Saturday, November 6, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. If you could have any talent and turn it into an occupation, what would it be?

I'd love to be a psychic, or an artist, or a singer. Ooooh, or a dancer (too many episodes watched of So You Think You Can Dance, I guess).

2. Would you rather have a house at the beach or a cabin in the woods?
House at the beach, for sure. I'm an Aquarius, the Water Bearer, what other answer could I give? Imagine waking up and going to bed with the sound of waves; going out for a swim whenever you wanted; Ty could spend all day fishing to his heart's content. Heaven!

3. Is there any meaning or reasoning for the names you chose for your child/children?
We chose both Gunnar and Ardan's names because they're both Icelandic (my family's heritage) and have really cool meanings: 'Gunnar' means warrior, 'Ardan' means fiery. Their middle names are also Icelandic: 'Tyr' was the Viking God of war, 'Brand' means sword. And also, Brand is short for Brandon, which is Tyler's middle name. We chose Milena because its a Czech name (Ty's heritage) and means 'beloved one' (or else 'sweetheart', can't recall right now); her middle name Clare was chosen because I really liked the sound when combined with her first name and there were two women that were really close to Ty's mother who had that name. Ryder's name was chosen for none of those sentimental reasons, haha. We just really liked how cool it sounds and that particular spelling, plus we figured that with our lifestyle, he'll grow up to be a dirtbike or quad rider. AND my dad was a biker back in the day, an original 'rider'. We couldn't agree on a middle name and I finally got so teed off with all Ty's vetoes that I threw up my hands and said, "Fine! You pick it then!". And so he came up with 'Brons', pronounced bronze. Which is cool and goes with his first name.

4. What is your guilty pleasure?
Ooohooo, I have way too many to list them all. But I refuse to feel guilty for them because I am who I am, darnit! So here we go... reading erotic romance novels, buying expensive (what I consider expensive) new makeup and/or cosmetic products, surfing internet gossip sites, facebook, downloading e-books, having the Bieber-Fever, smoking, chocolate, admiring hot men (whaaaat?! I'm just looking!), diet pepsi, being an admitted horndog, Family Guy, Britney Spears... the list goes on.
5. Do you live in a house that is deep cleaned or straightened?
Neither. I have four kids, what can a person expect? I do take pride that every room is decorated and painted nicely, and I try to keep the house neat and tidy. If I let myself get stressed out over the fact that my house isn't 'deep cleaned' and 'straightened', I'd be a raving maniac! Haha.


mama hagar said...

I love hearing the reasons why a name was given. My original name, Kelly, was chosen after Roger and Deanna watched a circus dog with that name and my middle name, Anne, came from the famous figure-skater of that era, Barbara Anne Scott.

Thinking back, BeauSaxon, I don’t think I gave your birth father any choice whatsoever in naming you. I was able to compare your pregnancy with another, which I knew had been a boy, so I just knew you were going to be my girl child. I had already chosen the prefix “Beau” in reference to beautiful then when I stumbled across the word Saxon, that was it. Period. I simply didn’t care what anyone thought. Thanks to Roger, who gave me the idea, all my girl children were going to have a middle name which referred to a vehicle so Mercedes was a given. By the time Trapper was born, it had been decided that I would name only a girl and because Mark had three given names, Trapper (JB it would be a cool REAL name instead of a nickname) Ray (after Mark’s father) Borden (after my father) was christened.

Levi was a different story. I convinced Mark that this child was a girl because the pregnancy symptoms were so opposite to that of Trapper’s (of course now I know it was because I was toxic and the baby was in distress) so we were set to introduce our latest addition as MarKel Cor’deLain (in reference to a Corvette) but when he was born, Mark was definitely stressed because he hadn’t even considered male names. So, given the short notice, Mark Simcoe did good. Levi was Mark’s favourite jeans, Tyson was in reference to one of Mark’s favourite singers, Ian Tyson, and Steele was the name of Mark’s first dog. On retrospect, had I known what I know now, I would have suggested Axle, the Bjarnason baby, instead of Tyson but then Axle eventually became part of our family anyway.

Thanks for sharing the background of the names of your babies.

WildGirl said...

Of course, now that I'm done having kids, I come up with more cool names. I really love Rydstrom and Cadeon (both from the IAD book series and they just happen to be brothers, too). I love hearing 'name' stories. And I love that you told the stories of the boys' names! I didn't know some of those details.

Christine said...

Hey! How about the story of how your best friend had a dream that the baby's name was "Ryder", which is a name you were already thinking about...without even telling me! I think that's pretty special