Those of you familiar with blogger lingo know what a live blog is, for the rest of you its basically what it sounds like. Blogging in real time. I've never done it, never really felt the urge to. But tonight is my long-awaited American Idol night, I've been jonesing hard this last week. And its Disco theme night! Can't wait to see what Adam looks like. I've been dreading/hoping that he'll wear the iconic white suit John Travolta made famous in Saturday Night Fever. Wouldn't that be something to see? Adam in tight white, showcasing his lovely bulge (which I've actually seen thanks to internet pics, maybe if you're lucky I'll post that pic sometime. Be warned: you'll need a shower and ciggie after!)
9:01 - Ryan makes a speedy intro, Simon gets cat calls and he grins. Is that Vince Neil from Motley Crue in the audience? Here come the contestants - holy shit! Adam is wearing a beautiful black suit, no makeup, slicked back hair. I'm seriously drooling. He looks like a giant standing next to Ryan. I think I read somewhere that Adam is between 6'1 and 6'4. *panting* We all know how I feel about tall men. They have big feet. Which means..... big shoes! Heh.
9:04 - Lil Rounds sings Chaka Khan's "I'm Every Woman". She looks awesome in a black pant suit, very toned arms. Randy doesn't like the song choice, thinks it doesn't show what vocal control she has. Kara says she's been waiting for Lil to sing Chaka, but not sure if it was worth the wait. "But you look great!" Nice back-handed compliment, there. Paula gives props to Lil for her vocal recovery (had some sort of voice problem yesterday) but agrees with Paula and Kara. Simon says "no originality, very copy-cat, vocals were a mess, I absolutely believe this is your final shot." Looks like tomorrow night, its goodbye Lil!
9:12 - So many commercials, annoying! Kris Allen is up next. He's kind of a cutie. Never really noticed him before. He's singing "She Works Hard for the Money" by Donna Summer. He's holding a guitar, why?? Playing guitar on a disco song? Weird. Okay, now that he's playing it and singing, it actually works. I like the bongo drums. He's not wearing anything special, a white t-shirt and jeans. Not very disco-ish. He's giving the song kind of a laid-back, acoustic, Caribbean spin. Oh, guess he's actually wearing grayish-green slacks. The audience liked his performance. What do the judges think? Kara can't get a word in, the way the audience is carrying on. She said he took a risk and it paid off, "I gotta give you props". Paula thinks it had a classy Santana feel to it. (That's who I was thinking it sounded like, Santana!) She made a weird comment about Kris shopping for ladies clothes, it starts a little situation with her and Simon, both of them snarking at each other. Paula says Simon shops for women's clothing. Simon just wants her to shut up, I can tell. Simon thinks Kris's performance was original, well thought out, "NOT karaoke". Randy says he knows who he is, he's ready for the big time.
9:18 - Going to commercial. Allison and Danny after the break.
9:22 - Danny Goke is singing Earth, Wind & Fire's "September". He looks blah, same as usual. I do like Danny, he's got a heart-wrenching back story (his beloved wife died of cancer). He has a good voice. I could see him in the top 4 with Adam, Allison and Kris. Paula is standing and grooving along. Okay, yes it is Vince Neil in the audience with some blonde. Must be the wife. Randy says he turned the song into something that really worked for him tonight, he worked it out, baby. Kara says she was kinda worried, like if Simon wore a plaid shirt. What? Kara implies it might not be a memorable performance, though. Paula says Danny chose vocally to show his agility and brilliance, she thinks he has one of the sexiest voices and that women of all ages will agree. Simon pretty much agrees with all that's been said, but he didn't get a feeling of star power, the performance overall was a bit clumsy and awkward. Paula throws in, "See you in the final 3!"
9:27 - Allison Irehata sings "Hot Stuff" by Donna Summer. I friggin' LOVE her husky, deep voice. And she's only like 17! Why is she sitting, no, reclining, on the bright red stairs? Get up, girl. Whoa, what is she wearing? Are those black latex leggings under her short, silver sequined skirt? I like the curly hair. Wow, she can really belt it out. She must've changed the arrangement of the song, though, it sounds different. Randy thought it was a little over-indulgent, didn't like the arrangement, but that she is one of the best singers in the competition. Kara thought making the arrangement slower hurt the performance, but from a singing perspective it was a 9-10. Paula says the last note hit it off the charts. Simon says Allison was the under-dog, but it was a brilliant performance.
