undesirable by-product or toxin, but instead a basic requirement for good health.

Newer research indicates we need hydrogen peroxide for a multitude of other chemical reactions that take place throughout the body. For example, we now know that vitamin C helps fight infections by producing hydrogen peroxide, which in turn stimulates the production of prostaglandins. Also lactobacillus found in the colon and vagina produce hydrogen peroxide. This destroys harmful bacteria and viruses, preventing colon disease, vaginitis, bladder infections and a host of other common ailments. (Infect Dis News Aug.8,91:5). When lactobacillus in the colon or vaginal tract have been overrun with harmful viruses, yeast, or bacteria, an effective douche or enema solution can be made using 3 tablespoons of 3% H202 in 1 quart of distilled water. Keep in mind, however, that a good bacterial flora must always be re-established in theses areas to achieve lasting results.

While we are discussing enemas and douches, there is another misconception about H202 I need to address. The friendly bacteria in the colon and vagina are aerobic. In other words, they flourish in high oxygen environments and thrive in the presence of oxygen rich H202. On the other hand, most strains of harmful bacteria (and cancer cells) are anaerobic and cannot survive in the presence of oxygen or H202.

Let's look at several conditions that seem to respond especially well to H202 therapy. First, keep in mind that there are two methods of administering the peroxide-1) orally and 2) intravenously. While most conditions respond remarkably to oral ingestion, emphysema is one condition in which intravenous infusion can be a godsend. Emphysema involves destruction of the alveoli (the small air sacs in the lungs). Although chemical fumes and other irritants can cause the destruction, it is most often the result of smoking. As the disease progresses, the patient finds it more and more difficult to breathe. A wheel chair and supplemental oxygen become necessary as the disease progresses. Lack of adequate oxygen reaching the tissues forces the heart to pump more forcefully. This leads to high blood pressure, enlargement of the heart itself and eventually heart failure. Conventional medicine offers little help for emphysema. There is no cure. The best that can be hoped for is symptomatic relief and the prevention of any serious complications that might result in death. H202 therapy can offer more. Using 1 ounce of 35% peroxide per 1 gallon of non-chlorinated water in a vaporizer improves nighttime breathing tremendously. But intravenous infusion holds the real key to relief. It has the ability to cleanse the inner lining of the lungs and restore the ability to breathe.

We continue to hear the same story from Dr. Farr and others who use intravenous infusion for emphysema and congestive lung problems. Within minutes oxygen from hydrogen peroxide begins to bubble up between the membrane lining the lungs sacs and the accumulated mucus. (Dr. Farr refers to this as the "Alka-Seltzer effect.") The patient begins to cough and expel the material that has accumulated in the lungs. The amount of bubbling, coughing, and cleansing can be regulated by simply turning the H202 on and off. As the peroxide clears the lung surface and destroys the bacterial infections, the patient regains the ability to breath more normally. We continue to receive reports from patients for whom the technique has improved breathing so much that a wheelchair and supplemental oxygen are no longer needed.

If emphysema were the only ailment successfully treated with H202 therapy, it would still rank as one of the top health discoveries of all time. Fortunately, H202 works wonders on a multitude of health problems. It does so by increasing tissue oxygen levels. A closer look at how we have decreased the availability of external and internal oxygen, will show you just how important this can be.

It's obvious that our oxygen needs are not being met. Several of the most common ailments now affecting our population are directly related to oxygen starvation. Asthma, emphysema, and lung disease are on the rise, especially in the polluted metropolitan areas. Cases of constipation, diarrhea, intestinal parasites and bowel cancer are all on the upswing. Periodontal disease is endemic in the adult population of this country. Cancer of all forms continues to increase. Immune system disorders are sweeping the globe. Chronic fatigue, "Yuppie Flu" and hundreds of other strange viral diseases have begun to surface. Ironically, many of the new "miracle" drugs and nutritional supplements used to treat these conditions work by increasing cellular oxygen (oftentimes through H202 formation). For example, the miracle nutrient, Coenzyme Q10, helps regulate intercellular oxidation. Organic germanium, which received considerable publicity not too long ago, also increases oxygen levels at the cellular level. And even substances like niacin and vitamin E promote tissue oxidation through their dilation of blood vessels.

The following is only a partial listing of conditions in which H202 therapy has been used successfully:

Altitude Sickness
Herpes Simplex
Herpes Zoster
HIV Infection
Insect Bites
Bacterial Infections
Liver Cirrhosis
Lupus Erythematosis
Multiple Sclerosis
Parasitic Infections
Cardiovascular Disease
Cerebral Vascular Disease
Periodontal Disease
Chronic Pain
Diabetes Type 11
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Diabetic Gangrene
Diabetic Retinopathy (blindness)
Digestion Problems
Sore Throat
Epstein-Barr Infection
Viral Infections
Food Allergies
Fungal Infections
Yeast Infections

Grades of Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is available in various strengths and grades.

A) 3.5% Pharmaceutical Grade: This is the grade sold at your local drugstore or supermarket. This product is not recommended for internal use. It contains an assortment of stabilizers which shouldn't be ingested. Various stabilizers include: acetanilide, phenol, sodium stanate and tertrasodium phosphate.

B) 6% Beautician Grade: This is used in beauty shops to color hair and is not recommended for internal use.

C) 30% Reagent Grade: This is used for various scientific experimentation and also contains stabilizers. It is also not for internal use.

D) 30% to 32% Electronic Grade: This is used to clean electronic parts and not for internal use.

E) 35% Technical Grade: This is a more concentrated product than the Reagent Grade and differs slightly in that phosphorus is added to help neutralize any chlorine from the water used to dilute it.

F) 35% Food Grade: This is used in the production of foods like cheese, eggs, and whey-containing products. It is also sprayed on the foil lining of aseptic packages containing fruit juices and milk products. THIS IS THE ONLY GRADE RECOMMENDED FOR INTERNAL USE. It is available in pints, quarts, gallons or even drums.

G) 90%: This is used as an oxygen source for rocket fuel.

Only 35% Food Grade hydrogen peroxide is recommended for internal use. At this concentration, however, hydrogen peroxide is a very strong oxidizer and if not diluted, it can be extremely dangerous or even fatal. Any concentrations over 10% can cause neurological reactions and damage to the upper gastrointestinal tract. There have been two known fatalities in children who ingested 27% and 40% concentrations of H202. Recently, a 26 month old female swallowed one mouthful of 35% H202. She immediately began vomiting, followed by fainting and respiratory arrest. Fortunately, she was under emergency room care and although she experienced erosion and bleeding of the stomach and esophagus, she survived the incident. When she was re-examined 12 days later, the areas involved had healed (J Toxicol Clin Toxicol 90;28(1):95-100).

