1. Can you drive a stick shift?
HAH! Oh, that's so funny, har har. Thanksalot Internet, for reminding me of the one oh-so-horrible nightmarish time I drove a stick shift and crashed Ty's blue truck into Deanna's garage. Thanks a lot.
2. What are two foods you just can't eat?
Liver and blackberries. Its a texture thing. One is slimy (whose sole purpose of existence is to FILTER LIVING BLOOD, *barf*) and the other is a bunch of bulbous fluid-filled sacs clustered together like freshly deposited ant eggs. When I look at a blackberry I can practically see it quivering as the squirming evil black larvae try to escape.
3. Do you buy Girl Scout Cookies? What is your favorite kind?
Sometimes. I think they've only sold door-to-door in our area one or two times in the last five years, otherwise I always see them set up in front of a store. I wasn't aware there were other kinds besides the chocolate and vanilla (we always buy a couple of each).
4. How do you pamper yourself?
A long, leisurely bath with lots of bubbles and a nice fat book; afterwards, a home pedicure with painted toes; lotion slathered all over myself. I don't know, how do YOU pamper yourself?
5. What is your nickname and how did you get it?
Mom gave me the nicknames Booey and Sax, Aunt Stephanie sometimes calls me Sadie (from my middle name Mercedes), Hubs calls me Babe (for obvious reasons, *fluffing hair*).
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row?
Funny you should ask! I happen to be wearing the exact same thing I was wearing yesterday, right now! I was so exhausted last night after a full day of hockey and driving (Rimbey, then Drayton Valley). We didn't get home until around 8pm last night. I'd guzzled a 5-hour energy drink after Gunnar's game (I needed it sooo bad for the drive home as I almost fell asleep at the Drayon arena a couple of times); around 10pm, the buzz had worn off and the wave of exhaustion came rushing back so hard, I just collapsed in bed, still wearing the same clothes. And seeing how its been a laid-back morning so far (Ty is taking Ard to his morning game here in Sylvan), voila, I am still in the clothes. But yes, on more than one occasion I have worn the same outfit two days in a row. Only if the clothes are still clean, only if looking for new clothes is too much of a hassle, and only if I'm going to be seeing different people who wouldn't know the difference.
2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be?
Ugh, I hate LARGE cities. Too much traffic, too many 'big-city' attitudes, too many people. But... if I had to choose, I'd probably pick someplace beautiful, with lots of trees and nice weather, maybe some city in a place like California or somewhere. As I don't have a lot of experiences in large cities, I can't pick one in particular.
3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?
Hmmm. I've only had one flying experience with the kids (the 2-hour flight to Whitehorse in '07) and it was kind of sucky. I was pregnant and grouchy, feeling airsick and claustrophobic, not enough fresh air, and little 2-yr old Lena was driving me nuts (thank GOD for Gramma Hag, who kept Lena occupied and happy!). But driving isn't much better. Still, I'd probably go with driving because you can always pull over somewhere to let the kids run and play, everyone gets a nice dose of fresh air, then you're back on the road.
Washing the walls and baseboards, cleaning and organizing closets, going through all the clothes to see what's in and what's out, wiping down the cupboards and cabinets and organizing inside them, cleaning the oven interior. There's more, I have a list, but can't recall the rest right now.
5. What is the best book you have ever read?
Oooh, what a hard question. Right now, I'm reading and re-reading Kresley Cole's newest Immortals After Dark book, Dreams of a Dark Warrior, and after more than six months of crazed anticipation, it is everything I was hoping for and more. I wasn't sure how Kresley could possibly redeem the hero in this book, as he was responsible for the capture, torture and beheading of countless Loreans in the last book, and I (and the rest of the KC fanclub) hated him with a passion after Regin's vivisection in that last book. But KC did it, and how. An excellent book, worth the read even if you haven't read any other books in the series (though you totally should, as they all happen in roughly the same time frame).
Read excerpt here.
From the back of the book:
Installment 11 in the bestselling Immortals After Dark series
From #1 New York Times bestseller Kresley Cole comes this gripping tale of a battle-maddenend warrior driven by revenge and the Valkyrie temptress who haunts his dreams.
