Friday, September 3, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. What do you do when you have time to yourself?

Take a leisurely bubble bath with a good book or two; re-read one of my favorite Immortals After Dark books; browse the good internet celeb gossip sites; check out facebook updates and add comments to friend's pages; call a friend for a nice long chit-chat; go through the latest Ikea catalogue and make a lengthy wishlist, one for each room in the house; lastly, take a nap.

2. When you look out your kitchen window, what do you see?
First thing I see is a dusty, dirty screen that needs washing (HA, like that will ever get done), then I see part of the back alley, but mostly just the backyards of the houses across the way.

3. Who/What would you want to be reincarnated as?
Ooooh, good question. I definitely believe in reincarnation, but aside from comments like "I'd like to come back as a cat so I could sleep the day away" (as I watch lazy Pabby doze for hours at a time), I haven't put much thought into it. I think I'd like to be reincarnated as an animal, one that lives free and far from humans, where I could prowl and hunt and soar above the earth. So maybe... an eagle?

4. What is your biggest pet peeve about other people's kids?
Too many to list. Haha, I'm nice. Let's see: bad manners, disrespect to elders, rudeness, dirty snotty faces, greed, ungratefulness, hyperactivity, meanness towards other children (or people) who are different, mean-spirited teasing, back-talk, and ignorance. Not saying my own children haven't displayed some of these characteristics at one time or other, but NEVER any of the really bad ones. If I see behaviour being displayed that goes against my own morals or beliefs, I nip it in the bud right quick and will explain to my child why we do not behave like that. At the fair this year, Ardan wasn't paying attention to where he was going and knocked into an older lady. He blithely carried on so I grabbed his arm right then and there, stopping him in his tracks, and firmly demanded he find the lady and apologize. She was shocked to see this kid run up to her, but boy was she impressed when he profusely and sincerely apologized. I knew he was in that "fair-days daze", only noticing the flashing lights and movement and sounds, but it didn't excuse his inattention and lack of instant apology. And he knew it, and was honestly regretful and sorry.

5. Regular or Diet soda?
Okay, I am NOT going to say 'DP'. Instead, I will just say 'diet'.

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