35% Food Grade H202 must be
1) handled carefully (direct contact will burn the skin--immediate flushing with water is recommended).
2) diluted properly before use.
3) stored safely and properly (after making a dilution the remainder should be stored tightly sealed in the freezer).

One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% H202 is from a small glass eye dropper bottle. These can be purchased at your local drugstore. Fill this with the 35% H202 and store the larger container in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until more is needed. Store the eye dropper bottle in the refrigerator. The generally recommended dosage is outlined in the chart below. The drops are mixed with either 6 to 8 ounces of distilled water, juice, milk or even aloe vera juice or gel. (Don't use chlorinated tap water to dilute the peroxide!)

Suggested Protocol
The program outlined is only a suggestion, but it is based on years of experience, and reports from thousands of users. Those who choose to go at a slower pace can expect to progress more slowly, but that certainly is an option. The program is not carved in stone and keep in mind that it can be adapted to fit individual needs. Individuals who have had transplants should not undertake an H202 program. H202 stimulates the immune system and could possibly cause a rejection of the organ.

Day # -Number of Drops/ Times Per Day
1 - 3 / 3
2 - 4 / 3
3 - 5 / 3
4 - 6 / 3
5 - 7 / 3
6 - 8 / 3
7 - 9 / 3
8 - 10 / 3
9 - 12 / 3
10 - 14 / 3
11 - 16 / 3
12 - 18 / 3
13 - 20 / 3
14 - 22 / 3
15 - 24 / 3
16 - 25 / 3

Maintenance Dosage
In most situations after the above 21 day program, the amount of H202 can be tapered off gradually as follows:

25 drops once every other day for 1 week
25 drops once every third day for 2 weeks
25 drops once every fourth day for 3 weeks

This can then be reduced to between 5 and 15 drops per week based on how one feels. Those with more serious problems will often benefit from staying on 25 drops three times a day for one to three weeks, then tapering down to 25 drops two times daily until the problem is resolved (possibly as long as six months). Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. It is important that H202 be taken on an empty stomach. This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. If there is food in the stomach, the reaction of H202 on any bacteria present may cause excess foaming, indigestion, and possibly even vomiting. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). The bleach-like aftertaste of H202 can be lessened by chewing one of the sugar-free cinnamon gums. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. This is probably due to a sense of alertness triggered by an increase of oxygen at the cellular level. The oral dosage schedule is basically the same for all conditions. There are several points to keep in mind, however.

Some individuals may experience upset stomach. If this occurs it is recommended that one not stop the program, but rather remain at the current dosage level or reduce it to the previous level until the problem stops. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202.) During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. As dead bacteria and toxins are released from your body it may temporarily exceed your capacity to eliminate them quickly enough. In some individuals this overload may cause fatigue, diarrhea, headaches, skin eruptions, cold or flu-like symptoms, and/or nausea. One should not discontinue using the peroxide to stop this cleansing. By continuing the program, toxins will clear the body sooner and this healing crisis will pass rather quickly.

If you are not already taking vitamin E and an acidophilus product, I recommend starting them before going on H202. Vitamin E can make more efficient use of any oxygen available and acidophilus will help re-establish the beneficial bacterial flora in the lower bowel and also help in the internal production of hydrogen peroxide.

Making and Using 3% Solutions of H202
A 3.5% solution can be made quite easily by first pouring 1 ounce of 35% H202 into a pint jar. To this add 11 ounces of distilled water. This will make 12 ounces of 3.5% H202. 3.5% H202 has a variety of medicinal uses.

1. Three tablespoons mixed with a quart of non-chlorinated water makes a good enema or douche formula.

2. It can be used full strength as a mouthwash or mixed with baking soda for toothpaste.

3. It can be used full strength as a foot bath for athlete's foot. (Diabetics have found relief from circulation problems by soaking their feet in 1 pint of 3% peroxide mixed with 1 gallon of warm, non-chlorinated water for 30 minutes nightly.)

4. A tablespoon added to 1 cup of non-chlorinated water can be used as a nasal spray. Depending on the degree of sinus involvement, one will have to adjust the amount of peroxide used. I have seen some who can use it at the full 3% strength and others who had difficulty with using a few drops and mixed with a cup of water.

5. 3.5% H202 can be added to pets drinking water at the rate of 1 ounce per quart of non-chlorinated water. Sick cattle reportedly benefit from 1 pint (of 3%) to each 5 gallons of water. (Chickens and cows have remained healthy by using 8 ounces of 35% H202 per 1,000 gallons of drinking water.)

Friday, January 28, 2011

Coo-Coo Corner

I realize that many of you think I'm off my rocker because of certain viewpoints I have. And that's alright with me. Not everyone can be expected to think the same. But even with that being the case, you have to admit that there are certain things going on in the world that the public should be made aware of. Things that we have a right to know about. Things that the governments and world leaders would rather we didn't know about. Call it 'conspiracy theories' if you want, but it seems obvious that we at least deserve to KNOW, and base our opinions on what we've learned.

And so I present to you these videos, with the intention of hopefully opening some eyes and increasing awareness of what is really going on around us.

(I've taken care to only pick videos I feel have truth in them, and trust me, I had to wade through tons filled with baseless rants and flat-out lies.)

This will be a continuing series of posts... PLEASE, I ask you to watch with open minds and not write these off as loony-bin material. (Don't worry, its nothing to do with aliens and 2012. No, these are much more scary, because this is real-life, real-time stuff we were never meant to know about.)

This white girl can't dance

An early-morning call from Mom inspired me to get my butt in motion this morning, so there I was, downstairs in front of the giant tv, sweatin' my butt off to Shaun T's HipHop Abs Fat-Burning Cardio routine. And ohhhh man, I am so uncoordinated, its not even funny!

Trying to do the tuck/tilt/breathe while bouncing around, arms pumping, moving side to side. I could barely coordinate my arms and legs just doing the basic march-step. Every once in a while I'd catch my reflection in the china cabinet glass doors and just shudder.

This white girl can't dance.

(BUT-- I can sweat, a lot, and afterwards felt great so I know it was a good workout.)

Five Question Friday

1. If you had $1,000 to donate to a charity, which would you choose?
Probably the Canadian Cancer Society, the Canadian Diabetes Association, or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

2. Snow days: Do you welcome them happily or are they a pain in your butt?
I heartily welcome them! It means not having to make school lunches, everyone gets to chill out, relax and watch cartoons, the little ones have their older brothers at home to play with (and keep them occupied!), and I feel relieved that my kids aren't being driven to school in big old cumbersome busses on icy slick roads.