He vowed he'd come for her. . .
Murdered before he could wed Regin the Radiant, warlord Aidan the Fierce seeks his beloved through eternity, reborn again and again into new identities, yet with no memory of his past lives—only an endless yearning.
She awaits his return. . .
When Regin encounters Declan Chase, a brutal Celtic soldier, she recognizes her proud warlord reincarnated. But Declan takes her captive, intending retribution against all immortals, unaware that he belongs to their world.
To sate a desire more powerful than death. . .
Yet every reincarnation comes with a price, for Aidan is doomed to die when he remembers his past. To save herself from Declan's torments, will Regin rekindle memories of the passion they once shared—even if it means once again losing the only man she could ever love?
Regin is the kind of heroine I adore: fierce and strong-willed, wild, untamed, quick-witted, with a MOUTH on her that just won't stop (and often gets her in trouble). Here's an example of one of the hilarious things she says:
(From Dreams of a Dark Warrior) Regin talking to Fegley, one of her jailors: "I finally understand what a dickie-do is. Your gut does stick out more than your dickie do." (I laughed so hard when I read that, right there in Chapters, a loud crack of laughter that made everyone around me stop and stare, and I couldn't stop laughing and giggling!)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Try this cough syrup!
I picked up a new kind of cough syrup, its homeopathic (made entirely from plants), from Value Drug Mart here in Sylvan. It cost about $7-8, comparable and even a bit cheaper than other name-brand syrups. Its super-powerful and effective, so children aged 0-6 only need 1/2 tsp, 7-11 is 1 tsp, and 12+ is 1 tbsp. As symptoms improve, dosage intake can be reduced. This product contains no antihistamine ingredients, which makes it surprisingly potent.
I had bought it before, months ago when the kids were all sick, and I remembered Lena saying it didn't have "a taste". And it worked really great, too; cleared the sickness up within a couple of days.
Poor Lena has been sick with a persistent cough and cold for the past week, and flat-out refused to take any medicine that "tastes like poison", which is basically every kind of cough syrup and chewable pills out there, regardless of 'fast-melting action' or cherry, grape and orange flavors. She threatened to punch me if I even mentioned Oil of Oregano (one experience was enough for her, thankyouverymuch), and the peroxide-in-the-ear trick really only works if you catch the sickness in the early stages. So I've been a little desperate about what to give her to help ease the painful hacking cough, non-stop runny/stuffy nose, and the chest congestion.
Then, on a trip to Value Drug Mart to find something to help her, I came across the box of Phytotux and like a flash of lightning, her little voice "It has no taste" ran through my head. Yesss! Brought it home to her and she piped up, "I remember this stuff! Thank you Mom, thank you!" and to my utter astonishment, she gulped her dose down in one swallow. Giving her any other medication was an hour-long process: first, ten minutes of threatening, bribing and flat-out pleading to pleeeaasseee drink it; then her grudging acceptance but warnings of "I don't know about this!"; then standing there and watching her for like twenty minutes as she lifted the little medicine cup to her mouth, then put it back down, then back up again, and repeat; then, finally, watching her gather her courage, face screwed up in a grimace, taking teensy-tiny sips, shuddering and gagging after each one, whining and complaining "I can't do it again! Don't make me!"; until eventually, an hour later, the full dose was swallowed. And then lastly, of course, listening to her angry tirade of "I can't believe you made me drink that! It tastes like POISON! My throat is burning! Its all I can taste! I'm never drinking that again!"
So you can imagine my relief at finding this wonder syrup that she gulped down in seconds.
According to the Phytotux H by Homeocan website,
The ingredients contained in Phytotux H are described in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, by Dr H. Voisin, H.D., as effectively relieving:
I had bought it before, months ago when the kids were all sick, and I remembered Lena saying it didn't have "a taste". And it worked really great, too; cleared the sickness up within a couple of days.
