Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ryderman!

I was informed by my little man that because he is now three, I can no longer call him my "baby", he is a "BIG boy!". I politely asked if it would be okay if I called him my 'little' boy, because his brothers are technically the 'big' boys. He pondered it for a while in all seriousness, then graciously allowed me that small concession. And so it was just another bittersweet moment in the span of motherhood.

But anyway, yes, my little boy is now a three year old, full of rowdy rambunction, sweet hugs and kisses (that he still allows and gives freely), and all the shits and giggles on a daily basis that I've come to expect with Mr. Ryderman. (Emphasis on the 'shits' on some days, the things that boy gets into!)

Here are some pics from his happy day... (you may have seen some already but I added some new ones, too)


Mama Hagar said...

I can't believe the baby is three years old already. Remember us laughing at the costume gifts - typical he'd get right into the game of DRESS UP after I left LOL because that's our Ryderman. I should have tried the Reverse Psychology - It was a good idea to have Lenagurl dress along side with him! I love the chocolatey face LOL

WildGirl said...

Those costumes are a HIT! I keep them in his closet (rather than downstairs with all the other costume stuff) because No.3&4 are always playing dress up with them. But the REAL prize (and you'll shake your head to hear this) was the weapons. I think you saw a bit of that when you were over. Heaven help anyone who DARES to touch them, "DOZE ARE MIIIINEEEE!!!" hahaha. He's even whacked my butt a few times with the sword, "Ha ha, I'm cuttin' off your BUM!" Well thats one way to make it smaller, I guess. LOL