3. What talent did you wish you had and why?
I wish I could sing. I mean, I do sing, all the time (much to the dismay of the kids, I'm sure) because I just can't stop myself when a good song comes on. But it would be nice to have a strong, lovely singing voice.

4. Are you a news, politics or celebrity gossip junkie?
Embarrassing to admit, but I'm a celebrity gossip junkie.

5. What is your favorite "cocktail"? (Are you a beer person, a kiddie cocktail junkie, or perhaps your more the "Cosmo" kind?! Anything flies...doesn't hafta be alcoholic!)
Vodka paralyzers, they taste just like chocolate milk! Lovelovelove them!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Bieber Freak

Big 105 (the radio station) is holding a contest right now to win tickets to the 3-D Justin Bieber movie coming out soon. Fans are to upload pics of themselves to Big 105's facebook page and write down why they are fans, what makes them the biggest fans, etc.

When we heard about the contest, she was so excited, "Mom, you have to take a picture of me with all my Justin Bieber stuff! And maybe I'll win! And take you with me to the movie!" Earlier that day I'd bought her the Justin Bieber 'My World 2.0' cd from Walmart (with the provision that she 'share' it with me, since we've BOTH got the Bieber Fever, haha), so we'd been listening to it non-stop. And it just so happened that when we took a break from listening (firmly requested by the boys), that's when we heard on the radio about the contest! It was like fate.

So there is the picture of my Belieber that we submitted, with this as the attached note:

"My 5-yr old daughter Milena is a HUGE Justin Bieber fan (much to the horror of her 2 older bros). She's got 2 prs of JB pajamas, a closet full of JB shirts, the book, posters, multiple Tiger Beat mags, even the bracelet she's wearing in the pic is a JB one. She listens to his My World 2.0 cd every day, all day; knows all the words. She even got her baby brother singing along, "Justin Bieber ROCKS!" he parrots. She would be the most ecstatic girl in the world to win those tickets, PLEASE make her dream come true!"

Big 105 responded to it, saying "Awesome! Milena is entered into the contest, be sure to listen tomorrow at 7:15am to hear the winner's name announced."

(They are drawing a couple of names, so she'll have more than one chance to win. Let's all cross our fingers!)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Health Matters: Top 10s

Top 10 Food Contamination Culprits
By Chris Iliades, MD
Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH

According to a report by the nonprofit Center for Science in the Public Interest, food contamination sickens millions of Americans every year. The report ranks the top 10 riskiest foods regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) based on reported cases of foodborne illness from 1990 to 2006. The riskiest food is not raw hamburger, as you might suspect, but rather leafy green vegetables, which were associated with 363 outbreaks of foodborne illness. "Consumers need to know about the risks, but they also need to know we have the safest food supply in the world," says Joan Salge Blake, MS, RD, clinical associate professor at Boston University in Massachusetts.

You may remember the 2006 outbreak of foodborne illness from bagged spinach that was contaminated with the E. coli bacteria. Leafy greens account for almost 30 percent of all foodborne illnesses in foods regulated by the FDA. "The problem with leafy greens is that we eat them raw, so they really need to be washed before eating. But contamination can occur in the home as well as on the farm. Make sure you don't wash meats and greens in the same sink or cut them on the same counter. And watch out for meat dripping down into your refrigerator's vegetable bin," warns Blake.

Next on the list of risky foods are eggs, which have been linked to 352 outbreaks of foodborne illness. Food contamination in eggs is almost always due to the bacteria salmonella. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that for every reported case of salmonella, 38 cases go unreported. You might be wondering how those bacteria get inside an egg. The most prevalent type of salmonella infects the ovaries of hens that lay the eggs. "The best way to protect yourself is to cook your eggs so they are not soft or runny," says Blake.

Tuna is No. 3 on the list with 268 reported outbreaks of illness. The big problem with tuna is not mercury, but a naturally occurring toxin called scombrotoxin. This toxin can build up in tuna flesh if it is not kept cold enough after the fish has been caught and, unfortunately, you can't get rid of it even by cooking. Symptoms include headache, nausea, and palpitations.

Coming in at No. 4 with 132 outbreaks are oysters. "Oysters are another risky food because people want to eat them raw," notes Blake. Most oyster outbreaks are traced to restaurants. Two microbes, known as norovirus and vibrio, cause most of the foodborne illnesses from oysters. The vibrio organism is the more dangerous. It is closely related to the bacterium that causes cholera, an acute intestinal infection. Oysters can be contaminated from the water they grown in or by improper handling.

You would think this American staple would be safe because almost no one eats raw potatoes. The food safety issue here, linked to 108 outbreaks, usually involves potato salad. Salmonella is the main problem again. More than 40 percent of potato outbreaks can be traced back to restaurants and delis where cross contamination has occurred. Salmonella usually causes mild cramps and diarrhea, but in severe cases can cause kidney failure.

Cheese is at No. 6 on the list with 83 outbreaks. Pasteurization makes cheese safer, but many cheeses are not pasteurized. Recently consumers in California were warned about the danger of bacterial food contamination in some Latin American cheeses made with unpasteurized milk. Pregnant women may be in danger from soft cheeses like feta, Brie, and Camembert because they are more likely to be infected with the organism listeria. The CDC says that pregnant women are 20 times more likely than others to be infected by listeria and recommends that they avoid soft cheeses. Although listeria infection may be mild in most people, it can cause a miscarriage in a pregnant woman.

Associated with 75 outbreaks, ice cream is No. 7 on the list. Salmonella and staphylococcus bacteria can cause food contamination in ice cream. In 1994, an ice cream-linked outbreak of salmonella sickened thousands of people across 41 states. Soft ice cream, like soft cheeses, may contain listeria and could be hazardous for pregnant women. "Ice cream food contamination may be more common in homemade ice cream due to raw eggs," warns Blake.

In both 2005 and 2006, tomato contamination with salmonella was big news as hundreds of people became sick across the country. Salmonella can enter a tomato through the soil by way of the plant's root system. Tomatoes can also be contaminated by bacteria or norovirus through cracks in the skin during handling or preparation in a restaurant. Once the tomato has been infected, the only way to avoid foodborne illness is by cooking it.

Sprouts are increasingly popular in salad bars and in the American diet in general. This food, which is the germinating form of seeds and beans, grows best in a warm and moist environment. Unfortunately, E. coli and salmonella thrive in the same environment. There have been 31 outbreaks of foodborne illness due to sprouts. The FDA has been urged to place warning labels on raw sprouts.

