Thursday, April 2, 2009

Is it narcissistic.... love a photo of yourself this much? LOL

My cousin Scarlet took this photo, among many others, at Lena's birthday party. And I gotta admit that I just cannot get over how good she made me look! (And Ryder, of course, what a cute little dickens!) I don't know if its the sepia tone, giving me such dark exotic-looking eyes; or the angle of my face, making it look slimmer (no double chin baby, oh ya! haha); or how clear my skin looks (I'm still getting used to that, thanks to the birth control). Its just a great picture!

I can count on one hand how many pictures of myself there are in existence where I actually look photogenic. I tend to treasure those pics, whereas all others get hidden underneath other pictures in the album, or if they're truly horrifying they get ripped up and thrown out. Haha. That reminds me of the time we were all at Levi and Amber's for family dinner and Mom and I were going through one of Amber's photo albums. Mom saw one picture, did a double take, and exclaimed, "Oh for pity sakes, is that ME?!" She had that picture out of the plastic and ripped into shreds in about two seconds. I'm choking with laughter, everyone else was horrified that she would do that. "You look fine, Kelle!" But I knew exactly where she was coming from.

So thank you ever so much, cousin! I think you've created my all-time favorite picture of myself. When I'm old and crinkled (not that I plan to age gracefully people, there's a reason botox was invented and I'm taking advantage of it, oh ya! but anyway...), this is the pic I'll probably make my family use on the obit. "Here's mom back in her heyday." Haha.

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