Saturday, January 8, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. What is your current favorite book, and why?
Hubs just picked me up a couple of books and one in particular is absolutely fabulous! Its by Gena Showalter (same author who writes the Lords of the Underworld series, one of my faves); its the latest in the Alien Huntress series, called 'Ecstasy in Darkness'. Its soooo good. Here's a pic of the cover (so hawt, omg, *fanning myself*):

And yes, that is a whip he's holding.
Here's what the back cover has to say:

"New York Times bestselling sensation Gena Showalter enthralls with a dark, tantalizing world of humans, otherworlders, powers beyond imagining, and a seductive vampire undone by his insatiable hunger for one woman. . . .

Growing up poor on New Chicago's meanest streets, Ava Sans had two options: be the predator or be the prey. No contest. Now, working for Alien Investigation and Removal, she's been ordered to capture the biggest, baddest warrior of all—a vampire too beautiful to be real, with the ability to manipulate time. Once the leader of the entire vampire army, McKell has been deemed savage and unstable, spurned even by his own kind.

To McKell, humans should be nothing more than sustenance. Yet the petite, golden-skinned Ava is a fascinating contradiction—vicious yet witty, strong yet vulnerable, lethal but fiercely loyal. Against his better judgment, McKell craves that loyalty, and much more. When the chase leads to seduction, McKell and Ava will race to discover the truth about his past. But the answers will come at a price, even for a woman who thought she had nothing left to lose. . . ."

2. Do you go to the dentist regularly?
Depends if we have dental coverage through Ty's work or not. When he was at Bettenson's we had 100% coverage, so I made sure every child and myself had our check-ups; as well, I had my oral surgery (also covered 100% which was so nice seeing as how it cost almost $3000). Now that he's with a new company, we'll have to wait those three months before benefits kick in, then we'll all start going again.

3. What is your worst memory from High School?
I don't have that many, actually. At least none that stick out in my mind as particularly traumatizing. There was the day I found out that my boyfriend  Don cheated on me by making out with one of my best friends at a party, that sucked. Of course, I put on a brave face, acted like I couldn't care less, dumped the bastard and told my remorseful friend that she could have him. In the grand scheme of highschool life, boyfriends come and go but friends are forever (at least until you graduate and grow apart, right? lol); I wasn't about to lose her friendship over something so stupid. He, however, I ditched because he proved he couldn't be trusted. Like the saying goes, and I've taken liberty with it, chicks before dicks. Right? LOL

4. What do you hope to be remembered for in your life?
Being a great mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Being kind, caring and compassionate; loyal, trustworthy, a good listener. Someone who made others laugh. Having a great sense of humour. Someone you were happy to see coming and sad to see going. Oh, and a great cook. :P

5. Are you superstitious or do you have any superstitions?
I am. There's a downside to this 'charmed life' I lead-- I always feel like at any moment, the other shoe will drop. You know what I mean? Like it can't be possible for a person to be so blessed, there must be something coming that will test all that. And so I do have superstitions (if I spill salt, I throw some over my shoulder; I try not to give voice to anything negative because I don't want it put out into the universe to return to me; that sort of thing).

1 comment:

mama hagar said...

I like your phrase, CHICKS BEFORE DICKS, and thinking back over my half a century LOL, that’s been my philosophy but I’ve never visually seen it in writing so never really thought much about it, it was just part of who I am. Several gals come to mind, for sure, and if I were to see them tomorrow, we’d just pick up from where we last saw each other and probably not even mention that dick.

Interesting about your last comment, Sax. So that’s the downside of being blessed, eh (just a little, almost uneasy, LOL from me) .. I didn’t even consider there’d be a downside of your charmed life, which you definitely have. I’ve never considered myself blessed other than the obvious, as any wife or mother would say, so I’ve never been superstitious to the point of being nervous and allergic about a worst case scenario. I’ve always been a fate chick, enjoy it while you have it, it’s a good day to die sort of woman. I am always careful, though, and sometimes fearful of doing something to anger the gods and the underworld or afterlife by accidentally dishonouring their dogmas, their culture, their values.