Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fool's!

I friggin' LOVE April Fools Day. Its like the one day a year a parent can get away with pulling pranks on their kids, over and over, or until the kids wise up and quit being so darn gullible. Hah! Usually I have some sort of prank in mind and carry it off successfully, but then some years I completely forget and try to get away with pulling my prank at night-time. Of course, everyone knows the pranks are only "allowed" until noon, so they never let me get away with it.

But today, this morning, oh man, it was great! Actually, I had forgotten until Gunnar said something in response to a question Ardan had and he mentioned the date. Then I trotted out my prank and it. was. AWESOME!

"Oh hey, you guys, you'll never guess what happened last night! I thought I saw a cute little black cat coming up to our front door, I thought maybe Pabs got out, right? It came right up to the front door and huddled there, because it was so cold. Then, a whole bunch of its little tiny kittens came up, too, and cuddled into their mother. But good thing I noticed before I opened the door, that it was a family of SKUNKS! A mother skunk and her babies! It must have got so cold last night that they made a little nest up against our front door to stay warm! And you guys, they're still there! You're going to have to leave for school using the back door. You guys can go ahead and try to get a peek at them, the babies are sooo cute, but don't open the door okay? Well, okay Gunnar, if you really want to open the door that bad to see them, just open it reaallllly slowly, okay? No sudden movements or loud noises or you'll get sprayed for sure. [By now, all three kids had been contorting their necks, trying to see the baby skunks through the glass. Gunnar had them all stand back, warning them to stay quiet, and he slowly starts opening the door....]


(Oh yes, revenge is soooooo friggin' sweet!!)

When I yelled 'Boo!' Gunnar's knee-jerk reaction was to fling the door open wider, then all three kids squealed, ducked and covered, fully expecting an enraged mother skunk to spray them with pee. When nothing happened, they opened their eyes and looked, only to see... nothing. Then they realized they got PUNK'D!!


Oh yeah, they were sooo impressed with me. What can I say? No one can match the wily, twisted, evil mind of a mom. Mua ah ah ah!

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