I've been a fan of People of Walmart for a while now and one thing I gotta say after seeing all the pics and experiencing utter visual devastation, is... something is seriously wrong with people! I don't know if its mental issues, low trailer-trash standards, deterioration of morality and decency, no mirrors in the house, or reverse body dysmorphia (instead of seeing fat where there is none, their brains overlook the huge exposed muffin-top and they think that spandex is their friend). I literally get sick to my stomach looking at some of these pics. And it makes me actually look forward to 2012, when all these dumb disgusting pigs will be wiped from the face of the earth! Harsh... but true.

Wow. Enough said!!
OH.MY.GOD. These are just disgusting.
Why are men wearing thongs? What's with the shit smears, the huge exposed muffins, the cellulite, the short shorts, the stretchmarked boobs hanging out, the cellulite, the men with these women, the bathing suit look, the sloppiness, the uncleanliness, the cellulite?
I feel like throwing up.
This is definitely an incentive to lose the "small" amount of weight I gained over the winter but even if I gained another 25lbs I'd still look small and cute against these monsters.
I know I'm supposed to chill out, take a deep breath and tell myself "this is someone's daughter, someone's wife, someone's sister, someone's mother, someone's grampa ..." WHATEVER but these pictures make it very very very hard to be nice.
I'm going to go hug my clean toilet and try to think nice thoughts.
"I'm going to go hug my clean toilet" -- bahahaha! So funny. Love how the word cellulite kept popping up, too.
Aren't some people just utterly disgusting? How can you NOT know that 6 inches of ass-crack is hanging out? Ty bent over last night to pick something up and his crack showed, I pointed and yelled "Person of Walmart! Person of Walmart!" and he popped right up and said, "I KNEW you were going to say that!" haha.
I weep for the future of mankind if these are kind of people who will inherit the earth. And seeing how hillbillies like these are the ones having tons of kids, and the intelligent go-getters are having less... doesn't look good.
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