9:32 - Adam Lambert after the break! Woot woot!
9:36 - FINALLY, what I've been waiting for all week.... Here he is! GAWD he looks hot. He's doing "If I Can't Have You" from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Putting his own spin on a disco classic, says Ryan. Wow, he is changing it up. Its so beautiful and slow, soulful. Ohman, look at the faces he's making! Sexy smoulder, pained love. He can hit those high notes, shit! Everyone is cheering and screaming for him. He's wearing the coolest pinky ring ever, it goes right almost to the nail. Ack! I can't type fast enough to say all the things going through my head right now. Song ends on a gentle falsetto note. Standing O from Paula, of course. Simon is clapping. Randy says Adam is ready-right-now-dude, he's got it majorly going on, he's a hot one tonight, America! Kara says he's brilliant, every week he ups it, he looks like the guy from "Saturday Night Live" (*snicker* Dontcha mean Fever?! She did that before, said Studio 57 instead of 54) meets Clark Kent. Paula looks near tears. She says he chose to take a disco song and not make it cliche; she felt his pain "like he tore his heart out and wore it on the stage" (might have screwed up the quote there, I'm too busy grinning like a maniac and devouring him with my eyes), he's brilliant and will be in the final. Simon says he would've bet $10,000 that Adam would have done Donna Summer. LOL. The performance was original, the vocals were immaculate, people will remember this. Ryan is so short standing next to Adam! He says Paula was melting into a pool.
9:41 - Matt Giraud after the break. Who?
9:46 - Ryan says Matt is hoping the song is a metaphor for him staying in the competition (the judges chose to use their one and only "save" to keep Matt in the competition last week after he was voted off). Matt is doing "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees. What's up with the weird falsetto he put in there? Tyler says "Holy, this song sucks. Definitely karaoke singing." Wow, listen to Hubs sounding like Simon there. Hah. Matt has the dorkiest hat on, he must be trying to look like Justin Timberlake. Another shitty falsetto. Talk about trying to sound like Adam and it totally backfiring. Omg, I just typed that and Hubs comes out and says the same thing. I tell ya -- soulmates. Matt has a skinny black tie on. Doesn't he know only Adam can get away with skinny ties? More falsetto. The judges are going to rip him to shreds. Randy thinks the song choice and arrangements were bad choices, but that this bunch is the most talented group AI has had. Kara says he brought disco back, brought the groove. She liked his dancing, the vocals were pretty good. "Was it crazy-original the way that Adam's was? NO." Paula thinks this song was a "strike" (as in bowling) and that he deserved the save they made last week. Are the judges insane?! He SUCKED!! Simon actually didn't like that performance, because he's got to get himself out of "Idol land" and into the real world. In the real world, it came across as desperate, no originality, he's not a huge fan, sorry. Yes! Thank you, Simon. I knew I wasn't crazy.
9:50 - Anoop Desai closes the show after the break. You know, during auditions I really liked Anoop and was sad to see him go during Hollywood week. Then they brought him back after another contestant was kicked off for some nefarious reason or another. But he's let me down. I wonder what he'll sing, not that I really care at this point. I've still got an Adam-high goin' on, but its getting wasted watching these losers.
9:54 - Ryan takes a drink from Paula's Coke cup. Anoop is singing "Dance the Night Away". I think that's what its called. Didn't catch the original artist's name. I like the pink sweater vest but the gray suit is ugly. His dance moves are seriously sucky. And he really needs to shave. That last note was HARSH, totally off-key. Randy says he didn't really love this one, because it was kind of corny, but Anoop can really sing. He thinks it was nice, baby, nice. What, really? Kara liked the beat, like it could actually be on the radio. Uh, what?! What is wrong with these judges. Paula says the stubble makes him look fantastic and that real men know how to wear pink. She says he hit that magical tone in his voice, and he should smile more - "You've got beautiful teeth!" Simon totally disagrees with the judges, it was mediocre at best, a horrible version of that song, genuinely his worst performance ever. Once again, Simon says what we all are thinking. At least, what I am thinking. Ryan comments on Anoop's man-scaped eyebrows. What a thing to say.
9:58 - The recap. Love Lil's earrings, didn't notice them before. Oh, there's the bongos again. Danny's dorky dancing. Allison's hair rocks. Mmmmmm, Adam.... Matt sucks. Anoop is boring.
