Saturday, May 8, 2010

Five Question Friday (April 30th edition)

1. If you could, would you go back to high school?

No, never.

2. If a genie appeared and granted you two wishes, what would they be? (And, no saying "more wishes".)

To never have to worry about financial matters again, and that my family was always safe and healthy.

3. What kids show do you secretly like?

I love Big & Small, there's a surprising amount of adult humor that goes right over the kids' heads and Small is kinda sarcastic and bossy, love it.

4. What is your beverage of choice?

It used to be diet pepsi but I can now say I am over that addiction. Most days I only drink water and skim milk, sometimes the occasional glass of juice.

5. What is something that you would change about yourself (or are working to change in yourself)?
Well you all know the answer to this question. I am currently on a mission to achieve my goal weight and measurements. I'd like to see some significant changes by the time Levi and Amber's wedding rolls around in early July, but definitely by our planned Vegas trip in November. Seeing as how I'm planning on getting all new clothes for my all new body! Can't wait.


Christine said...

You are no longer a Diet Pepsi junkie!? Alright Beau! I'm amazed and so proud!

granny hag said...

You probably drink water and milk now because of all the booze you consumed when you were underage LOL .. Hey, I've never watched Big and Small. My favorites are the Mole Sisters, Toy Castle and Ants in your Pants. I only get to watch nighttime kid shows so maybe your FAV is on during the day.
