Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm getting a haircut!!

I'm sure we all remember the utter fiasco that was my last hair cut. That was back in January, I believe. Well its now nearing the end of June and I haven't gotten another cut in all that time. Mainly because I was so horribly traumatized that I couldn't bring myself to put all my trust in another stylist.

But the countdown to the wedding is officially on... well, actually, the countdown to the stagette is on (two more sleeps), and I realized the other day that my hair is an utter disaster. NO WAY can I attend either event looking like this. Oh no, you'll say, it looks fine! Quit being nice, it looks like a frizzled frazzled mess, with uneven pieces, no bounce or body, and the back is just plain bad. Of course, all this is because I took it upon myself to cut my own hair a while back. Just grabbed hunks of hair and lopped them off at chin length. Looked semi-fine at the time, enough to get me by anyway. But now, months later, my hair is almost to my shoulders and all those imperfections are becoming very noticeable. Its fricking embarrassing!

So I have an appointment tomorrow in Red Deer at a salon called Urban Easel, I'm so excited, and these are the two pictures I've found that will give you an idea what I'm going for...

They're very similar, other than the side part and the fact that one looks messy-sexy and the other is stylish-cute. I'm looking for something that's a little of both, sexy-stylish. And I'd like to keep as much length as possible -- still pretty traumatized from that other haircut.

I'll let you know how it all turns out and I'll post a pic, too.

Unless its another horrible haircut and then I'll just be wearing a hat to the stagette and wedding, I guess.

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