And there you have it, AI is out (remember when Ryan used to always say that? hah), at least until tomorrow night's result show. Hope you liked my 1st ever Live Blog. I had fun. My fingers hurt like hell from the frantic typing, though.
9:01 - Ryan makes a speedy intro, Simon gets cat calls and he grins. Is that Vince Neil from Motley Crue in the audience? Here come the contestants - holy shit! Adam is wearing a beautiful black suit, no makeup, slicked back hair. I'm seriously drooling. He looks like a giant standing next to Ryan. I think I read somewhere that Adam is between 6'1 and 6'4. *panting* We all know how I feel about tall men. They have big feet. Which means..... big shoes! Heh.
9:04 - Lil Rounds sings Chaka Khan's "I'm Every Woman". She looks awesome in a black pant suit, very toned arms. Randy doesn't like the song choice, thinks it doesn't show what vocal control she has. Kara says she's been waiting for Lil to sing Chaka, but not sure if it was worth the wait. "But you look great!" Nice back-handed compliment, there. Paula gives props to Lil for her vocal recovery (had some sort of voice problem yesterday) but agrees with Paula and Kara. Simon says "no originality, very copy-cat, vocals were a mess, I absolutely believe this is your final shot." Looks like tomorrow night, its goodbye Lil!
9:12 - So many commercials, annoying! Kris Allen is up next. He's kind of a cutie. Never really noticed him before. He's singing "She Works Hard for the Money" by Donna Summer. He's holding a guitar, why?? Playing guitar on a disco song? Weird. Okay, now that he's playing it and singing, it actually works. I like the bongo drums. He's not wearing anything special, a white t-shirt and jeans. Not very disco-ish. He's giving the song kind of a laid-back, acoustic, Caribbean spin. Oh, guess he's actually wearing grayish-green slacks. The audience liked his performance. What do the judges think? Kara can't get a word in, the way the audience is carrying on. She said he took a risk and it paid off, "I gotta give you props". Paula thinks it had a classy Santana feel to it. (That's who I was thinking it sounded like, Santana!) She made a weird comment about Kris shopping for ladies clothes, it starts a little situation with her and Simon, both of them snarking at each other. Paula says Simon shops for women's clothing. Simon just wants her to shut up, I can tell. Simon thinks Kris's performance was original, well thought out, "NOT karaoke". Randy says he knows who he is, he's ready for the big time.
9:18 - Going to commercial. Allison and Danny after the break.
9:22 - Danny Goke is singing Earth, Wind & Fire's "September". He looks blah, same as usual. I do like Danny, he's got a heart-wrenching back story (his beloved wife died of cancer). He has a good voice. I could see him in the top 4 with Adam, Allison and Kris. Paula is standing and grooving along. Okay, yes it is Vince Neil in the audience with some blonde. Must be the wife. Randy says he turned the song into something that really worked for him tonight, he worked it out, baby. Kara says she was kinda worried, like if Simon wore a plaid shirt. What? Kara implies it might not be a memorable performance, though. Paula says Danny chose vocally to show his agility and brilliance, she thinks he has one of the sexiest voices and that women of all ages will agree. Simon pretty much agrees with all that's been said, but he didn't get a feeling of star power, the performance overall was a bit clumsy and awkward. Paula throws in, "See you in the final 3!"
9:27 - Allison Irehata sings "Hot Stuff" by Donna Summer. I friggin' LOVE her husky, deep voice. And she's only like 17! Why is she sitting, no, reclining, on the bright red stairs? Get up, girl. Whoa, what is she wearing? Are those black latex leggings under her short, silver sequined skirt? I like the curly hair. Wow, she can really belt it out. She must've changed the arrangement of the song, though, it sounds different. Randy thought it was a little over-indulgent, didn't like the arrangement, but that she is one of the best singers in the competition. Kara thought making the arrangement slower hurt the performance, but from a singing perspective it was a 9-10. Paula says the last note hit it off the charts. Simon says Allison was the under-dog, but it was a brilliant performance.
9:32 - Adam Lambert after the break! Woot woot!
