Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Some people are dinks

While driving around and around the public parking lot at the hospital today, looking in vain for a parking space, I noticed several vehicles parked like, well, assholes. I mean, I realize the ground is covered in snow and you can't see where the yellow lines are but it should be obvious when you are taking up two spaces by parking in the middle or crookedly. Some vehicles were even parked up against the curb, right on the little driving-road. (Did I just make up a new saying? Little driving-road? Do you know what I mean when I say that? Don't mock me, its late, all right? But I digress....)

Eventually I had to give up and leave that area and just find a parking space on the street, then just walk the distance to the hospital.

But it got me thinking, wouldn't it be cool to have like a little card or something you could keep in your glovebox for just such instances, that you could put on a person's windshield letting them know they're a dink?

So I googled it. And found a little website, Wry and Ginger, that sells totally awesome and hilarious cards, for all occasions, but also for bad parking!! I really want to order some but I'm too cheap. Got me to thinking about making my own little cards.

Which led me to this website, http://www.youparklikeanasshole.com/. You can download two different notices that you can then print out and keep in your vehicle. Although, after reading some of the hate mail that website receives, it will make me think twice about the severity of the bad-parking job and whether it really deserves a notice.

I still might make my own little cards though. I like how Wry and Ginger made their cards cute and funny yet still get the point across that the person is a douche.


WryAndGinger said...

Someone has to let the douches of the world knwo the score!


WildGirl said...