Poor Lena has been sick with a persistent cough and cold for the past week, and flat-out refused to take any medicine that "tastes like poison", which is basically every kind of cough syrup and chewable pills out there, regardless of 'fast-melting action' or cherry, grape and orange flavors. She threatened to punch me if I even mentioned Oil of Oregano (one experience was enough for her, thankyouverymuch), and the peroxide-in-the-ear trick really only works if you catch the sickness in the early stages. So I've been a little desperate about what to give her to help ease the painful hacking cough, non-stop runny/stuffy nose, and the chest congestion.
Then, on a trip to Value Drug Mart to find something to help her, I came across the box of Phytotux and like a flash of lightning, her little voice "It has no taste" ran through my head. Yesss! Brought it home to her and she piped up, "I remember this stuff! Thank you Mom, thank you!" and to my utter astonishment, she gulped her dose down in one swallow. Giving her any other medication was an hour-long process: first, ten minutes of threatening, bribing and flat-out pleading to pleeeaasseee drink it; then her grudging acceptance but warnings of "I don't know about this!"; then standing there and watching her for like twenty minutes as she lifted the little medicine cup to her mouth, then put it back down, then back up again, and repeat; then, finally, watching her gather her courage, face screwed up in a grimace, taking teensy-tiny sips, shuddering and gagging after each one, whining and complaining "I can't do it again! Don't make me!"; until eventually, an hour later, the full dose was swallowed. And then lastly, of course, listening to her angry tirade of "I can't believe you made me drink that! It tastes like POISON! My throat is burning! Its all I can taste! I'm never drinking that again!"
So you can imagine my relief at finding this wonder syrup that she gulped down in seconds.
According to the Phytotux H by Homeocan website,
The ingredients contained in Phytotux H are described in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica, by Dr H. Voisin, H.D., as effectively relieving:
- Spasmodic cough, with fits of suffocation
- Excessive whooping-cough
- Dry painful cough brought on by a sensation of irritation
- Dryness in the trachea
- Accumulation of bronchial mucus
- Rattling of mucus and wheezing in chest, violent cough attacks
- Coughing fits with stringy mucus, spasmodic cough with difficult expectoration of viscid mucus
- No side-effects
- No contra-indication
- No drug interaction
- No drowsiness
- Safe for pregnant women and seniors
Active Ingredients and Purpose
Sun-Dew: dry cough
Leopard's Bane: muscle pain and congestion
White Bryony: coughing fits
Ipecac: cough suppressant
Iceland Moss: dry cough
Deadly Nightshade: cold and fever symptoms
Cochineal: cough with expectoration
Red Coral: painful cough
Tin: mucus, cough and chills
Monday, February 14, 2011
I love how kids' minds work
Ardan and I were listening to the radio and it said that Pennsylvania was known for chocolate. "AND pencils!" Ardan said. I paused, let that sink in, then grinned. Pencil-vania.
Lena saw a mini-herd of deer while we were driving and we slowed down to watch them. "I'm sure glad Dad left some deer alive!" Ryder exclaimed. Lena added, "Animals are what makes life beautiful."
Lena asked Gunnar the other day, "Do penguins live on mountains?" He shook his head, "No, they live in Ant-", "Oh, wait, I know!" she cut in. "They live in Antarcticoda!" So we now have a new saying -- penguins are from Antarcticoda.
Ryder was intensely coloring a picture, "Don't bug me right now... I'm cockentrating!" Another new word.
Ryder let out a huge sneeze and snot flew everywhere, "I think I sneezed out my brain!!" He was horrified.
I had to go to the store and when the little ones and I got in the vehicle, I got a whiff of some horrible smell, "Eww, what is that?" Ryder piped up in his gruff little voice, "Ardan FARTED in here yesterday and its still left over!"
Lena saw a mini-herd of deer while we were driving and we slowed down to watch them. "I'm sure glad Dad left some deer alive!" Ryder exclaimed. Lena added, "Animals are what makes life beautiful."
Lena asked Gunnar the other day, "Do penguins live on mountains?" He shook his head, "No, they live in Ant-", "Oh, wait, I know!" she cut in. "They live in Antarcticoda!" So we now have a new saying -- penguins are from Antarcticoda.
