Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I got a Whole Lotta Love for my Adam (warning: TMI)

Well, Adam got his wish and was able to sing Whole Lotta Love last night. And I got MY wish and got to see that sexy man back in his tight look-at-my-crotch-pants, glam-rock jacket, spiky-emo hair, jewelry and makeup. And OMFG, did you see him when he did the duet with Allison, wearing the STRIPED PANTS?!?! Trust me, the striped pants had their very own thread on the message board, hahaha.

My lucky lucky mom was able to see Robert Plant's original performance of the song, and as she said, "Adam is very, very good, but he's no Robert Plant." Which I totally agree with, I mean who can top RP? NO ONE. He is the God of Rock. But watch the clip below and you'll agree with me that Adam came pretty darn close. I think I had an O watching him sing and dance and hip-thrust and snarl his way through that song. *fanning myself* I was so, so proud of my Adam, he said he was going to go out there and "kill it" and he totally did! I'm coining a new word here, he was "sexceptional". Am I right? I am SO RIGHT.

But hey, get this... There was a thread on the message board from a Glambert who was at the actual performance (lucky bitch! lol) and she said that SO much of his performance was censored for the cameras. When you watch the clip below, you'll see many instances of the camera focusing on just his face, or the drummer, or whatever. And that is because he was SEX personified, in her words. The point in the song where the music stops and you think it might be over (my kids did and immediately started chatting up a storm but I could see it wasn't over, so I was like, "SHUT UP RIGHT NOW OR INSTANT BEDTIME!!"), where he sings, "Woooomaaaannn, you neeeed loooviinnnn'", I guess he tucked the mike stand between his legs and gave a few good thrusts against it (OMG, TO BE THAT MIKESTAND! *faint*). Of course, the camera didn't show that. DAMMIT!! That right there would have inspired like a year's worth of mighty fine dreams, I tell you what. And also, one time he went over to where there were a huge group of girls up by the stage and he started grinding, and the camera skipped away to show the band playing. WHY, why, darn you cameraman!! Damn censors. Its like Elvis on the Ed Sullivan Show all over again. Which, you know what?, is actually kind of neat/weird/enraging, seeing how a lot of people have compared him to Elvis. I can see the resemblance, both in looks, daring and sheer talent, but I think he's like the erotic version of Elvis. I mean, Elvis was one of the best looking men EVER in existence, but Adam takes it to the next level. Same dark hair, dark eyes, dramatic eyebrows, charisma, sexiness. But Adam just takes it to the next level, you know? Everything is more "more" with him.

The contestants weren't able to have their rehearsal because there was a small catastrophe on set (one of the 'American Idol' sign support posts tipped over and lights crashed down). So the camera guys obviously didn't know how Adam would act on stage. But come on, the man practically drips sex, they must have had a clue what he'd get up to. So the camera-panning-away must have been pre-arranged. Hey? AND THAT SUCKS! Although.... it probably saved all us Glambert's sanity by doing that. We would have been convulsing on the floor, screaming in ecstasy. Hahaha! TMI for you guys, yet or what? Sorry but there's just no censoring me when I'm in full-blown Adamania.

I loved loved loved all the judge's opinions and comments, especially Simon's. You know, a little background, Glambert-insider info for ya: Adam has received some criticism on the boards (and most likely in 'real-life' convos, as well) that because he was getting put last each show, that he was getting favoritism or the "lucky" spot. So he went first this time. And people complain that him going first makes it impossible for anyone else to "top" his performance. Which Simon said after his Whole Lotta Love. But I mean come on, its obvs that no matter what order he's put in, he's going to obliterate the memory of anyone else's performance.

Did anyone catch Danny's performance of "Dream On"? First of all, that song is another of the holy ones. If you are going to take on that song, you better have the chops to make that last note at the end. Or else you will be crucified! Like Danny was. Deservedly. In my opinion, THAT is "self-indulgent rubbish". How could he have ever thought, in a million years, that his hoarse, husky voice could hit that high, screaming note... is beyond me. I actually was cringing and covering my ears even before he hit that note, then opening my fingers a bit to better hear if he actually did it, then hastily slamming my hands back on my ears and moaning Why, God why? Doesn't he know the only person capable of hitting that high note and killing it, is Adam? Its friggin' obvs. I was pretty mad that he even tried to tackle that song.

There were so many threads on the blog, prior to the Rock performances, of what people wanted to hear Adam sing this week.Though the opinions varied widely, from Green Day songs, to Radiohead, to Tool, every single list included 'Dream On'. And then to hear that Danny was going to sing it? I mean, we were glad that Adam got his song, but it still felt like a slap in the face. I guarantee you that every Glambert went, "W....T....F...?!

Anyway, you know I could go on and on about Adam, but its time to end this. I'm all hyped up from writing this, remembering my initial reactions, watching the clip again and again, remembering what my Mom said on the phone afterwards. Oh yeah, she called me like right after his performance ended. My first words? "OMG, tell me you saw that?!" (I think those my were first words, right Mom? Something like that.) And she did!! Which was SO cool. With patient amusement, she listened to me hysterically sputter and spout utter nonsense, I'm sure. But she did have a few things to say about my man, which I was dying to respond to in an equal manner, but those rotten kids (No. 2 & 3) were swarming me with their "We wanna go to Gramma's tonight!" over and over. So just one thing I want to say to you Mom and I'm sure you'll remember what you said to inspire this comment, but -- "For him, I would!" Heh heh heh.

So here he is, the one, the only.... ADAM LAMBERT!!

1 comment:

Anonymous (haha!) said...

This "Adam" you speak of, looks like a He-She in that video.