Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I'm a "Doomsday Alarmist"

WARNING: This post is not for the faint of heart. Do not read unless you are also an Alarmist, as you WILL have nightmares and AAs.

NOTE: Please take the time to click on the links and read the information yourself. Though some of it is 'scary', its also interesting and eye-opening.

Y'all know my theories about 2012, right? Well, I found out yesterday (after a long morning googling websites) that I am what is called a Doomsday Alarmist. The night before I had the worst sleep ever, just kept having nightmares over and over about the end of the world on 12/21/2012. Everything from alien invasion, to a nuclear winter (Ice Age), radiation, widescale panic and chaos. It was HORRIBLE.

And the websites weren't much better. I discovered lists detailing exactly what may occur, explanations about Nibiru/Planet X and the planetary alignment, articles about proof of alien life and how they will return in 2012, and plenty more.

I pretty much spend the day in an anxious tizzy, wondering how I could ensure the survival of my family. One website had a 'Survival Guide' but other than finding an underground cave in a mountain of solid rock, or moving to Africa (considered the 'safest' continent as it has few fault lines and volcanoes), all life on Earth is pretty much screwed.

There is also talk of the "Fourth Dimension", I highly recommend reading that link. Our ascension into this Fourth Dimension is linked with the polar shift and reversal (NASA confirms that the polar shift is happening now; others say a true reversal is likely to occur late 2012). The definition/explanation is quite New-Agey and complicated; a 'simple' explanation is this: The pole and dimensional shifts are simultaneous; shortly before the actual shift happens, the third and fourth dimensions will begin to interface; third-dimensional synthetic objects will disappear (bye-bye tv & iPhone) and fourth-dimensional objects will suddenly appear; there will be a 3-day 'Great Void' but most people will emerge on the other side, our bodies atomic structure changed as we convert to beings of 'light', able to manifest our own reality with simple though (think 'banana' and one will appear); quality of thoughts is totally important (peace, love, unity) as people motivated by fear, anger, etc will create and manifest that. Its a very interesting concept, worth the read.

Another theory is that the upcoming 'alien invasion' will be a return of the Annunaki to earth (you've heard my spiel about the Annunaki and the Reptilians, right? Watch that video link!!). Some believe that the Annunaki were the basis for our belief in 'angels', as they came to earth as winged beings, bringing their advanced technology to the Ancient Sumerians, creating the pyramids, genetically engineering humans (which is why we only use 15% of our brain power and have never discovered that 'missing link' of how we evolved from Neanderthals to Homo Sapiens), etc.

My mind was spinning with all this information, dire warnings and tragic outcomes; I was having little AA's and getting quite depressed!

When I brought up the subject with Hubs (who agrees with me about the upcoming End of Days), I was talking about how we would survive. And he said the most amazing thing, it just cut right through all my anxiety:

"Why would we WANT to survive it?"

I was speechless. My mouth hung open as I processed that. And then I realized... he was absolutely, 100% right.

With the world in chaos, earthquakes and volcanoes, radiation, nuclear winter, reversed polarity, people going mad, the complete breakdown of society, possible invasion of alien life forms... who in their right mind would WANT to survive in this terrifying new world? The struggle to find food, water and shelter, protecting your family from all manner of danger, possibly living underground for decades until life was sustainable on the surface. Its like a horrible sci-fi movie!

And so with that new way of looking at it, my desperate anxiety just slipped away and I became calm. So when the time comes, we will sit back with our family and watch it all unfold. And whatever happens, happens; there is nothing any of us can do about it, any illusion of control is just that.

Though I am preparing myself for that Fourth Dimension thingy. Becoming a 'being of light' has a nice ring to it.


Christine said...

Have you ever watched Stephen King's "The Mist" or something like that? The ending is the most horrifying and devestating thing I have ever seen. It's about being with your family at the end of the world and what you might do to protect them from alien atrocities. I still have nightmares about it.

Christine said...

Question. Since we could die tomorrow anyway- shouldn't we just live our lives for today? Why worry about 2012 or any other time? If the world ends, we won't be around to experience it for long...I think you should stop Googling for your own emotional health!!!!

WildGirl said...

I have seen The Mist, with Thomas Jane right? Omg, the ending is SO traumatizing. It was on tv a while ago and it just so happened to be right at that part, and I just sat and watched and cried and cried.

Don't worry that I'm an emotional basket-case over this, Christine. I WAS going down that road until Ty's comment snapped me out of it. So my new reality is just what you suggested: living life to its fullest, while we can. (One good thing is I'm no longer worried about getting the credit card debt paid off, haha!) And if and when it does all go down, at least I can turn to the doubters and say "Aha! TOLD you!" LOL