Friday, January 28, 2011

Coo-Coo Corner

I realize that many of you think I'm off my rocker because of certain viewpoints I have. And that's alright with me. Not everyone can be expected to think the same. But even with that being the case, you have to admit that there are certain things going on in the world that the public should be made aware of. Things that we have a right to know about. Things that the governments and world leaders would rather we didn't know about. Call it 'conspiracy theories' if you want, but it seems obvious that we at least deserve to KNOW, and base our opinions on what we've learned.

And so I present to you these videos, with the intention of hopefully opening some eyes and increasing awareness of what is really going on around us.

(I've taken care to only pick videos I feel have truth in them, and trust me, I had to wade through tons filled with baseless rants and flat-out lies.)

This will be a continuing series of posts... PLEASE, I ask you to watch with open minds and not write these off as loony-bin material. (Don't worry, its nothing to do with aliens and 2012. No, these are much more scary, because this is real-life, real-time stuff we were never meant to know about.)

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