Friday, October 17, 2008

Guess the old saying is right - "don't judge a book by its cover"

Okay, now I feel bad for bitching about Jehovah's Witnesses in a prior post.

About a week ago, there was a knock on the door. It was two ladies and as soon as I saw them, bibles in hand, I thought, "Oh no, religious nuts come to preach at me!" One lady introduced herself as Gwen, and the other older woman was her mother. Well, I can't be rude to someone if they're with their mother! So I spoke with them for a bit and learned that she had been to our house before (I wasn't home) and spoke with Tyler, who told them he was just on his way out the door but to come back again because his wife would love to visit with them. !!!!!!!!!! Gee thanks hon, you sold me out to save your own skin.

Anyway, today was the day Gwen and I had arranged our "visit". She's actually a very nice person, soft-spoken, slim, dark-haired, just a lovely, truly kind person. I discovered we have a lot in common - she also has 4 kids, so we commiserated about that (lol), and during our chitchat I found out that she also is having problems with Ashley Furniture (damn delivery guys!). So that made it easier to relate to her, even though she's obviously religious and I'm, well, not. I believe in God, don't get me wrong, and I feel that He's worked his mysterious ways in my life. There's been certain things I've experienced that I could definitely say have been "divine intervention".

So yeah, we had a lovely 20 minute visit, she didn't try to push anything on me, and I really did learn some new things (who knew God had an actual name?). She's coming over next week with her mom, and its kind of weird that I'm actually looking forward to it. Ya, I know, me the heathen with my potty mouth and obsession with racy books. But hey, its end of days people, couldn't hurt to have Jehovah on my side, right? Now don't get all hyper and think I'm converting or that I'll be knocking on your door anytime soon, haha. Its just nice to have a visit with other adults, other women, to have a real conversation that doesn't include the words bah-bah, poopy, NO!, and of course, AAARRRGHHH!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweety, I really have no comment other than to say it's nice to be nice and you're nice. Please don't end up showing up at my door with a biblical pamphlet or bible. Please. LOL