Cyclospora is a type of parasite that you get when the eggs of the parasite cause food contamination. Raspberries from South America have caused outbreaks. Hepatitis A, a virus that affects the liver, has also been a berry food safety problem. In 1997, 2.6 million pounds of strawberries were recalled because of hepatitis A virus contamination. Berries, linked with 25 food contamination outbreaks since 1990, round out the list of top 10 risky foods.

Legislation is now working its way through Congress to strengthen the FDA food safety program. "Food safety is everybody's responsibility," says Blake, "including the FDA, growers, shippers, handlers, and consumers. The best way to protect yourself is with the four C’s: clean, cook, combat cross contamination, and chill. Don't shy away from fresh produce. It's an important part of your diet. Just use the fifth C — common sense."

Top 10 Things That Cause Bad Breath
By Lynn Yoffee
Medically reviewed by Cynthia Haines, MD

If you're constantly popping mints or chewing gum to cover up bad breath, also known as halitosis, you're not alone. Many people have halitosis for a variety of reasons. Most cases of halitosis are caused by improper dental hygiene. If you don't brush and floss your teeth after every meal, bits of food that get stuck in your teeth and gums and on your tongue will begin to decay and emit foul odors.

An unclean mouth also means that bacteria can grow, potentially leading to gum disease, which is also one of the causes of bad breath. In addition, certain foods and drink are more likely to cause bad breath, including:
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Cheese
  • Orange juice
  • Soda, including diet varieties
After these foods or drinks are digested, their oils make their way into your bloodstream and are then carried into your lungs. The odor is then released through your breath.

Other Causes of Bad Breath
Aside from what you eat and drink, bad breath can also be linked to:

A dry mouth. Saliva is your mouth's natural cleanser, so when your mouth is dry, dead cells can build up, which is what causes morning breath. This is an even bigger problem if you sleep with your mouth open. Smoking and certain medications can also cause dry mouth. In more extreme cases, you could have a problem with your salivary glands that leaves your mouth unusually dry.

Chronic diseases. Sometimes underlying health conditions can cause bad breath. Lung infections, cancers, kidney or liver failure, diabetes, and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), for example, are all associated with halitosis.

Respiratory, mouth, throat, and nose conditions. These conditions are also often associated with bad breath. For example, discharge from a sinus infection is known to cause bad breath. If you have an upper respiratory infection such as bronchitis, the sputum coughed up can also cause halitosis.

Tobacco products, particularly smoking. Tobacco products can dry your mouth and result in bad breath. People who use tobacco are also at greater risk of developing gum disease, poor general oral health, and oral cancers.

Malnutrition. Starvation or intense dieting can result in bad breath due to ketoacidosis, which is a breakdown of chemicals that occurs during fasting.

Beating Bad Breath
To combat bad breath, try the following:

  • Avoid foods and beverages that you know cause bad breath; this may also mean minimizing your intake of alcohol.
  • Brush for two to three minutes after every meal and floss your teeth at least once a day.
  • Brush your tongue gently to remove dead cells, including the back of your tongue, because that's where bacteria often collect.
  • Drink lots of water to keep your mouth moist and clean. And water really is what's best here: Other beverages, particularly caffeinated beverages, don't work as well as water for halitosis treatment and prevention.
  • Eat less meat and more vegetables and fruits each day.
  • Get dental checkups at least twice a year that include an exam and cleaning.
  • If you wear dentures, bridges, or removable braces, clean them thoroughly at least once a day.
  • Suck candy or chew gum (preferably sugarless) to stimulate saliva production, which helps wash away food particles and bacteria.
When to See Your Dentist About Bad Breath
If you still feel like you have bad breath after trying these tips, ask someone who is close to you for confirmation. Sometimes, you really are your own worst critic. If it is indeed an issue, make an appointment with your dentist to try to uncover what could be causing your bad breath.

Avoid drinking, eating, chewing gum, or brushing your teeth before your dental appointment. Skip the perfume or other scented products too, so that your dentist can truly assess your halitosis. Your dentist will likely ask you a number of questions, ranging from your dental hygiene habits to your general health.

In some cases, halitosis may be due to a buildup of plaque, which is a layer of bacteria on your teeth. If this is the case, the dentist may have you use a special antimicrobial mouth rinse.

If your dentist determines that the bad breath is due to gum disease, you'll be treated or referred to a gum disease doctor, called a periodontist. Also called periodontal disease, gum disease causes your gums to recede from the teeth and leaves pockets that gather bacteria and plaque. A periodontal cleaning, or more extensive treatment, may be needed.

If your dentist isn't able to uncover the reason for your bad breath, a trip to your primary care doctor for a physical exam would be the next step to determine the underlying causes of your bad breath.

Top 10 Foods That Boost Healthy Skin
By Madeline Vann, MPH
Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH

"The skin is the window to the entire body,” says dermatologist Joely Kaufman-Janette, MD, assistant professor and director of the Aging and Geriatric Skin Center at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. “Part of choosing a diet for good looking skin is just eating to keep yourself healthy because your health is reflected through your skin.” Many of the nutrients and “good” fats we eat as part of a healthy diet enhance the skin’s elasticity and help create the appealing glow of healthy skin. Eat well and avoid foods high in saturated fat, says Dr. Kaufman-Janette, and you’ll see how it can result in good skin.

Antioxidants help fight the signs of aging skin, and blueberries are a great source. Rich in vitamin C, blueberries can play a healthy role in an otherwise decadent dessert and taste great as a cereal topping and tossed into salads. Other sources of antioxidants that you can include in your healthy diet are red wine and dark chocolate. Kaufman-Janette also offers this tip: Eating fruits and veggies in their fresh, raw form provides more antioxidants than when cooked.

Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be part of a healthy skin diet. “Omega-3s are a great source of oil for the skin without clogging the pores,” says Kaufman-Janette, clarifying that omega-3s must be eaten or taken as supplements. Many people try to cut all fats from their diet, but without some fat, your skin may suffer. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered healthy fats, and a diet that is too low in healthy fats can lead to “dull, dry skin,” she warns.

Think of whole-wheat bread and other whole-grain products as smart food for your skin — they’re a healthy alternative to refined white bread or pasta, says Kaufman-Janette. “The white breads and white pastas create a spike in insulin, which isn’t good for your skin,” she explains. Whole grains are also packed with fiber, which promotes healthy digestion, and Kaufman-Janette points out that digestive problems are often reflected in unhealthy skin.

“There are molecules in the skin that actually bind water,” explains Kaufman-Janette. “Your skin will not be as plump if you are dehydrated.” Skin also becomes dry when it loses too much water, so you need to drink plenty of liquids to replace daily water loss. Water is also a good alternative to sugary beverages that could negatively affect your skin by causing insulin levels to rise and fall dramatically.