Ryder was intensely coloring a picture, "Don't bug me right now... I'm cockentrating!" Another new word.
Ryder let out a huge sneeze and snot flew everywhere, "I think I sneezed out my brain!!" He was horrified.
I had to go to the store and when the little ones and I got in the vehicle, I got a whiff of some horrible smell, "Eww, what is that?" Ryder piped up in his gruff little voice, "Ardan FARTED in here yesterday and its still left over!"
Friday, February 11, 2011
Five Question Friday
1. Would you rather be on ABC's Extreme Home MakeOver or TLC's What not to Wear?
Uh, derrrr! Obviously, Extreme Home Makeover. I mean, have you SEEN what they do to those houses? Well, usually tear them down and rebuild, but the new house is gigantic and beautiful and spacious, lots of light, all new appliances and cool gadgets, gorgeous hardwood floors and cabinetry. And each room has a cool theme, or else if its for an adult, its absolutely beautiful. That would be a fantasy come true, especially if you were allowed to have input on the new design.
2. Do you have any tattoos?
None. I always planned to get one with all four of the kids names incorporated, until someone (*cough*Carol*cough*) stole that idea. So now my idea is to have a flower representing each member of the family, like a flower chain inked around my ankle and up my calf. Don't know that I'll ever follow through and actually get it done, but the idea is nice, haha.
3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up?
All the time. By telling them memories of my childhood and family members, I hope that it gives them a sense of connection and familiarity with people who are no longer with us; and also, just knowing that mom experienced some of the things that they are, that I did stuff like that too, maybe they'll see me in a different light. Like, I'm not just a parental authority figure. Hopefully. Plus, I love talking about my childhood because it was awesome and brings back great memories!
4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, do you stop or speed up?
Depends what the road conditions are like. If its icy, I'll go through the yellow light, don't want to take the risk of a sudden brake putting us into a skid or spin. But usually I pay attention to the flashing lights-about-to-turn signal and will slow down in advance. I'm a very careful driver and I never want to do anything that puts my kids' lives at risk (especially as lots of drivers DO run yellow and red lights, and you just don't know if that will be the day you get t-boned in an intersection).
5. What's your preference: chocolate or chips?
Chocolate! Mmmmm, chocolate... (Homer Simpson voice) I'm a sucker for chocolate bars, my total weakness. Caramilk bars, Aero (especially love the mint ones), Snickers, KitKat, Wunderbars, Mister Big, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, Sweet Marie... Not too big of a fan of Smarties (the shell is too hard) but M&Ms are awesome, Glosette Raisins, even milk chocolate chips. Man, if they invented sugar-free, fat-free chocolate bars that still tasted the same, I'd be in heaven!
Uh, derrrr! Obviously, Extreme Home Makeover. I mean, have you SEEN what they do to those houses? Well, usually tear them down and rebuild, but the new house is gigantic and beautiful and spacious, lots of light, all new appliances and cool gadgets, gorgeous hardwood floors and cabinetry. And each room has a cool theme, or else if its for an adult, its absolutely beautiful. That would be a fantasy come true, especially if you were allowed to have input on the new design.
2. Do you have any tattoos?
None. I always planned to get one with all four of the kids names incorporated, until someone (*cough*Carol*cough*) stole that idea. So now my idea is to have a flower representing each member of the family, like a flower chain inked around my ankle and up my calf. Don't know that I'll ever follow through and actually get it done, but the idea is nice, haha.
3. Do you tell your kids about things you did growing up?
All the time. By telling them memories of my childhood and family members, I hope that it gives them a sense of connection and familiarity with people who are no longer with us; and also, just knowing that mom experienced some of the things that they are, that I did stuff like that too, maybe they'll see me in a different light. Like, I'm not just a parental authority figure. Hopefully. Plus, I love talking about my childhood because it was awesome and brings back great memories!
