Losing weight. Its kind of like being on a long and winding, at times depressing, road, where the light at the end of the tunnel is there, but sometimes it seems like you won't ever see it. The key is to get, and STAY, motivated.
A person always starts something with great intentions, energy and enthusiasm; staying with it, going the distance, is the real challenge. Its hard enough working towards a goal that is short-term, even with the gratification of seeing immediate results. When its a long-term goal, that requires an actual change in lifestyle, where you may not see results for a long time, and its just your own dedication and commitment that keeps you going... how does a person do it?
Its kind of like that commercial where it shows a guy surfing and its says "Step 1,056", then it shows him eating some healthy cereal and that is "Step 1". My ultimate goal to be a certain weight, a certain dress size, is like 100,000 steps from where I'm at now (feels that way sometimes!) and so that is what I have to remind myself. Every day that I work toward my goal, every workout that I complete, every healthy meal, puts me that much closer.
Baby steps, right? If it can work that way with quitting smoking (which I still struggle with), then it can be applied for other willpower-reliant goals. Its all about the baby steps...
I know this seems kind of weird, but when I started my WLJ I kept my expectations really low. I would just think "hey, if I lose a couple of pounds or just feel healthier, that would be great". I had to take it day by day and try not to look at the big picture too much, it caused too much stress! I find if you place expectations on the journey, something like "I'm going to lose 5 pounds a week", it leaves you feeling depressed and beaten. If you have NO expectations, there is nothing disappointing about the experience :) And, by the way...2 inches is progress honey!!!Remember, muscle weighs more than fat...
I totally agree with Chrissy. Who the heck cares what you weigh (I mean, when was the last time Tyler actually carried you around?) .. it's all in the inches and how clothes fit. I bought my first weigh scale about 10-15 years ago and what a stupid mistake that was. Now it's like an obsession even though I really don't care. I can tell how "much I weigh" by how my clothes fit.
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