Saturday, January 8, 2011

10 Things I Love About Hubs

1. He thinks I'm "fiesty" and he loves it
Most guys would call it "bitchy" but not my man. Perfect example: Today, in the wee hours of the morning, Ryder woke up crying from a nightmare. I went into his room to soothe him back to sleep, then zombie-walked to my own bed. I was soooo tired. The commotion must have woke Hubs because he then decided to start up a conversation, asking me questions about this and that. What time was Gunnar's game tomorrow? When did my shift start at the arena? What were my thoughts about his new job? (That's a whole 'nother post.) Finally I got tired of mumbling my replies and snarked at him, "I'm trying to fall back asleep here, which is kind of hard when every time I'm just about to, you have another comment to make! GO. TO. SLEEP!" He just chuckled and said, "I love it when you're fiesty." And then he cuddled closer, wrapped an arm around me, and we fell back asleep. What a sweetheart.

2. He's thoughtful.
If you haven't looked out your window today, you're unaware of the massive dump of snow we got overnight. Actually, to clarify, the freezing RAIN we had overnight that iced up the roads, then the snow-blowing blizzard that followed. Its kind of a nightmare out there right now. Ardan had a training session booked at Complete Athlete for 10:30am; followed by my 2-hour shift selling 50/50 tickets at the arena starting at 11:15am. My wonderful thoughtful husband said that he would take Ardan so I wouldn't have to drive on those roads. Then, when he came back from dropping him off, he handed me a pack of smokes he'd bought me (with a wink and a suggestion for how I could thank him later, typical man); THEN he said he would do my 50/50 shift as well, so I could stay home with the kids! Have I mentioned what a sweetheart he is?

3. He lets me think I'm tough
Since developing arm muscles last year, I also developed an ego about them. And so lots of times Hubs and I will play-wrestle. Usually with the kids watching and cheering us on; Lena always cheers for me, the boys for Daddy. It always starts off as harmless fun, with him holding down my arms or wrists while I struggle to get loose. When I do, I have to get revenge by showing how tough I am and pinning him down, and he indulgently lets me try. But then I get tired of knowing he's holding back his strength, and then its ON. Huffing and puffing, grunting, red-faced, using all my puny might to get him pinned, both of us rolling around on the floor, trying to get the upper hand, the kids enjoying it immensely. Of course, he's laughing all the while, which just spurs me on. Eventually, when he knows I've worn myself out, he gives in and collapses under me. "Okay, you won. You're tougher than me, I guess." I KNOW he's just humouring me but it makes me feel vindicated. (Sometimes, he'll add on "Now you got your daily workout" and then it'll all start up again, haha.) He also calls this 'being fiesty'. And seeing as how he's always the one who starts these wrestling matches, I know he loves it.

4. He's got a great laugh
I always thought I would want to marry a man full of good humour and cheer; a guy who cracked jokes all the time and kept me in stitches, full of witty remarks and great comebacks. Doesn't that guy seem like he'd be a blast to live with? But wait a second, now imagine for a moment... being married to Robin Williams or Jim Carrey. Could you stand it? After half a day I'd be headed to divorce court or jail. There is something very special and heartening about hearing a great belly laugh or a chuckle or even a snort from a man who is often quiet, serious and introspective. Knowing that YOU were the one who's witty comment or joke brought about that laugh, its a great feeling. A lot of times I'll act the ham or play up the retelling of a story, just to hear that awesome laugh. (Omg, does that make ME the Robin Williams of the relationship?!?! eek)

5. He would do anything for his family
Take a job with a company he doesn't like, work crazy hours, sacrifice his own health (eating on the road is hell on his stomach), suffer sleep-deprivation, working with idiots and dickheads, having to be away from his family for long stretches at a time... all to ensure his family is provided for and doesn't have to go without. Of course, we would much rather have him here with us and live with that smaller income, but the real world sometimes calls for sacrifices when you're a one-income family with four kids.

