Friday, June 25, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Do you know how to play a musical instrument?
I can play a tiny bit of piano by ear, and if you gave me a ukulele I could probably pick out 'Ode to Joy' (thanks Mr Billous! <-- grade 6 music teacher)

2. What is your pet peeve while driving?
Oooooo, do not even get me started. You know, I never used to have road rage, back in my beginner driving days. I don't know if its just that driving with Hubs has rubbed off on me over the years or that people nowadays have their heads up their asses. But there are some times when I literally have to make myself count to ten and take deep breaths so I don't become one of those roadrageaholics you see screaming and honking and sticking the middle finger out the window. The drivers that piss me off the worst are the ones who:
  • don't use their signal light, or the ones who wait until the verrrry last second to put it on. I especially hate those ones; they see you stopped, waiting for them to go by and at the last second put on their light and turn, when if they would have had some common courtesy they'd have signalled as soon as they saw you stopped so you could have made your right turn and not sat there for five minutes.
  • drive too slow in the fast lane, arrrghhh! Pull over and let me by, idiot!
  • pull out into the fast lane right in front of you
  • there they are, sitting at the stop sign, but rather than let you go by and then pull out after you, no they figure they have to hit the gas and make it before you do, because heaven forbid they have to wait ten seconds (for both this peeve and the one above, when these people ignorantly pull out in front of me, I do not slam on the brakes and let a respectful distance between us, no I ride their ass so they know what a-holes they are)
  • people that ride my ass (haha). Hey, its not rude when I do it, because I am doing it to teach the other person a lesson, whereas they are doing it to me in the hope that I will speed up. Well, listen up jerks-who-ride-my-ass-in-the-hope-that-I-will-speed-up, I am most likely already speeding, though not more than 10 over the limit, and I am not willing to be your ticket-taker just so you can make it to work five minutes earlier.
  • people that take too long to turn at a green-arrow light. Do they not realize there are about ten cars behind them that also need to turn and we don't appreciate their one km/hr turn that is using up all the precious green-arrow-turning time!
  • people that think they have enough time to pass you even though there is obvious traffic in the other lane. Hey, thanks for the gray hairs, I appreciate it. That's right, you idiot, slow down and get back in behind me because I for sure am not going to slow down and let you hastily pull in front of me with inches to spare between our vehicles.

3. Would you rather have a housekeeper or unlimited spa services?

Ohmygod, what a stupid question. Hmmm, let me think... derrrrrr. Oh man, could you even imagine the sheer awesomeness of having a housekeeper? I'd be like, "Oh, you missed a spot on the wall there." Hahah.

4. Is there a song that you hear that will take you back to the moment, like a junior high or high school dance?

Every time I hear More Than Words by Extreme, I remember my first junior high dance with Tyson Pages. Unskinny Bop brings me back to the grade six Camp Alexo trip, and the entire Motley Crue Dr Feelgood album reminds me of driving up to the West Ed Waterpark for Nicky Demarce's birthday (her older sister was driving and was a typical hair-metal groupie, blasting the music and we all sang along).

5. What song best represents your life right now?
Wow, this is kind of a hard question for me. Is there even a song out there that could properly convey what my life is currently like: trying to be a healthy positive role model to my kids, working out, keeping house, adoring my husband, spending time with my family and friends, taking each day as it comes, trying to keep everything on track. You know -- LIFE.

But, as of right this second, just having went out onto the deck, so beautiful outside, I'd say Soak Up the Sun by Sheryl Crow. :)

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