Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Instant regret

Have you ever sent out an email where, immediately after you hit 'send' you were struck by the realization that you shouldn't have done that? Maybe you were too emotional, or angry, or gave TMI. And then all you can do afterwards is sit and stew in your regret, anxious to get the reply back and see how the person will respond.

Usually you only have to do that once (like drinking from a ashtray pop can) because the guilt and/or anxiety you feel is so traumatizing, you never do it again. Although sometimes, the only way to express those feelings and say your piece is through an email, rather than face-to-face or over the phone.

Ah, well, guess I'll never learn...


Anonymous said...

Hey, I've done that "ashtray full of butts" thing and it's embarassing to admit that I've done it more than once! I'm not visually blond but sometimes I feel I should be because that might explain my moments. Never regret or apologize for what comes from the heart. Those who love you the mostest see through the words and read the real message.

You mother loves you far too much.

WildGirl said...

(((((((MOM))))))) <---- HUGS