Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Rudolph-Effect

Tell me people, answer this eternal question... Is it karma do you think, or freak happenstance, fated catastrophe, or just sheer bad luck on a cosmic-scale... Help me to understand WHY a person gets a monster zit on their nose when they have a hugely important event coming up?

Today is the day that my brothers and I have arranged for my mom's super-fantastic 50th birthday present, which is a series of family portraits of our entire family. This has been in the works since a few weeks before her actual b-day, which was in late March. We had to wait until the weather was nicer, the snow was gone, and coordinate a day when everyone was available. So for months now, we've been looking forward to this day, May 3. We have everything planned, from the location, to what we are all going to wear (black shirts, denim jeans), even the poses.

And then I woke up two days ago with a little red dot on my nose. Right on the tip, to be precise. My first reaction was to freak out, of course, then I tried the various remedies (over-the-counter special creams that supposedly work in a day -- YA RIGHT, a dab of toothpaste on the zit, you name it). Did any of these remedies work? Well, the fact that I am doing this post on this day would be a big, fat NO. If anything, all those things did was aggravate my facial-foe and put it in defense mode, all the bigger to piss you off, it seems to say to me.

So I get to be in all these wonderful pictures with all my family members looking amazing and awesome, and there I will be in each picture with a huge, red zit nose. Just call me Rudolph.

One thing I will say -- whoever invented concealer is my new best friend. But despite its magical properties, you can be darn sure that I won't be in any close-ups today. DOH!!

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