Saturday, January 15, 2011

Food for Thought: Alternate Dimensions, Conspiracy of Language, etc

Though my frantic worry about 2012 has abated (thanks Hubs), my interest in it has not. And so I was browsing more youtube vids and came across a channel from this guy pimpnoddy. He put out a series of 9 videos, each about 10-15 minutes long, on his theories regarding alternate dimensions, portals, reincarnation, the conspiracy behind the "Queen's English", organized religion, the true gods and demons, and how numbers really don't lie.

Watching the first video I was like, Oh-kayyyy... But then I really started thinking about what he was saying. The concepts he's explaining are so mind-blowing and controversial, its easy to write him off as a whack-job. (In fact, he labels himself Galactic Wacko, lol.)

The videos are labelled 'The Illuminati Secret 2012 Nibiru planet x and Star Gates'; he doesn't really talk about any of those things. I think it was more of a way to get people searching for those terms to watch his videos, because those people are the ones who will be more open-minded regarding his theories.

Its too complicated to explain what those theories are, I highly recommend watching the videos yourself. Now, I'm not saying I believe 100% or fully support what he is saying, but I AM saying that some of what he says does resonate with me. The idea that everything comes down to numbers, the 3, 6, 9; beings are reincarnated (going sideways) through these connecting worlds and alternate dimensions, again and again, until they learn the lessons required to 'ascend' upward to the Creator; there's more but until you watch for yourself and create your own opinions, I don't want to give out any 'spoilers' that may make you sceptical beforehand.

Anyway, its all very thought-provoking and like I said, mind-blowing. There's a quote in the beginning of video 3, "Those who seek should not stop seeking until they find. When they find, they will marvel, and reign over all. [And after that, they will rest]"

Learning is knowledge, knowledge is truth, and truth is power.


Levi said...

So when 2012 comes and goes, do you promise to give this stuff up? Ha ha.

WildGirl said...

IF you even watched the videos, it was probably one minute, not even, of the first one and you just wrote the guy off as a loony. Right?

If 2012 does 'come and go', like it very well could, it doesn't mean that we're not still in End of Days. And some of what this guy says DOES make sense, if you can wrap your head around it.

My own theories about what's happening now and what will come don't ALL revolve around the mysterious 2012. Rather than being a 'planet-go-boom' occurance, 2012 might just be the starting point.

An open mind is the only way one can grow and adapt, Levi. Are YOU ready?