Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Five Question Friday (Nov 19th)

Oops, look like I missed it last week!

1. What Christmas song do you loathe?
I don't really like the "chestnuts roasting" song, but I absolutely, positively cannot stand the "Gramma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer" song by Ray Stevens. HATE IT. I don't even have a good reason but it could have something to do with the stupid 'talking' parts in the song. And the fact that 'grandpa' is happy about it. Oh, and I find the 'Oh Christmas Tree' song a bit annoying too. Any song that repeats the same thing over and over is a dud in my book.

2. Do you and your significant other cuddle at night or sleep on opposite sides of the bed?
Ha! This question is hilarious. In our early days, we cuddled all the time. (Even though it wasn't until years later that we both confessed to having a "re-breathing" phobia.) Actually, the reason I think this is hilarious is because I was just thinking about this last night, no joke! There I was, cuddled up on MY side of the bed, under MY blanket, head nestled on MY special pillow, and I thought to myself, "Ahhh, there's nothing better than this. I couldn't imagine having to share my blanket." I guess I'm kind of particular when it comes to sleep. I like my own space, obviously do NOT like having someone's breath even remotely near my face, I like my big heavy down comforter with its maroon Ikea duvet cover, I like my 'floppy' pillow, and I especially like it that if Hubs lets one go during the night, its under HIS covers and only HE has to smell it. Hubs is the same way (except for the 'fluffing' part, as we all know girls NEVER let one go); he has his 100lb rock-hard pillow, his two favorite blankets (the soft one Gramma Dea made him with the knotted ends, and his thin quilt), and of course, the re-breathing thing. No, we do our "cuddling"  when we first go to bed, then its all, 'Okay, you go your way, I'll go mine'. And it works for us. :)

3. Have you ever had surgery?
Three times: a breast reduction in 2000 (best decision in my life), a tubal in November 2009, and wisdom teeth removal this September.

4. When do you typically have your holiday shopping done?
Oh man, just reading this question is giving me a holiday-shopping AA. Usually I start shopping the beginning of November, taking advantage of sales and such, and if I'm lucky I'm done by mid-December. Though there was one year in particular when our Kasha-side family get-together was on Boxing Day and I literally left it that long to get their gifts. We hit the stores for Boxing Day sales before we headed out there. And I vowed after that horrifying shopping experience (people are PSYCHO) that I would never, ever be a stupid idiot like that again.

5. If money were not an issue (and you HAD to pick something), what would your ultimate luxury item be?
Probably a spa bath, you know, the kind with jets and its like the size of two bathtubs. Either that or a maid/housekeeper. No... (thought about that for a bit)... DEFINITELY the maid/housekeeper. I mean, c'mon, have you SEEN my house?

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