9:36 - FINALLY, what I've been waiting for all week.... Here he is! GAWD he looks hot. He's doing "If I Can't Have You" from the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Putting his own spin on a disco classic, says Ryan. Wow, he is changing it up. Its so beautiful and slow, soulful. Ohman, look at the faces he's making! Sexy smoulder, pained love. He can hit those high notes, shit! Everyone is cheering and screaming for him. He's wearing the coolest pinky ring ever, it goes right almost to the nail. Ack! I can't type fast enough to say all the things going through my head right now. Song ends on a gentle falsetto note. Standing O from Paula, of course. Simon is clapping. Randy says Adam is ready-right-now-dude, he's got it majorly going on, he's a hot one tonight, America! Kara says he's brilliant, every week he ups it, he looks like the guy from "Saturday Night Live" (*snicker* Dontcha mean Fever?! She did that before, said Studio 57 instead of 54) meets Clark Kent. Paula looks near tears. She says he chose to take a disco song and not make it cliche; she felt his pain "like he tore his heart out and wore it on the stage" (might have screwed up the quote there, I'm too busy grinning like a maniac and devouring him with my eyes), he's brilliant and will be in the final. Simon says he would've bet $10,000 that Adam would have done Donna Summer. LOL. The performance was original, the vocals were immaculate, people will remember this. Ryan is so short standing next to Adam! He says Paula was melting into a pool.
9:41 - Matt Giraud after the break. Who?
9:46 - Ryan says Matt is hoping the song is a metaphor for him staying in the competition (the judges chose to use their one and only "save" to keep Matt in the competition last week after he was voted off). Matt is doing "Staying Alive" by the BeeGees. What's up with the weird falsetto he put in there? Tyler says "Holy, this song sucks. Definitely karaoke singing." Wow, listen to Hubs sounding like Simon there. Hah. Matt has the dorkiest hat on, he must be trying to look like Justin Timberlake. Another shitty falsetto. Talk about trying to sound like Adam and it totally backfiring. Omg, I just typed that and Hubs comes out and says the same thing. I tell ya -- soulmates. Matt has a skinny black tie on. Doesn't he know only Adam can get away with skinny ties? More falsetto. The judges are going to rip him to shreds. Randy thinks the song choice and arrangements were bad choices, but that this bunch is the most talented group AI has had. Kara says he brought disco back, brought the groove. She liked his dancing, the vocals were pretty good. "Was it crazy-original the way that Adam's was? NO." Paula thinks this song was a "strike" (as in bowling) and that he deserved the save they made last week. Are the judges insane?! He SUCKED!! Simon actually didn't like that performance, because he's got to get himself out of "Idol land" and into the real world. In the real world, it came across as desperate, no originality, he's not a huge fan, sorry. Yes! Thank you, Simon. I knew I wasn't crazy.
9:50 - Anoop Desai closes the show after the break. You know, during auditions I really liked Anoop and was sad to see him go during Hollywood week. Then they brought him back after another contestant was kicked off for some nefarious reason or another. But he's let me down. I wonder what he'll sing, not that I really care at this point. I've still got an Adam-high goin' on, but its getting wasted watching these losers.
9:54 - Ryan takes a drink from Paula's Coke cup. Anoop is singing "Dance the Night Away". I think that's what its called. Didn't catch the original artist's name. I like the pink sweater vest but the gray suit is ugly. His dance moves are seriously sucky. And he really needs to shave. That last note was HARSH, totally off-key. Randy says he didn't really love this one, because it was kind of corny, but Anoop can really sing. He thinks it was nice, baby, nice. What, really? Kara liked the beat, like it could actually be on the radio. Uh, what?! What is wrong with these judges. Paula says the stubble makes him look fantastic and that real men know how to wear pink. She says he hit that magical tone in his voice, and he should smile more - "You've got beautiful teeth!" Simon totally disagrees with the judges, it was mediocre at best, a horrible version of that song, genuinely his worst performance ever. Once again, Simon says what we all are thinking. At least, what I am thinking. Ryan comments on Anoop's man-scaped eyebrows. What a thing to say.
9:58 - The recap. Love Lil's earrings, didn't notice them before. Oh, there's the bongos again. Danny's dorky dancing. Allison's hair rocks. Mmmmmm, Adam.... Matt sucks. Anoop is boring.
And there you have it, AI is out (remember when Ryan used to always say that? hah), at least until tomorrow night's result show. Hope you liked my 1st ever Live Blog. I had fun. My fingers hurt like hell from the frantic typing, though.

Here, I found a pic on the message boards. (YES, I went immediately there after the show, I told you I'm an addict. Cut me some slack, I needed to talk about the show with fellow Glamberts, its just like after seeing a movie at the theatre!) This was taken just before the show tonight. Isn't he beautiful? *sigh*
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