Friday, March 26, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

1. Did you pass your driver's test on the first try?
Oh MAN! Not this question. Yes, I sure did. Whaaaa? I'm not lying! Okay, FINE. As you all know, I failed two times, yes two. The first time because I fudged the parallel parking, right there in the AMA parking lot. I totally hit the cement pilon. Not even five minutes into the exam and it was over right then and there. Talk about embarrassing. The second time I failed because some lady behind me HONKED when I took too long, according to her, to go after the light turned green. And I guess if some idiot HONKS at you that is an "obstruction of traffic", which means instant fail. The third time I took the test was the charm. Doh!

2. What is your most embarrassing moment?
Holy cow, there are so many, how do I choose... failing my drivers test two times; having my skirt fall down while bowling in front of a group of hot guys; accidentally spitting when talking and having someone notice it; tripping and/or falling while walking and someone sees; turning a corner while driving and going over the curb because I misjudged the distance; laughing or having a giggle-fit during a really inappropriate moment; farting in front of someone not family; calling someone by the wrong name; two words: Roy Orbison.

3. What TV show would you like to be on- Oprah, Biggest Loser, or What Not to Wear?
I would totally walk around in the ugliest, nastiest, frumpiest, mom-jeansiest outfit ever if I knew it would net me an appearance on What Not to Wear. I mean, a $5000 shopping spree in New York with Stacey and Clinton?? C'mon!

4. Would you ever get plastic surgery and what kind?
Oh baby, sign me up 'cause I am all about the plastic surgery. When I have reached my goals in the WLJ I am soooo going in for a tummy tuck, and I wouldn't mind a boob lift as well. Perk the girls up a bit. I'm also not ruling out botox or an eye lift down the road, either.
5. What are your favorite jeans to wear?
Sadly, all I have are baggy 'fat' jeans that I refuse to replace with better-fitting ones until I've put a few more miles on the WLJ. But if you were to ask what my fave pants are then I would say my dark olive-greenish-brown pants that make my legs look faaabulous, dahling!

1 comment:

granny hag said...

I love these Friday questions. Where in the world do you get them, Sax? Good thing I'm a slinger because the memories of answers #1 and #2 made me laugh and laugh.
