Saturday, October 24, 2009

The little dickens

I'm sitting on the couch with Ryder tonight and he turns to me, pulls down my shirt, showing my bra, and says, "Hell-oh." Gunnar is on the other couch and he sees this, snorts and quickly looks away. Probably traumatized at seeing his mom's busoms (right, Trapper? heh). Then little Ryder shoves his hand down my shirt, curls it around the bottom curve of my breast, then lightly rubs my stomach. I'm shaking with laughter at this point, and squeak out, "What's down there?" And the little brat fires back, quick as a whip, "Spiderwebs!" (Of course, the average person would've heard this as 'biderebb' so I provided translation there, lol)

Immediately made me think of this scene... (and doesn't this bring back memories, Christine?)


granny hag said...

What is it with boys and boobs (hey, Trapper, remember Lethbridge? LOL)? Our Ryderman is definitely a little dickens. He's granny hag's ratbay.

Christine said...

I was just about to say something about Drop Dead Fred- but then I saw the video clip! HA HA Ryder Rocks!