Friday, August 6, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Are you a neat sleeper or a messy sleeper?

I am usually a messy sleeper. I toss and turn, flip the pillow a couple of times, get up to go pee, kick my feet out from under the covers so they can 'breathe', throw the covers off when I got hot then pull them back on when I get chilled. I can never decide if I prefer my left or right side to sleep on or if I like laying on my back better, so I'm always switching positions to get more comfortable. Also, my bed tends to get messy before I fall asleep every night, he he.

2. Fill in the blank. I wish I was more ________________.

...assertive (this is a work-in-progress), taller, thinner (duh), blonde, stronger-willed (in regard to will power), long-legged, athletic... I realize a lot of these are things I have no control over but a person can still wish.

3. What is something that you wish you had been warned about?

The importance of staying fit during pregnancy (making it easier to lose those pounds afterwards). The amount of time, money and participation involved when you sign your kids up for hockey. That you should always, always begin as you mean to go on when dealing with certain people, otherwise you can get trapped in a role or position you had no intention of taking; years later, its very hard to break free and say the things you've always wanted or been meaning to say. If you know who I'm talking about, you should understand what I just said.

4. What was the best thing you ever found at a garage sale/flea market?

When we were in the Yukon we went to this great artisan flea market, where all the locals were displaying their hand-made wares. I picked up this amazing bracelet for $10, it coils around your wrist three times and is made up of tiny little hand-carved polar bears in a pale green stone, amber-streaked beads, and tiny pieces of real Yukon gold. It was the only one like it in the collection and I snapped it up immediately so noone else would get it.

5. If you could have any meal brought to you right now, what would it be?

A Chicken Santa Fe Stromboli from Boston Pizza, my favorite thing on their menu by far. Its so delicious and greasy and huge, you feel like a pig for eating the whole thing but the bloated stomach afterward is soooo worth it.

1 comment:

hag said...

#3 is a hard lesson to learn because years later, if you say what you should have in the beginning, you feel like a heel and most certainly would be considered "what a itchbay" right? But hey, been there done that. It's a hard but definitely a lesson well worth learning. You're only 30 years old and situations like this constantly come up so it's fate that you had to learn this lesson at all!

My bestest buy ever was at a liquidation world store in Lethbridge - Mark was ready to leave and just before we exited and said, "You know what, I'm going back for those boots" and he went "oh for f-sakes" (typical guy) but I still have and wear those brown suede runched to the knee boots to this day, at least 8-10 years later, for $7