Friday, March 12, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

1. How much time do you spend on the computer a day?
Oooo, this could be an embarrassing question. To be honest, there have been times when I got too involved in blogging or whatever and didn't realize the time and was like, "Ohholycrap, I just spent five hours online!" but those are few-and-far-between, and usually done when mom has the kids or something and I'm alone. On an average day though, I start up the computer the very nanosecond the boys leave for school, park the little ones in front of Looney Tunes, and spend about 1-2 hours online (reading and responding to email, doing online banking, browsing my fave sites, and just generally wasting time and procrastinating doing housework). Then I'll get my ass in gear, do some laundry, tidy up downstairs, dishes, vacuum, tidy bedrooms, more laundry, make snacks or lunch, etc etc. Ryder goes down for a nap, I get a workout in, then shower. Then I just putter or read or take a nap, whatever. The boys come home, we get started on chores/afterschool snack/homework/doing papers/hockey practice/getting supper ready/whatever is on the agenda for that particular night. Then, when supper is done, the boys have done their supper chores (they all clear the table, Lena puts condiments back in the fridge, Ardan wipes the table, Gunnar sweeps the floor, I supervise, hah) and the kids have scattered downstairs or out to the livingroom to do whatever, Tyler's on the couch "just resting his eyes", then I will get back online for another couple hours.
So there you have it, an extremely long and detailed itinerary of my average day, just to answer a simple question where I could have just said "about four hours" but instead chose to bore y'all to tears with the utter repetitiveness of my daily life. You're welcome.

2. Will you pay for your children's college or raise them to pay for their own way?
Aww shite. You mean I have to actually think about this instead of tucking it away in the far recessed corners of my mind where it can join the many other things I'm in denial about?? *sigh* Hmmm, lets do the math here. Four children + four college or university tuitions + winning the lottery = sure! No, we're raising our kids with the full knowledge that we will help however much we can (we have a few accounts set up for that sort of thing) but ultimately it will be something that their hard work and ambition will be responsible for.

3. Have you ever been in a car accident?
One time, a few years ago in Red Deer. A lady turned left in front of us, Ty was driving the Durango, she must've thought she had enough time but CRUNCH! Ty saw it coming and slammed on the brakes but still, the sound and feel of that impact will always remain with me. Kids were all okay, so were we, the Durango had some front fender and undercarriage damage but was able to be driven home, the other lady was physically fine, so it wasn't too bad. Now, if that question had been asked to Tyler, that's a whole 'nother answer! Haahaha, it'd be more like somewhere in the double digits, poor guy!

4. What is your favorite book?
I'm an equal-opportunity kind of gal, I don't discriminate when it comes to individual books. There is no definite or specific answer I can give to that question because I am such a voracious reader, I just love books and reading. So it becomes more of a thing with me where I fall in love with a certain series of books, and right now I am all about the Immortals After Dark series by Kresley Cole (werewolves and valkyries and vampires, ohmy!) and the Night Huntress series by Jeaniene Frost (also the spinoff series by the same author, called Night Huntress World, where secondary characters get their HEAs). Seriously, you guys should check out this new series, it is so great! Tyler got me the first book for my birthday and then for Valentine's day he got me the next three! Serious thank-you nookie that night, let me tell you, HAH! TMI, I don't care. The books are from a first-person pov (you know, I did this, I did that), which I usually detest because I like books where the story is told from both the woman AND man's perspective, but in these books it works because the main character is such a, well, character! Her name is Catherine, called Cat, and she is the world's only half-vampire/human (her vamp dad raped the mother, Cat was born, yadda), and at the age of 16 she began her vamp slaying career. The first book starts with her at age 22 being kidnapped by Bones, a hawwttt vampire bounty hunter who happens to have a wicked "blimey" English accent, luv it. He trains her to be a vampire-slaying machine and they team up to go after vamp bad-guys. Its obvious to the reader that Bones fell in love with her on sight but she doesn't clue in until halfway through the book, then she has to wrestle with her own mental demons before she can reciprocate. The next three books just get better and better.

5. Do you make your bed everyday?
No. Maybe if I'm feeling energetic or Martha-like. I like the look of a mussed bed, it brings back happy memories. ;P

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