Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I got tagged!

My new e-friend and fellow blogger Missy from Just Another Stupid Blog tagged me for a book meme.

Here are the rules: Grab the nearest book. Open the book to page 56. Find the fifth sentence. Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your journal/blog along with these instructions. Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one: pick the CLOSEST. Tag five other people to do the same.

Okay, so the closest book to me right now is Gunnar's new library book Inkspell by Cornelia Funke. Here's the book meme: "The honey did burn your mouth like red-hot coals, but the pain passed away -- and if you bore it long enough, then afterward you could speak to fire, even with a mere human tongue. The effect of a tiny piece lasted for five or six months, sometimes almost a year. Just a soft whisper in the language of the flames, a snap of your fingers, and sparks would leap crackling from dry wood, damp wood, even stone."

Here's my five people I'm tagging (post your book meme in the comments for this post):



Anonymous said...

I'm doing overnighters in Red Deer, babysitting Rohm and Gouch at Deanna's so I've grabbed one of her books:

Doris was suffering from high blood pressure and slightly elevated cholesterol, both of which were getting worse as she aproached the end of her menopausal transistion at the age of fifty-two.

OFPS, this book is called THE WISDOM OF MENOPAUSE by Christine Northrup


Anonymous said...

Here's mine:
"It's like the Bruce Cockburn song." Justine sang out in a startingly lovely alto voice,"They're all waiting for some miracle to come along."

But was all this indignity and discomfort that we were inflicting on Mrs. Templeton worth it, for the long shot of a miracle? If Mrs. Templeton did make it, it wouldn't be a miracle, it would be an oddity, an aberration, an anomoly, an exception, a blip, a delay of the imminently inevitable.

The book is A Nurse's Story by Tilda Shalof- an ICU nurse in Toronto.

Missy said...

Thanks for doing the meme:)