Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Bieber Freak

Big 105 (the radio station) is holding a contest right now to win tickets to the 3-D Justin Bieber movie coming out soon. Fans are to upload pics of themselves to Big 105's facebook page and write down why they are fans, what makes them the biggest fans, etc.

When we heard about the contest, she was so excited, "Mom, you have to take a picture of me with all my Justin Bieber stuff! And maybe I'll win! And take you with me to the movie!" Earlier that day I'd bought her the Justin Bieber 'My World 2.0' cd from Walmart (with the provision that she 'share' it with me, since we've BOTH got the Bieber Fever, haha), so we'd been listening to it non-stop. And it just so happened that when we took a break from listening (firmly requested by the boys), that's when we heard on the radio about the contest! It was like fate.

So there is the picture of my Belieber that we submitted, with this as the attached note:

"My 5-yr old daughter Milena is a HUGE Justin Bieber fan (much to the horror of her 2 older bros). She's got 2 prs of JB pajamas, a closet full of JB shirts, the book, posters, multiple Tiger Beat mags, even the bracelet she's wearing in the pic is a JB one. She listens to his My World 2.0 cd every day, all day; knows all the words. She even got her baby brother singing along, "Justin Bieber ROCKS!" he parrots. She would be the most ecstatic girl in the world to win those tickets, PLEASE make her dream come true!"

Big 105 responded to it, saying "Awesome! Milena is entered into the contest, be sure to listen tomorrow at 7:15am to hear the winner's name announced."

(They are drawing a couple of names, so she'll have more than one chance to win. Let's all cross our fingers!)


Levi said...

Good luck Milena. So cute.

granny hag said...

crossing my fingers and toes!