Friday, May 28, 2010

Five Question Friday

My Little Life

1. Is there something you've always wanted to try but just can't muster up the courage to actually do yet?
Perform a striptease for Hubs. Tell off a certain someone who delights in backhanded-complimenting me all the time. Dye my hair cherry-red. Sunbathe topless on my deck (with no kids around, obvs!). Flash a hot guy just out-of-the-blue. Go skinny-dipping. (Why do the majority of these involve nudity? Just noticed that, lol). Prank phone call someone.

2. If you had $100 handed to you in cash without your significant other knowing about it, what would you spend it on?
New makeup and hair products. I love trying new stuff but can never bring myself to pay the often outrageous prices. Olay has some great new products coming out but I just can't justify paying that much. I want to get that new CoverGirl smoky-eye crayon, too.

3. What was your favorite piece of playground equipment as a child?
I loved the merry-go-round and teeter-totters. It was the best if you and a friend got the teeter-totter and played that game where you try to make the other one fall off. Or on the merry-go-round, when someone spun it super fast and you had to hold on with all your strength so you wouldn't go flying off. Good times...

4. Do you prefer a sweet or hearty breakfast?
I love big fat hearty breakfasts where you're so full afterwards you just want someone to roll you to the nearest couch so you can nap for an hour. Dippy eggs or eggs benedict, bacon, sausage, hashbrowns, toast with jam, pancakes, sliced fruit, juice, chocolate milk, coffee. The full meal deal. A week's worth of calories in one meal, heaven.

5. Are you a Neat Freak or a Messy Bessy?
A bit of both, actually. I try to keep each room neat and tidy but inevitably messes occur. I mean, four kids and a slob of a husband, hello. If I've spent a lot of time cleaning a particular room and the kids come and destroy it, then hell breaks loose and those kids know they have some tidyin' to do. Or if a floor is freshly mopped and then they spill food all over it, that is disastrous. So yeah, sometimes I'm a little anal about keeping it clean. But then other times, I can easily turn a blind eye to the mess because I know that if I start thinking about the domino-effect of what needs to be done, I will just have a mini AA and get way too stressed out. Perfect example -- the garage. I do NOT go in there unless I absolutely have to. I have threatened Tyler with calling Hoarders on him if he doesn't do something about it in there, his reply? "Hey, it may be messy but I know exactly where everything is." But it is a personal mission of mine to gut that place and completely clean out and organize it. Probably take a few days so it would have to be done some time when he'd be away for awhile, maybe I'll send him on a fishing or camping trip this summer, haha.


mama hagar said...

You could always try a PRANK CALL on one of your kids (try Gunnar .. he’s old enough to “get it”) .. Remember the “prank call” your dad did to you when you were about Gunn’s age? “This lady named Mrs. Mains called you from this number, call her back” (which you did, twice, with no success) then finally, your dad says “BeauSaxon, this is the third time this lady called. Her name is Myra Mains and she’s adamant she wants to talk to you” and you said later that it was when as were were asking the funeral home if Myra Mains was there that you realized what your father had done. HAHA. We roared with laughter but you were horrified. Sick humor but it would be hilarious to try it on Gunn. You could call it a “Grampa Mark” tradition and urge Gunn to try it on one of his friends and eventually, one of his kids .. LOL

I also prefer a full meal breakfast, complete with EVERYTHING so I can choose what to eat, what to mix together and then after I’m full, continue to nibble. And if you don’t eat your bacon, I’m the kind of person who will take it from your plate and kindly finish it for you (and Levi, chill out. I am who I am whether I’m at a fancy restaurant or not and by the way, that’s one of the tricks Grampa Rogers used to pull on his new girlfriends to see if they were worth the effort of continuing to date them - if they wouldn’t let him eat off their plate after they were through, they were cast aside for a new gal).

Hey, BeauSaxon, I’m glad you brought up the garage thing. I have great ideas and some of the ideas stem from a success ROGER story so let’s PREPLAN, send Tyler away for a week and get Levi over with his tools. Honestly. I’ll draw a blueprint and even though you’ll think I’m crazy, when it’s done you’ll have to admit I’m a fabulous devilish diva. You’ll have your male neighbours over DROOLING. AND, you’ll be able to park your zuki inside.

WildGirl said...

I know EXACTLY what you are talking about, in the garage. Grampa and I were talking about it one time. KEWL.

And yes, I def remember the Myra Mains prank. Dad was a BRAT!! lol