Monday, April 6, 2009

Am I jealous? What's going on here?

Do you guys wanna hear something absolutely crazy and insane? Today is the first time in 10 DAYS that I have done laundry. I know! Hubs has been like a machine, doing laundry every waking moment. And the weird thing is.... I think he's even been putting the clothes away! Because I'm seeing the hampers of clean clothes coming upstairs but I certainly haven't been putting them away! Weird.

So I ventured downstairs to the laundry room today, like I said, for the first time in 10 days. A few days ago, I mentioned that I could take over that chore for him, you know, subtle-y implying that I want to 'reclaim' my laundry room (even though I am SO grateful for his new-found love of doing laundry). And do you know what he said? "Oh, that's okay, I'm all caught up." Uhhhh..... what?! "Yeah, there's a few towels down there, I'm waiting for some more so I can put in a load of whites, but other than that, I'm all caught up. It's all done. Oh, I do need to buy more bleach and the jug of laundry soap is half-empty." Uhhh.... WHAT?!!! Its been like two years since I've been "caught up" on laundry. There's ALWAYS a load or two waiting. I was just stunned. And what is up with his sudden knowledge of laundry 'lingo'? He needs to "buy more bleach", he's "waiting for more towels", he actually separates whites (unlike most guys who just throw it all in)?

Is Hubs having an affair with frickin' MARTHA STEWART or something?!?!!

Then I started thinking, 'Holy crap, this is making me look realllll bad! The man got caught up on laundry in like four days!' So when I went downstairs today, I was a little relieved to see there were two full hampers of dirty clothes. A-ha! Not so caught up now, are ya? And it feels really weird to admit this but -- I actually missed folding! Its so repetitive, doing the same movements over and over, its almost like a housewife's version of Tai Chi or something. My mind is free to drift and wander as my body automatically folds the clothes. So I was actually happy to pull a huge load of towels and dish cloths out of the dryer. Ahhh, sweet mindless bliss!

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