Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oooo, those rotten kids!

I guess you could say I've always had a slight case of the "nerves", you know, jumping out of my skin when there's a sudden loud noise. For some reason, its gotten worse over the years. You should see me at the arena when the kids are blasting pucks at the sideboard. I probably look like a marionette being jerked around on its strings. Its so embarrassing. I try, really I do, to brace myself for it if I know the noise is coming, and yet... BANG! And I'm outta my seat.

Of course, Hubs and the kids are fully aware of this. Its especially bad when I'm in the laundry room, back facing the door as I stand folding laundry, and suddenly one of them will be behind me, "Mom" and its like I've been poked with a cattle prod. I'm not the nicest person either when they do that to me. "What the?!? Don't DO that! You know I'm jumpy!" and they'll laugh hysterically and run off.

One time, during our early days as a couple, Ty thought it would be funny to hide behind the shower curtain in the bathroom when I was going to take a shower. I'm sure you can imagine my reaction. Ya, hardy har har! Bet he didn't like it too much when I whipped my towel at his ass and took off a layer of skin! Muahaha. Served him right.

And it seems like the kids will go through phases, where they'll forget about my nerves and leave me alone, then one of them will remember and for the next week, all of them are constantly jumping out at me. "Got her again! Hahahaha!" I've been lucky for the last few months that they were in that 'forgetting' stage, but last night it all started up again.

I was at the computer, quite involved in what I was reading, and suddenly there was a loud "BOO!" right in my ear! I probably jumped two feet in the air, arms flailing, "Whaaaa......!" Oh, Gunnar thought he was the king after that. After I finished yelling at him (I may have told him to piss off, I know, I'm a horrible mom!), I settled back in, sure that no one would even dare to try it again. You'd think I'd know better. Not two minutes later, "BOO!" right in the same ear, only it was Ardan this time. Even the threat of grounding didn't halt their maniacal laughter.

They got me again a few hours later, as I was about to sit on the couch. "BOO!" "Okay that's IT! Get your butts in bed. Right. NOW!"

Then again this morning as I was, you got it, in the laundry room folding.

So that's it. Time for a little revenge, I'm thinking. I seem to remember an old trick Trapper and I would play on little Levi, involving a wolf-pelt and hiding at the bottom of the stairs waiting for an unsuspecting victim. Muah ah ah ah!!!!

Oh, its ON.

1 comment:

granny hag said...

Sax, you have a little hagar in you. LOL.