Green tea has two benefits for your skin: It contains antioxidants, which may fight the effects of aging, and drinking it is a good way to stay hydrated. When given the option, choose green tea over beverages that don’t promote skin health. This is one of Kaufman-Janette’s recommended strategies for healthy skin — and overall health. She says, “If you can substitute a good choice at every single meal for a bad choice, you’ll start to look and feel healthier.”

Yogurt is often recommended for a healthy diet because it contains probiotics, or “healthy” bacteria, which are beneficial for digestive health. “Yogurt may help ease digestive troubles, which can improve related skin conditions such as rosacea or skin inflammation,” says Kaufman-Janette, who recommends that people with these skin conditions include yogurt in their healthy diet plan. Probiotics are increasingly used in skin care lines, but she cautions that these may not be the same bacteria that are found in yogurt.

Sweet potatoes give you a healthy dose of vitamin A, which has been found to help reduce wrinkles and other signs of aging. There are several topical creams on the market that contain vitamin A, but Kaufman-Janette cautions against using too many of these skin products, which can be drying and irritating. It’s better to include sweet potatoes and other foods rich in vitamin A as part of a healthy diet.

Broccoli and other green vegetables are great for the skin. The richer the color of veggies and fruits, the more likely they are to contain the nutrients you need for a healthy diet. “Darker is better,” Kaufman-Janette stresses. Darker broccoli florets provide more vitamins A and C, and both of these vitamins help fight fine lines and wrinkles.

Avocados are rich in healthy fats, vitamins A and C, and fiber, make them an almost perfect healthy food that enhances your complexion and fight aging skin. Avocado is also a common ingredient in homemade or natural skin masks, but Kaufman-Janette says you are better off putting avocado in your salad than on your face. “Masks with avocado can cause clogged pores,” she says. “Definitely avoid them if you are acne prone.”

Vitamin D isn’t found naturally in the diet, but it is important for healthy skin, especially as people age, says Kaufman-Janette. People usually get Vitamin D through sun exposure, but if you live in a less sunny area or stay inside a lot, you need to get it through your diet. You can drink vitamin D-enriched beverages, eat foods fortified with vitamin D, or take a supplement in order to help slow the aging process on your skin.
10 Ways to Fight Fatigue
By Chris Iliades, MD
Medically reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH

If you suffer from a chronic disease like rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or depression, you may be sick and tired of feeling tired. Fatigue may also be due to a lack of exercise, too much stress, or trouble sleeping. In any case, if you find yourself fighting fatigue, you are not alone. Fatigue is one of the most common complaints that bring people to their doctor’s office. Here's how to fight fatigue with some simple lifestyle changes.

Your doctor will evaluate your condition and order tests, as necessary. "If you suffer from chronic fatigue, the first step is to see a doctor to rule out a treatable medical problem such as anemia,” advises Elizabeth Araujo, MD, a rheumatologist at the University of Cincinnati. “If you have a chronic condition like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis, work with your doctor to make sure your disease is being treated and controlled properly.” Get the appropriate blood work and make sure you are not having any reaction to a medication.

Fatigue can be one of the most difficult aspects of living with a chronic illness. “Sleep that is deep and restorative and in the range of seven to eight hours a night is ideal to help replenish important neurochemicals like natural endorphins [pain modulators] and serotonins. Sleep also allows joints and muscle to heal and rest," explains Rochelle Rosian, MD, a rheumatologist at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

If you want to get refreshing sleep that helps you feel less tired when you wake up, plan your evenings carefully. "Avoid big meals, caffeine, alcohol, and television before bedtime," suggests Dr. Araujo. You should also avoid caffeine late in the day. And keep in mind that while a nightcap may help you fall asleep, it’s likely to cause you to wake up later and distract you from a restful night. Finally, consider going to bed earlier so that you can wake up earlier and ease into your day at a more leisurely pace.

Regular exercise not only boosts your energy, it makes it easier for you to fall asleep at night. "Engage in daily low-level exercise, such as gentle stretching and walking. Exercise will help with stress and improve sleep, as well as help maintain strength, balance, and flexibility," says Dr. Rosian. The best time to exercise to fight fatigue is early in the day. Avoid exercising in the evening because the stimulation of exercise can interfere with sleep.

A nutritious diet can help energize you throughout the day. A diet high in fruit, vegetables, and grains is best, with moderation in other food groups including dairy, meat, and oils. “It's important to remember that an ideal body weight is best for the weight-bearing joints, especially the knees, feet, and ankles,” says Rosian. "I’m not a big fan of fad diets. I believe that moderation is critical when it comes to diet and exercise."

One way to fight fatigue is to pay attention to your internal clock. Sunlight tells your brain and body when to get active. For some people the winter months can be the hardest time to fight fatigue due to short days and lack of sunshine. Besides bundling up and getting outside, fight winter fatigue by arranging your home and office environment to allow for maximum sun exposure. Aim for at least 30 minutes of sunlight every day.

Obesity has been called an epidemic in America, and it’s affecting young people as well as adults — one-third of children between 2 and 19 are overweight or obese. Being overweight is not just bad for your body and your self-esteem, it’s also bad for sleeping patterns. Being overweight has been shown to contribute to sleep disorders and to low energy levels. Fight fatigue by cutting back on calories, especially sugary beverages and other sweets, and increasing your exercise level. If you’re concerned about your — or your child’s — weight, talk to your doctor about creating a weight-loss plan.

One of the most common causes of fatigue is stress. The way you respond to stress can make a difference in the effect it has on you. Even if you can't avoid stress in your life, try to deal with it in a constructive way. Learning relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, meditation, tai chi, and self-hypnosis will lessen stress and keep those tired feeling at bay. "A daily walk or a yoga class can also help you reduce your stress, control your weight, and fight fatigue," advises Araujo.

Aromatherapy uses the essential oils from plants and other sources to lessen the effects of stress and promote well-being. The oil is usually either rubbed into your skin or inhaled. Some laboratory studies performed on animals support the effectiveness of essential oils in promoting energy. Essential oils, such as those made from geranium, lavender, and cedarwood, may send chemical messages to your brain that improve your mood and cause you to feel more relaxed and energized.

If you have a debilitating disease like rheumatoid arthritis or chronic fatigue syndrome, or if you have just been pushing yourself too hard, you need to accept feeling a certain amount of fatigue. Getting frustrated and angry about being tired only worsens fatigue. Consider making accommodations in your work schedule, or at least counter some of the time spent at work with activities that bring you joy and satisfaction — compromise and balance are necessary. "People who stick to a sensible schedule and a regular regimen do better at fighting fatigue in the long run," says Rosian.

