Tuesday, February 1, 2011

More Auto-Complete


mama hagar said...

OMG, another AUTOCORRECT posting –

You know, if we were all up to snuff on these words we could adopt some of the terminology even if only to honour and/or humor the memory of your dad LOL ..

Clitoris instead of CLINT celibate instead of CELEBRATE I would casserole instead of FAINT (that sounds like a Gunnarboy thing, nervous and allergic) blown my boss twice and it’s not as bad as I thought instead of blown my NOSE broke my penis and it exploded all over my pants instead of PEN

Then there’s words that we should adopt just for the hell of it like Viagra cigars, bunghole, I’d buy you a casket, cheese tits and homely pumpkin

Great posting.


WildGirl said...

I have about a billion more that I intend to add on later. The first time I visited the site, I literally sat there for an hour, laughing so hard I was crying and wheezing. You know when you get into a giggle-fit and can't get out of it? That was me. I almost felt high, I laughed so hard and long.