Monday, July 19, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Do you collect anything?
Perfume, books, elephant knick-knacks, purple stuff, jewelry (rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings), purses.

2. Name 3 celebrities that you find good looking.
ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!! Brad Pitt, The Rock (Dwayne Johnson). Here's a link to more hot male celebs I'd totally do.

3. Do you have any scars? If so, what's the story behind it (them?)?
I have a couple of scars around my eye area. One is just under the arch of my eyebrow, its from an Elko camp trip, riding in the back of the jeep trying to hold onto a dead fish I'd caught and when we hit a bump my eye smashed into the back of the seat. The other one is near the outer corner of my eye, the story behind that one is kinda funny (to me, anyway). It was the early days of me and Hubs' relationship; you know, those goofy times when you wrestle and play fight and all that. So we were chasing each other around the duplex (when we lived in Sylvan) and Ty scooped me up over his shoulder and went to run down the hallway. As he turned, my head clipped the very edge of the wall and we both fell down. I didn't even feel anything but Ty just started freaking out, I guess blood was pouring out of what looked like my eye socket. It turned out to be quite a deep cut; we had to walk to the store to get some butterfly bandages to keep the edges together. I also have a scar on my stomach from my tubal surgery, an inch-long one on my right shin from a piece of glass, and of course, the scars on my chest from the breast reduction surgery.

4. What is a food that you like to eat, but others might think it's gross or weird?
I love green olives and smoked oysters, are those weird? Gunnar thinks green olives are disgusting, Lena thinks that way about oysters. I also like broccoli stems, Brussels sprouts, swiss chard, collard greens (our new thing, we just discovered that Walmart has them), zucchini, whole radishes. I'm not the one in the household that eats gross things, that would totally be Gunnar and Tyler. They eat deer heart, liver, fried fish eggs, raw oysters, etc. Bleccch!!

5. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life?
No, I haven't. We were kind of in the area, though, when the Pine Lake tornado swept through 10 years ago. I'll never forget what the sky looked like. We were driving and I suddenly realized how weird the sky was. It was hazy-looking, with heavy black clouds above us, although the sky underneath the clouds was bright and almost orangey-yellowish. There was a quality of stillness in the air, like a heavy oppression, and it felt electrically charged, as if any moment a zap of lightning could strike beside you. I remember watching the sky change right before my eyes, as the dark clouds bled into the light ones below, and I just started freaking out, begging Tyler to drive us out of there, that we needed to leave and go home. We headed out to Barney's acreage instead and as we were driving there we heard on the radio about the tornado that had just touched down in Pine Lake. It was probably one of the freakiest moments in my life.

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