Top 10 Soda Alternatives
By Adrienne Rayski

Do you always reach for a soda when thirst hits? You may want to consider some alternatives. Not only are regular soft drinks full of empty calories, but studies have linked the consumption of both regular and diet soda to an increased risk for heart disease and diabetes. To broaden your thirst-quenching choices, here are 10 suggestions that will help you kick the soda habit and leave your taste buds satisfied.

Spruce Up Water
Flavored waters have been popping up all over the place, but many still contain sugar or artificial sweeteners. A healthier choice is natural flavoring: Just add slices of your favorite fruits and veggies — lemons, oranges, watermelon, cucumber, mint, or limes — to a pitcher of ice-cold water for a refreshing and flavorful drink. Another great option is to put chopped-up fruit in an ice cube tray, add water, and freeze. Place these colorful fruit cubes in your beverage for instant flavor and color!

Go Natural With Green Tea
Studies of green tea have shown that it may help reduce the risk of several types of cancer, heart disease, hypertension, kidney stones, and possibly even cavities. In addition to this, green tea is calorie-free (if you have it without milk or sugar) and naturally high in antioxidants. You can pick any flavor you enjoy, because green tea is available in many varieties. It can be drunk hot or iced, and if you want a little sweetening, a few drops of honey will serve you well — though most people enjoy it au naturel.

Juice + Seltzer = Jeltzer!
There's no need to purchase sugary sodas or pricey vitamin-enhanced waters, which also pack calories. Mixing 100 percent juice with seltzer yields a tastier, healthier, and less expensive drink. A thick, tart juice, such as cranberry, pomegranate, or grape, makes for a great jeltzer base in addition to supplying health benefits. Studies have shown that cranberry juice might protect against urinary tract infections and kidney stones; pomegranate juice is a great source of vitamins C and B; and grape juice has antioxidants that may help protect your brain and blood vessels. Mix one part juice with three parts seltzer to create this light and bubbly concoction.

Stir in Some Sweet Stevia
Stevia is an herb with a very sweet taste, but it has no carbs or calories. Research has also found it to be beneficial in managing obesity and glucose intolerance. Once banned in the United States because of limited research, stevia is now growing in popularity among holistic and organic food markets as a dietary supplement. It can't as yet be sold as a sweetener, though. Available in powder form, flavored stevia is inexpensive, sweet, and easily dissolves in cold water for a delicious drink that will help you forget about soda.

Tonic and Lime... Minus the Gin!
Traditionally used as a mixer for alcoholic drinks, tonic has a distinct taste that makes it such a popular base. But you don't need the alcohol to enjoy tonic — simply add a few slices of lemon or lime (or both) and a sprig of fresh mint for a unique and delicious beverage. Many tonic brands contain high-fructose corn syrup or other sugars, so opt for a diet tonic, if possible.

Red Wine Is Fine
Red wine, when consumed in moderation, has been widely reported to reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease. And research on the benefits of this fermented fruit doesn't stop there — red wine may also lower your risk of a heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, and even cancer. The National Institutes of Health recommends that women limit consumption to one drink per day (4 ounces of wine), and men to two drinks per day, in order to reap the benefits. Look for wine without additives, such as sulfites, which can cause headaches and other allergic reactions.

Drink Your Vegetables!
Vegetable juice offers a quick, low-calorie way to get all the benefits of veggies. It also contains much less natural sugar than fruit juices. But vegetable juice can be high in sodium, so opt for a low-sodium version whenever possible. Better yet, make your own fresh juice easily at home with a juicer. Simply add your favorite veggies, and even a few slices of fruit if you want to sweeten your drink, to the juicer — no chopping required! If you prefer a little kick, add some black pepper and a drop of hot sauce.

Move Over, Milk — Time for Soy
Soy beverages are naturally sweet and are now offered in a variety of flavors, including almond and vanilla. They are a great alternative to milk for those who are lactose intolerant or those who don't consume dairy. Studies on soy's benefits show that soymilk may reduce your risk for heart disease and osteoporosis. Look for low-fat, unsweetened soy beverages to reduce calories while enjoying a healthy, great-tasting beverage! Also, pick soymilk that has been fortified with nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D, especially if you're drinking it as a substitute for milk.

Let Loose With a Tea Infuser
Loose tea is a low-calorie option that allows you to get tea's health benefits and flavor from the actual tea leaf, without any additives. Brewing loose tea in an infuser, a device that holds tea leaves in a mesh chamber that you submerge in water, works wonderfully to bring out the flavor of your tea of choice. Enjoying a hot cup of loose tea — such as white, green, oolong, or black—is a relaxing pleasure that's also great for your health.