4. If the traffic signal turns yellow, do you stop or speed up?
Depends what the road conditions are like. If its icy, I'll go through the yellow light, don't want to take the risk of a sudden brake putting us into a skid or spin. But usually I pay attention to the flashing lights-about-to-turn signal and will slow down in advance. I'm a very careful driver and I never want to do anything that puts my kids' lives at risk (especially as lots of drivers DO run yellow and red lights, and you just don't know if that will be the day you get t-boned in an intersection).
5. What's your preference: chocolate or chips?
Chocolate! Mmmmm, chocolate... (Homer Simpson voice) I'm a sucker for chocolate bars, my total weakness. Caramilk bars, Aero (especially love the mint ones), Snickers, KitKat, Wunderbars, Mister Big, Reese Peanut Butter Cups, Sweet Marie... Not too big of a fan of Smarties (the shell is too hard) but M&Ms are awesome, Glosette Raisins, even milk chocolate chips. Man, if they invented sugar-free, fat-free chocolate bars that still tasted the same, I'd be in heaven!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
3D Justin Bieber movie!!
After counting down the sleeps for the last week, the big day finally arrived... Justin Bieber in 3D!! Lena was ready to go around noon, I had to keep reminding her we didn't leave until 5pm. Poor girl, she was so excited she just couldn't stand the wait!
We picked up her little friend Rhyann first, couldn't resist getting our picture taken with our 3d glasses on.
I gave my camera to the girls during the drive into Red Deer. They both took turns with the camera, giggling and chattering non-stop. Enjoy these next several pics, haha...
Finally they let the crowd in. Boy were we excited! Quick bathroom break for the girls, got our popcorn, drinks and candy, and into the theatre we went! Rhyann wanted to sit higher-up so we scouted for some seats. Managed to snag some right before a big group of kids came by, also looking. Phew! Settled in, put on our 3d glasses, took a few pics.
And then, after the last week of trembling anticipation and utter excitement, the moment we'd been waiting for finally arrived... the movie began! Here's a few moments I just had to capture on film.
After two hours, the movie ended and the girls were just high on life, walking on cloud nine. We sat in the lobby for a bit, watching all the teens running around and screaming.
Then it was time to head home. As the vehicle warmed up, the girls and I talked about the movie.
I stepped outside for a quick puff but left the camera, in video mode, with the girls...
Like you probably heard me telling Rhyann's mom on the phone, I needed to stop at Walmart for bread and milk before going home. And of course, the girls had to come in, wearing their VIP passes and carrying the gift bags so they could show them off to everyone. As we walked through the store, they lifted up their VIP passes to everyone walking by, "We just went to the Justin Bieber movie! He's our favorite!" One lady, who I happen to know because she cuts the kids' hair sometimes, actually stopped and had a whole conversation with both girls. I know that she has a girl about Ardan's age, and she told the girls how her daughter will be soooo jealous, which of course, just tickled them pink. Even the poor greeter had to hear all about it as we walked out. So darn cute.
We dropped a very-sleepy, but still wired, Rhyann off at her house; then carried on to our house, with Lena chattering the entire way: "Rhyann is my new best-best-best-best friend. We both want to marry Justin Bieber but we can just share him." and so on.
What a wonderful, truly memorable night. Right before she drifted off to sleep in her warm cozy bed, Lena murmured to me, "This was the most exciting day of MY WHOLE LIFE!"
We picked up her little friend Rhyann first, couldn't resist getting our picture taken with our 3d glasses on.
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Sorry its so bright, no amount of photo-editing would fix it. :( |
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Kissing Justin would be a recurring thing all night, hah! |
Finally we arrived at the Galaxy Cinema theatre. Ohmygosh, those girls were so excited! We made sure our VIP passes were on, gathered up our goody bags, Mom double-checked the tickets were in her wallet, and away we went to get in line!
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Thank you, Big 105!!! |
Aren't they so cute and tiny next to all those teens? |
Quite the crowd, more than we expected. I guess a limited amount of tickets were also sold online. There were just enough people to fill the one theatre we were in. |
And then, after the last week of trembling anticipation and utter excitement, the moment we'd been waiting for finally arrived... the movie began! Here's a few moments I just had to capture on film.