6. Its important to him that we have fun as a FAMILY
When you think back on your childhood (unless you're Levi and have no recollections), what are the things you tend to remember? All those fun times, right? Camping trips, going to the beach, family bike rides, movie nights, hotel stays, going fishing and hunting, swimming at the pool, going bowling. Occasions when the entire family was together, making memories, laughing and having fun. Those moments are very important to Hubs, probably because he has none from his own childhood. (The 'fun' times he remembers having were always of his own making; going fishing by himself, building forts by the river by himself, shooting gophers in the field by himself.) He lives for those moments we have together. He'll come home from a long hard day at work but rather than lay on the couch and watch tv like most dads would do, he'll suggest a mini-stick competition downstairs, or taking shots out in the driveway. In the summer, no matter the hour there's always time for a quick boat ride or taking a few casts on the lake; quad rides in the ditch; bike rides down to the creek or even across town. On days off, when a lot of men would hang out with buddies or go bar-hopping, he's planning swim trips to the pool or single-night camp trips somewhere close. Many times I've thought, Man, just take a break already! Why do we have to do something every night? But then I realize he wants his kids to have the type of childhood he never did, and I sigh and put on my bike helmet and get ready for the 5km bike ride he's got planned.

7. He's a hunk
Seriously, look at my man. Broad shoulders, big biceps and forearms, strong thickly-muscled thighs and calves, big feet (you know what THAT means, right? Big SHOES. Gotta keep it PG.). When I first met him he weighed 175lbs. Now he sits at about 220. And I LOVE IT. I love some meat on those bones. I look back at old pictures and though he does have a six-pack, he's basically skin and bones. As the years have passed, he's packed on some serious muscle and its awesome! His weight can easily fluctuate 20 pounds, losing it when he's sick and gaining it during the winter (which we all do, right? We call it 'winter weight', it helps to keep us warm, haha). After a bout of sickness, I can't stand seeing him looking so skinny and I love nothing more than fattening him back up. What can I say, I love big men. One in particular. :)

8. He's passionate
And not just in a sexual way, as you're probably thinking from that headline. He's passionate about everything. Whereas most guys think of fishing and hunting as amusing pastimes, for him its an obsession. You all know this! He cares about his family passionately; heaven help anyone who dares to threaten that.  Someone or something angers him, you're not going to hear a simple 'darn it', you're going to hear a blast because he feels passionately about whatever transgression has occurred. Sometimes it can be trying to live with a man who feels so strongly, yet I couldn't imagine being married to a person with a 'meh' attitude. As to the other kind of passion, let's just say I'm lucky I don't have a hundred kids by now, and leave it at that. *wink*

9. He doesn't care that I'm not a Martha
I could not imagine being married to a man who expected a perfectly clean house all the time. We would make each other's lives a living hell if that was the case. I know I'm not as bad as a Hoarder's episode, but I've got to admit my house would probably horrify a lot of people. I'm satisfied if laundry is done, dishes are clean, and floors are vacuumed. If the kids' bedrooms are a disaster or there's dust on some shelves, its not the end of the world. In fact, I've been known to go months without dusting the knick-knack shelves in the livingroom. Some things just aren't high on my priority list. Does my bed get made every day? No. Are there usually fingerprints on the tv? Yes. Is there a mouse's-dream of crumbs under the toaster? You betcha. As long as there's a hot delicious meal on the table, the kids are happy, and he's got clean clothes in the closet, Hubs is a content guy. And I am a lucky woman!

10. He loves me no matter what
Let me put it this way: when he first met me I was 120 pounds and now... I'm not. Haha. I've had long sexy hair down to my butt, Ellen-Degeneres-soccer-mom-lesbian hair an inch long, red hair, black hair, blonde, brown, and everything in between. I got my nose pierced! Sometimes I let weeks go by without shaving my legs. Some days I don't shower and just wear jammies all day. I'm a smoker with ashtray breath (though sometimes I'm not, now is not one of those times however). I've gained weight with each pregnancy. I can be a total moody bitch (sometimes its just being 'fiesty' though, right? lol). Sometimes I'm just not in the 'mood'. When I have my mind set against doing something, there's no way you can make me. I'm impatient and controlling. And yet... through it all, he's loved me. His passion for me has never waned, no matter my appearance. He is always there for me when I need him, and even when I don't. He finds my independence and I-can-do-it-myself attitude sexy and powerful. He told me once that the first time he met me, he knew I was 'the one' and that he wanted me to be the mother of his children. Through all our years together, all the ups and downs, he's been the one constant. There's not enough words to express how he makes me feel; I can only be intensely thankful that the Fates allowed us to cross paths so many years ago.

"Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you. They are not perfect but are always perfect for you."
~Author Unknown

1 comment:

mom said...

words can simply not express what I want to say right now

thank you