More and more evidence is showing that coffee in moderation can be a healthy part of your diet. Without cream or sugar, coffee contains zero fat and only a couple of calories. What's more, coffee drinkers may have a lower risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer. And — as if you didn't know it already — coffee's caffeine can help with mental alertness and physical performance, as long as you don't overdo it. Too much caffeine can leave you jittery and anxious, so dietitians generally recommend that you drink no more than three cups a day (depending on the way it's prepared). That said, some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others. Pregnant women and those trying to become pregnant may want to avoid it, though research on this is mixed.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. Where did you meet your spouse and did you instantly know it was love?
The Story of Beau-and-Beau
Well, it was way back in 1997; I was 17 and almost done grade 12 high school. Before I'd ever even met him, I'd heard about this guy who had the same name as me, even spelt the same, but he was a real hard-partier and I was told I probably wouldn't like him. One day my friends and I were out at "the pit" (where the smokers hung out during breaks) and someone pointed to a guy with long brown hair, standing over by someone's truck talking to a group of guys. "That's him, that's Beau." Couldn't really see his face or anything but he seemed normal, nothing like what I pictured a 'hard-partier' to look like. Oh, okay, and I dismissed him from my mind. I kept hearing stories about this guy Beau, how he lived in a tiny house down behind A&W and always held parties at his house, like every night. I was invited to a party one weekend, held at my friend Jill's house. Her family was loaded and they lived in what I considered to be a mansion. Her parents were gone for the weekend and so she did what teenagers always do in movies, have a huge party when the parents are gone, haha. And just like in the movies, the house got completely trashed and poor Jill was freaking out, so I helped her shut the party down, kicked everyone out, we cleaned up a bit, and then decided to follow everyone to this guy Beau's house, as he'd said everyone could go there to continue the party. My first impression of his house was, GROSS. Very tiny, very dirty, and just packed with people. Someone puked on the floor. I stayed outside because the house was making me claustrophobic; the police came and sent everyone home. And I never did meet this Beau guy. A few weekends later, I was at another party in the country with my friend Christine; when it ended we got into her car to leave and suddenly there was this guy, banging on the window and asking for a ride back to Sylvan. It was Beau. So, because I kind of knew about him, I told Christine it would be okay and we let him get in. He was totally wasted and sloppy, sat beside me in the back wayyy too close, kept trying to take my seatbelt off, talked too loud and too much, at one point I think he tried to kiss me and I smacked him across the face. He was completely annoying and I couldn't wait to get back to Sylvan and dump this jerk at his house. I was not impressed. Flash forward a month later, about mid-June, I was looking to move out of my parent's house and asked my friends if they knew of anyone who needed a roommate. One friend mentioned this Beau guy again, saying he'd moved into a six-plex but that his roommate had just moved out and he needed another. I was leery, especially after that experience in the car. But the situation at home was getting really bad and I was desperate. I was working at A&W one afternoon and saw this guy outside walking by, long brown hair, deeply tanned, shirtless, with a huge Cerberus tattoo on his back. It was him, Beau! I rushed outside, ran up and grabbed his arm, introduced myself and explained how I was needing a place to live, would he consider me for a roommate. He seemed a little stunned but agreed that I could come over the next day after school to check the place out. He wasn't at all like he'd been that night, the complete opposite in fact, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt and chalked his behaviour that night up to having one too many. So I agreed to go check out his place the next day. The first thing I saw when I walked in his apartment was him on hands and knees, vacuuming the baseboards in the livingroom. The place was spotless, so that was a nice surprise. We had an awkward little visit, me in my miniskirt perched hesitantly on his ratty old couch while he tried to put me at ease. He was a total sweetheart, very quiet and soft-spoken, very polite. He seemed a little in awe of me, which was a nice ego-stroke. And the rent was low, something I could easily cover with my paycheque and still have lots of money left over. So that was it, I moved in within the week. For that first month, July, we led our separate lives. I worked my morning shifts at A&W and partied every night with my friends; he was usually asleep when I left for work and gone by the time I returned. We rarely saw each other, which was absolutely fine by me. Then, in August, he started hanging out at the apartment more often. Suddenly every time I turned around, he was there. Always polite, always soft-spoken and kind, and he was funny. I realized it was kind of fun to have a roommate, someone to talk to about the rough day at work, watching tv together, etc. We started going to parties together, and it made me feel safe to know that I had this big guy watching my back. I saw that he kind of had a split personality; when sober he was introverted, when drunk just the opposite. I'll never forget the one night we had a big party at our apartment (which ended when a neighbor complained about the noise and we got shut down), so everyone decided to head down to the beach. Picture a huge group of drunken teenagers stumbling down the street, laughing and goofing around. Eventually we made our way to the pier and someone suggested we all jump off together as a group. Beau heard that and just started running for the edge of the pier, while us less-coordinated ones followed. Suddenly a pair of headlights turned on-- there was cop parked right there on the pier, behind some trees, probably waiting for just such an opportunity. But it was too late for Beau, he was already mid-jump. By the time he surfaced we were all standing there at the edge, looking down at him, laughing hysterically, while the cop stood with us, shining his flashlight down onto Beau's wet face and said, "Hello Beau, having a good night?" He sheepishly climbed out of the water and we were all sent home. So funny. But anyway, the more time I spent with him, seeing these dual aspects of his personality, the more I was intrigued. One night after a few drinks, he turned very morose and after some prompting, started talking about his childhood. You all know some of those details so I won't get into it, but he was just devastated, sobbing and so sad my heart was breaking for him. Now, during all this time spent together, I was still carrying on my partying ways, sneaking into the bar with my friends (who were all 18, I was the only underage one but the bouncer was a guy I went to school with who had a crush on me), hooking up with guys left and right. I had feelings for Beau but I didn't want to, so I used those other guys as distractions. And one day, after just such a night, Beau snapped. I guess he'd come home and seen another guy's shoes on the floor, heard enough to know what was going on, and spent the night seething and angry. When I woke up, he really let me have it. "So this is your life now, I guess, huh? This is who you want to be, what you want to be known for? The easy party-girl, the 'sure thing'. I thought you'd be different. I respected you. So smart, so beautiful, you could be anything, DO anything. I'm so disappointed in you right now, I can't... can't even..." and then he just turned around and left the apartment. It was like a bucket of ice water to the face, like a verbal slap. At first I was righteously angry. How dare he judge me, how DARE he presume to know my reasons for doing what I did. And as the day wore on and he didn't return so I could blast him back, then night, what he'd said really started to sink in. What the hell was I doing? Why? Did I really need the boost to my ego and self-esteem, knowing I could get any guy I wanted? What would my life be like if I continued down this path? And so it was a very different me that greeted him when he finally came home the next day. Gone was the cocky, arrogant girl who flirted to get her way, gone was this sexy-party-girl persona I'd created to hide my insecurities. I became the soft-spoken one. I dropped the act and started to be 'real' around him, comfortable for the first time that here was a person who actually preferred the true me. I didn't feel the need to hide behind sexy clothes. I could leave my room without having to apply a full face of makeup. I remember the first time I walked into the livingroom after waking up, in old ratty jammies, face freshly scrubbed, hair all crazy, and his face just transformed, lit up, huge grin. He was the first to ever see me like that, and he knew it. And so from then on, we became inseparable. He was more than just a roommate, more than a friend. He was so special to me. But I was still scared to let it be more than that; I didn't want to seem like that easy-girl again, and I didn't want a physical relationship to ruin it. Lets just say I really made him work for it, haha. Even once we did cross that line, I was leery about letting other people know that we were now 'together'. I didn't want it to seem like a cliche or like, Oh, she can't find a guy so she hooked up with the roomie. When we were around friends I was careful to not act like a girlfriend. I knew it hurt him, like he felt maybe I was ashamed of him or 'us', but he understood my feelings and so let me get away with it. One night though, walking home from a friend's house, a carload of people we knew drove by and saw us holding hands. "Oh-ho, its finally happened!" they yelled out the window. "You finally got your girl, eh Beau? Took ya long enough! Good for you, man, that's awesome!" and they drove away. I was stunned. What? 'Got his girl'? Just how long had he liked me that way? And no one teased us or made any rude comments, like I'd expected. When we got home, I questioned him and it all spilled out. How he'd seen me at the high school that one time at The Pit and been unable to take his eyes off me, but was told by his buddies that he didn't stand a chance, "she only goes for football players and jocks". How he'd invited everyone to his house that one time just so that I would come, even though we never did see each other that night. How he'd seen his chance to actually talk to me that night he asked for a ride home in Christine's car, how embarrassed he was that he acted that way but being so drunk and feeling so overwhelmed, he went a little crazy, trying to kiss me and take my seatbelt off so I'd sit in his lap (like THAT would have happened, crazy man). How he'd realized he'd blown whatever chance he'd had by his behaviour and had just resigned himself to seeing me occasionally and at a distance. And how that day when I'd ran up to him outside A&W and asked if he needed a roommate, how he felt that he'd been given a gift of a second chance. So he'd been on his best behaviour around me, wanting me to be comfortable and at-ease around him. How it killed him to see me become the party-girl, to see a different pair of shoes by the door every morning, how firmly I'd placed him in the 'just friends' category. How he'd almost decided to move out after that big blow-out because he just couldn't take it anymore. But that he was never more happier to have not made that decision when he returned home and saw that it was different now, I was different. How that morning when I allowed him to see the real me, no makeup, crazy hair, that he knew he just might have finally caught me. And so after I heard all this, and there was much more, I was overwhelmed (as to be expected) but here was this guy, laying his heart right out there, so afraid of rejection but taking that risk anyway, that he loved me unconditionally, the real me... I just couldn't help it. He had my heart from that moment. And the rest is history!