After two hours, the movie ended and the girls were just high on life, walking on cloud nine. We sat in the lobby for a bit, watching all the teens running around and screaming.
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Those crazy teens! |
She couldn't help it, had to kiss Justin's face! |
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And then again! Big smooch. |
Then it was time to head home. As the vehicle warmed up, the girls and I talked about the movie.
I stepped outside for a quick puff but left the camera, in video mode, with the girls...
Like you probably heard me telling Rhyann's mom on the phone, I needed to stop at Walmart for bread and milk before going home. And of course, the girls had to come in, wearing their VIP passes and carrying the gift bags so they could show them off to everyone. As we walked through the store, they lifted up their VIP passes to everyone walking by, "We just went to the Justin Bieber movie! He's our favorite!" One lady, who I happen to know because she cuts the kids' hair sometimes, actually stopped and had a whole conversation with both girls. I know that she has a girl about Ardan's age, and she told the girls how her daughter will be soooo jealous, which of course, just tickled them pink. Even the poor greeter had to hear all about it as we walked out. So darn cute.
We dropped a very-sleepy, but still wired, Rhyann off at her house; then carried on to our house, with Lena chattering the entire way: "Rhyann is my new best-best-best-best friend. We both want to marry Justin Bieber but we can just share him." and so on.
What a wonderful, truly memorable night. Right before she drifted off to sleep in her warm cozy bed, Lena murmured to me, "This was the most exciting day of MY WHOLE LIFE!"
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Spreading the Fever
One more sleep til Never Say Never in 3D!
Here's our favorite guy in an SNL skit with the Church Lady that aired this weekend.
Here's our favorite guy in an SNL skit with the Church Lady that aired this weekend.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Bieber Fever
Lena and I picked up her tickets and prize packs today. So exciting! And as I looked at the ticket, I realized just why this contest was so popular... The movie comes out Feb. 11th around the world, WE get to see it on Feb. 9th, two days before everyone else! So the theatre will be closed to the general public, its a VIP-only event. THAT is why you can't buy, only WIN, these tickets! How cool is that?
Here's what's included in each prize pack:
1) Justin Bieber bag
2) VIP lanyard
4) purple (JB's signature color, of course) 3D glasses
5) JB limited edition glowstick
6) JB limited edition wristband
7) $1 off coupon for candy
So the big question for Lena was, who to bring with her (besides me, of course, haha). We came up with a plan: she would go to school and tell her friends about winning the contest, and the friend that was the most excited and happy for her, and who was also the biggest JB fan, would be one she picked. BUT, she wouldn't tell that friend. Mommy would phone her parents and set it all up. Well, they certainly made it easy for her! Most of the kids said they HATE Justin Bieber, only one little girl, Rhyann, was a fellow fanatic and was just so, so excited for Lena.
So tonight I phoned and talked to Rhyann's dad, who immediately said "Oh. My. God," (just like I always do, lol), "I'll have to wait to tell her after we're done talking, else her scream will burst our eardrums." So little Rhyann will be coming with us Wednesday night. Now we're just crossing our fingers we win the grand prize of dinner at Sam's South and limo service to the theater. That will be announced Tuesday morning (the 8th) at 7:15am on Big 105, if anyone wants to tune in.
What fun! I'm going to have to buy a new memory card for my stupid old camera (since my new one from Amber & Levi still hasn't been returned to me via mail) so I can capture all those special moments on camera, and videotape the girls as well.
Can't wait! Will keep you guys updated.
Invasion of the Wal-Creatures
I've been a fan of People of Walmart for a while now and one thing I gotta say after seeing all the pics and experiencing utter visual devastation, is... something is seriously wrong with people! I don't know if its mental issues, low trailer-trash standards, deterioration of morality and decency, no mirrors in the house, or reverse body dysmorphia (instead of seeing fat where there is none, their brains overlook the huge exposed muffin-top and they think that spandex is their friend). I literally get sick to my stomach looking at some of these pics. And it makes me actually look forward to 2012, when all these dumb disgusting pigs will be wiped from the face of the earth! Harsh... but true.
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