Thursday, March 26, 2009

Smooth as a baby's bum

Can you believe that in all my year's of plucking, tweezing, shaving and using depilatories, I've never thought to have my eyebrows professionally waxed? I know, me either!

Gunnar asked to get a haircut before his game last night and as I was booking the appointment, it occurred to me that I should just go for it. So I made an appointment to get my brows done as he was getting his hair cut.

It only took like ten minutes, not even, the pain wasn't too bad (I mean, I have birthed four children, my pain tolerance is incredible), and I am just in LOVE with the results! I didn't need to have them shaped, I think I've done a fair job of that myself, but all those baby-fine hairs that are impossible to pluck just drive me nuts!

Wow, do they ever look nice now. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner! The skin surrounding my brows is sooo soft now, like a baby's bum! Lena kept "petting" my eyebrows last night, smoothing her fingers over them, back and forth. She couldn't believe it either, haha.

Almost makes me consider getting other body parts waxed....

NAH. Not quite that brave.


Amber said...

Just wanted to let you know that I get my eyebrows waxed every few weeks. It's fabulous. If I did my own it would be a disaster for sure!!!

granny hag said...

Oh you girls, what a great idea! I'm going to do this too! I'll need reshaping, for sure, and because of my thyroid condition (ie., loss of hair), maybe they can even color them ..