Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The L Word series finale

Are there any L Word fans out there reading this? Where are you? Raise your hands... let me hear your rebel yell!

I've been a long-time fan of the series and was depressed to see the commercials saying this was the last season. It comes on Tuesday nights at 11 on Showcase and if I'm on the ball enough to remember, I try to catch every episode. So I was flipping through the channels late last night and came across it (missed the first ten minutes though, doh!).

Man, was it ever a good episode! As it was drawing to a close, I realized that a lot of loose ends were being tied up, and it occurred to me that maybe this was the last episode! Nah, I thought to myself, they wouldn't do that to us loyal viewers! They would advertise something like that, right? And for how often I watch Showcase (for Kenny vs Spenny, Testees, Trailer Park Boys, etc), I for sure would've seen those commercials, right?

So imagine my surprise and despair during the last ten minutes when I realized that YES, this was the very last episode ever! Do you know how I knew that?


Because... OMG, they killed Jenny! (If you watch Southpark, you get that reference)

Talk about a twist, freak ending! And it was done in such a way that you don't know if her death was an accident (they found her in the pool) or if one of the friends did it (there were several who had definite motive) or if it was the crazy chick that was found in the bushes by the cops. Oooo, the suspense! All throughout the episode, there would be brief scenes of each friend in an interrogation room (although at the time, you didn't know that's what it was, it just looked like they were sitting at a table talking); then it would go back to the regular storyline. At the very very end, after the body was found and everyone was sitting around shell-shocked, the cops tell them they all need to come down to the station. It flash forwards to a birds-eye view of a parking lot, you see a whole bunch of cars park and everyone gets out, then all the ladies walking in slow-mo towards the station, hair flying in the wind, and everyone is grinning and holding hands.

At first I was like, Ooooo, the ones smiling are the ones who killed her, they know and are covering up for each other, ooooo scandalous! Then I realized that, no, this was their swan-song walk-off, the actresses were smiling at US, the viewers. And sure enough, "Thanks for six amazing seasons!" comes on the screen and it fades to black.

NOOOOOoooo!! Tuesday nights just won't be the same anymore...

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