Monday, February 14, 2011

I love how kids' minds work

Ardan and I were listening to the radio and it said that Pennsylvania was known for chocolate. "AND pencils!" Ardan said. I paused, let that sink in, then grinned. Pencil-vania.

Lena saw a mini-herd of deer while we were driving and we slowed down to watch them. "I'm sure glad Dad left some deer alive!" Ryder exclaimed. Lena added, "Animals are what makes life beautiful."

Lena asked Gunnar the other day, "Do penguins live on mountains?" He shook his head, "No, they live in Ant-", "Oh, wait, I know!" she cut in. "They live in Antarcticoda!" So we now have a new saying -- penguins are from Antarcticoda.

Ryder was intensely coloring a picture, "Don't bug me right now... I'm cockentrating!" Another new word.

Ryder let out a huge sneeze and snot flew everywhere, "I think I sneezed out my brain!!" He was horrified.

I had to go to the store and when the little ones and I got in the vehicle, I got a whiff of some horrible smell, "Eww, what is that?" Ryder piped up in his gruff little voice, "Ardan FARTED in here yesterday and its still left over!"


mama hagar said...

Truly out of the mouth of babes! I'm glad you keeping notes of this, Sax, because they are priceless. I remind Gunnarboy every now and then that we all still say "nervous and allergic" or "mad and jealous" and he smiles!


mama hagar said...

Oh yeah, and of course the infamous ILUF2M and now we all add and M2F (another Gunnar moment)


Levi said...

Pretty cute. Before reading your explanation, it took me a while on the pencil thing.