Here's Tyler's dresser, on 'his' side of the room. The painting above is one that I found at Value Village. Its an actual picture of the Three Sisters mountains out by Canmore. Can you believe I got that pic for $3? Does it not fit my room perfectly?
Here's my knick-knack shelf from Ikea. Top shelf is all stuff from my wedding, pictures, candles, etc. Below that is my perfume collection (in the pink bowl) and bath oils. The rest of the stuff is just various misc stuff, books, pictures, makeup cases, etc. Beside the shelf is that little stool, covered in a beautiful sarong Mom brought back from Mexico one time. And then there's the cool candle holder on the wall, its sets quite the mood.
So there's my room. Isn't it fabulous and pretty and beautiful? Thank you for visiting, now get out.
Time to light those candles...
Your bedroom is beautiful, Sax. I'm amazed by that magical curtain rod above your bed .. hung with invisible fishing line, lined up perfectly (you know how I obsess about things like that, LOL). Absolutely beautiful. I'm predicting another grandbaby is on the way (another LOL).
I love it Beau. I'm a visual person so now I understand everything with the way that you explained it. You're fabulous!!!
MOTHER--- NO. Don't put those thoughts out there to the universe.
Oh silly gurlchild. That was just a off-the-cuff comment. On the odd nights I actually remember my dreams, it's Ambergurl who is pregnant (yes, Amber, I've said it again, this time in print, so when you read this it's too late to un-read it .. you've read the words, the spirits will hear and blow the letters into the wind which, in turn, will realign themselves as whispers to the mother goddess). Too late. Kelle rules, Amber drools.
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