Saturday, May 8, 2010

Five Question Friday (May 7 edition)

1. What is your worst memory of your siblings?

I remember getting into a fight one time with Trapper. He was about 8-9 years old, I would have been 12-13. I had just gotten a new pair of glasses literally the day before and was so excited to wear them to school for the first time. It was morning-time and we were sitting at the table waiting until it was time to leave for the bus stop. I don't even remember why we were fighting or what it was about. The fight got out of hand and Trapper actually PUNCHED me right in the face, in the eye, and BROKE my new glasses! Cracked the lens and busted the frame! I was so livid I punched him back as hard as I could in the arm, then immediately phoned mom who was at work. I was crying hysterically. Had to wear my old glasses to school. I can't even remember if I ever did get that new pair replaced because back then it was incredibly expensive to buy me glasses, the lenses alone were about $400 because of my extreme nearsightedness. Trapper got in major trouble for that, the little shit! The only bad memories of Levi I have are all the times he ratted me out for stuff. Trapper and I realized early on never to tell Levi our secrets or let him in on what was going on because he just couldn't wait to run straight to the parents and tattle on us.

2. What was YOUR naughtiest childhood memory? (Must be something YOU did, no pawning it off on someone else!)

Lied to the parents a few times about spending the night at a friends house when I really went to a party. Oh, one time when I was 16 or 17, mom and dad took the boys on a trip to Montana and I stayed home alone for a week because I was working at A&W. On the night before they all came home, I went to a friends house party with a couple of my girlfriends. We all got really drunk, made out all night with our boyfriends, then passed out on the floor. I woke up totally hungover and freaked out when I saw what time it was. My friend drove me straight home, I ran inside, changed clothes and brushed my teeth, and my family drove down the driveway literally ten minutes after. They probably passed my friend on the road as she headed back to Sylvan! Close call. (Sorry that you're just finding this out now Mom, I was a brat!)

3. Where do you like to go to relax?

I can relax almost anywhere, as long as I have a good book to read and a comfortable place to sit or lay down.

4. What was the last thing you won?

A Dairy Queen icecream cake, from entering my name in a draw.

5. If you could be on a game show, which would you choose?

Price is Right, of course!!

1 comment:

granny hag said...

I didn't know Levi was a tattler either. Half the time I didn't even listen to him because I recognized he only wanted attention because, actually, he really didn't understand what the hell was going on. He couldn't hear. The only time I actually acted on what he told me was when his stories related to his feelings or health (teasing, hurting, won't play with me, etc) then all hell broke loose. He was, remember, my audiochallenged baby.

I just realized this comment should have been on your next blog and vice versa.

