Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Family vids

See, did we call it or what on naming that kid 'Ryder'? He was born to it! He absolutely LOVED riding on the minibike with Daddy. And even though Mommy thinks grown men look ridiculous on minibikes (*sigh* men!), you gotta admit its pretty adorable when there's a wee one riding double.

Those Kasha kids sure do love AC/DC! This song came on the tv and instantly there was a mad scramble to find some 'guitars'. One grabbed a mop and the other got a broom handle. Kids, eh? Even Ryder got in on the action by doing his new dance move, what we call 'high stepping' (lifting his feet up). So cute!

1 comment:

mom said...

Isn't Ty a great dad! This is what I meant in my latest blog ie., having a family event, not a family dinner. Wouldn't it be fun to load up gear and hit the acreage (well, actually, that might be off limits soon. The stakes are up now which means Colleen and Ken might be ready to build) but we could all plan to meet somewhere with bicycles, quads, dirt bikes, etc. Ryder looks so cute.
