Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Can't get this song out of my head!

If you watched American Idol last night, you probably saw Adam Lambert's version of Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash. This guy, Adam... wow, what can I say, how can I even describe him? He's like a darkly demented sexy punk-emo freak. I love him! If I was 16 I'd probably have his name doodled all over my binders and posters up on my walls.

His version of the song is just, wow, so weirdly different and strange and yet... its haunting me and I can't stop singing it! What's your guys' opinions on it? Are you with me (and Paula and Randy) and thinks he's a hero; maybe you're like Simon and think its "self-indulgent rubbish"; or take the middle ground like Kara (the new judge), "confused yet sorta happy".

(I think Fox is pulling all videos of AI performances, so enjoy this clip while you can!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree and really like it. I am not a huge fan of Johnny Cash, but I would listen to this version of the song for sure!