This is our song, and every time I hear it I'm taken back to that summer...

'Head Over Feet' by Alanis Morrissette
I had no choice but to hear you
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it

You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was

Chorus: You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your fault

Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service


You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience

You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long

I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now


2. What is your favorite room in your house?
The livingroom.

3. Can you wiggle your ears?
Well I can't make the actual ears wiggle but I can tighten and relax the muscles around my eyes/cheeks/forehead and it looks like my ears are wiggling. Can you do that?

4. What is your evening ritual?
Put the kids to bed, watch some tv with Hubs, play on the computer if he falls asleep, then wake him up when I'm ready for bed, wash my face (usually), set my alarm, then fall into bed with him, say goodnight in our way, then fall asleep.

5. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
At least four.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Golden Globes 2011: Ricky Gervais

If you missed the Golden Globes last night, like me, here's a clip of host Ricky Gervais' best bits...

(And thank god for his snarky British wit, someone's gotta keep the celebs humble!)

500th Post!

Can you believe I made it to 500 posts? Wow, pretty cool. So to commemorate this special occasion, here are some funnies to brighten your day, courtesy of Historic LOLs...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Food for Thought: Alternate Dimensions, Conspiracy of Language, etc

Though my frantic worry about 2012 has abated (thanks Hubs), my interest in it has not. And so I was browsing more youtube vids and came across a channel from this guy pimpnoddy. He put out a series of 9 videos, each about 10-15 minutes long, on his theories regarding alternate dimensions, portals, reincarnation, the conspiracy behind the "Queen's English", organized religion, the true gods and demons, and how numbers really don't lie.

Watching the first video I was like, Oh-kayyyy... But then I really started thinking about what he was saying. The concepts he's explaining are so mind-blowing and controversial, its easy to write him off as a whack-job. (In fact, he labels himself Galactic Wacko, lol.)

The videos are labelled 'The Illuminati Secret 2012 Nibiru planet x and Star Gates'; he doesn't really talk about any of those things. I think it was more of a way to get people searching for those terms to watch his videos, because those people are the ones who will be more open-minded regarding his theories.

Its too complicated to explain what those theories are, I highly recommend watching the videos yourself. Now, I'm not saying I believe 100% or fully support what he is saying, but I AM saying that some of what he says does resonate with me. The idea that everything comes down to numbers, the 3, 6, 9; beings are reincarnated (going sideways) through these connecting worlds and alternate dimensions, again and again, until they learn the lessons required to 'ascend' upward to the Creator; there's more but until you watch for yourself and create your own opinions, I don't want to give out any 'spoilers' that may make you sceptical beforehand.

Anyway, its all very thought-provoking and like I said, mind-blowing. There's a quote in the beginning of video 3, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will marvel, and reign over all. [And after that, they will rest]"

Learning is knowledge, knowledge is truth, and truth is power.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Sweetness & Love

Jorge and Alexa Narvaez
He's just a single dad from San Diego, raising two little girls and trying to work his way through college. He says on his youtube channel realitychangers:

I'm just a father of two working my way through college.

However, I work very closely as a team with the mother of my children. We're not together, but she has worked equally as hard as I have. She contributes just like I do to the positive welfare of both our children.

Yet In this space of Youtube-ness, it's just me and my two daughters Alexa and Eliana. Good times, just plain good times.

Five Question Friday

1. What movie could you watch over and over again and not get tired of?
I have a few movies like that: The Prophesy, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Princess Bride, Elf, Old School ("We're going STREAKINGGGG!"), Dirty Dancing, Despicable Me. I know there's more but I've got a slight hangover this morning and can't think of their names.

2. What's your biggest pet peeve right now?
People that forget how to drive in winter conditions. You know, the ones who wait too long to slow down at red lights and stop signs and end up skidding to a stop a little too close to your back bumper. They drive too fast (or too slow!). They put on the fog lights in addition to their daylights so you're blinded when they drive past. They think that because they have 4x4 that they're invincible. Those ones.

3. If you had to describe your best friend in five words or less, what would you say?
Funny, caring, loyal, strong, beautiful.

4. If you did not have to worry about money or go to school what would you do for a living?
Own a toy store that only sells 'gently-used' toys for low-income families, similar to the idea of Once Upon a Child but for toys. Its an idea that's been in the back of my head for a couple years now. One Christmas while toy shopping at Toys R Us I overheard a mom talking to her older child (who obviously knew the deal about Santa) that they could only afford to get each child one new toy for Christmas so they had to really look at everything and try to find something on sale. It just broke my heart. And I thought, Wouldn't it be great to have a place where parents could buy FIVE used toys for the price of one new? People could donate gently-used toys or exchange them for store credit. I know there's been many times that I clear out the kids unused toys and I have no idea what to do with them, so they usually end up going to Value Village. Last Christmas money was tight and I ended up getting Ryder several used toys from Value Village and you know what? He was thrilled! He didn't even notice that they didn't come new in boxes or packaging. So that would be what I would do.

5. What is your one "splurge" item, that you will always buy, no matter the cost?
Makeup and books. Whenever a new makeup product comes on the market, if I really want it I get it. Like the LipStain & Balm, and GrowLuscious mascara. Had to have. Also, books. My two favorite authors each have a series of books that they add a new book to 1-2 times a year (Gena Showalter's Lords of the Underworld and Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark) and you will usually find me at Chapter's on the book release day, standing in line with that book in my hot little hands, anxious to get home and dive in. Kresley's newest IAD book comes out Feb.15 and I'm so excited I can barely stand it!!!! Here's an excerpt from that book, Dreams of a Dark Warrior, Regin's story.

Dreams of a Dark Warrior cover