Friday, October 9, 2009

Jim & Pam: The Wedding!

Oh. My. God. TELL me you watched The Office last night!! If you didn't, there's a great article about it here. Spoilers abound so be forewarned. At the moment I'm unable to find a video clip of the actual wedding on YouTube, the article there talks a little about it, and if you watched last night you know what I mean when I say...

Ohmygod, they did it!! Sooooo friggin' awesome! I was sputtering and pointing to the tv screen, "Look, they're doing the video!" and Hubs was like, "What video?"... *shaking my head*

What was your favorite part of last night's episode? Let me know in the comments. Personally, its a toss-up between that part at the end, and Jim cutting his tie (that teared me up).

1 comment:

Amber said...

I watched the rest of the office this morning with Levi before he left with work. He got me hooked I tell ya. Anyways I liked when he listed his plans. They were cute. I gasped when her veil ripped. I really don't know what I would've done in that situation!