My little girl has discovered a new passion for photography. Every day she grabs the camera and walks around, snapping pics. She fills the memory card every time. I've transferred literally hundreds of her pics to the computer, but then spend like half an hour going through them, deleting all the extreme closeups, blurred or fuzzy pics. There was a series of about 30 pics just of the tv screen when her favorite show was on. I've created a folder just for her photos (she was quite thrilled) and these are a few of the best ones. Enjoy!
Look at that dirty little boy, he loves spaghetti!
The beautiful Easter tree that Gramma Dea got the kids, Lena loves that it "looks like a REAL tree!"
This is the other Easter tree that Dea got Lena a couple Easter's ago (she got all the kids their own 'tree' to hang Easter ornaments on, so cute!)
Pabs, the King of the Jungle-known-as-our-house. Enjoying a lazy nap. Like usual.
Punkin, his haywire sister. She enjoys long walks up and down the stairs, quiet dinners in the laundry room, yowling for attention, rubbing against people's legs, and chasing after her brother.
That "shh" above his head cracks me up. Its sooo not Ryder.
Lena also loves "doing writing", using the letters she's learned to make words. How crazy is it that she actually almost did spell a word? Her favorite word to write? P-O-O-P. Kids, eh?
Her beautiful new Princess socks from Gramma Hag.
The kid has discovered the joy of feeding himself, oh yay. Fun for Ryder, hilarious for the kids as they giggle at his food-covered head and body, lovely for Mama when she has to wait an hour for him to be done feeding himself, then the joy of cleaning up the massive mess. The things we do as parents to encourage independence...
The camera-battery charger went missing for three days after this pic was taken. Eventually I found it his closet in the dirty clothes hamper.
His ear looks ginormous in this pic. Must be the angle. Hoping its the angle.
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