Sunday, November 21, 2010

Top 10 Back-burner Housechores

Back-burner as in those little chores you put off doing because they're both low-priority, yet time-consuming. AND they are literally back-burning. The chores that you tell yourself you'll get around to doing 'some day'. I'm sure you know which ones I mean, but here's MY Top 10. And oh, by the way, I feel I have to mention this since there was some horrified speculation last time I did a similar Top 10 -- these pics are just random pics generated from google, NOT real actual pics of my house. Got it???

1. The Back-Splash

2. Under the Sink

3. The Ceiling Fan

4. Baseboards

5. The Oven Vent

6. Light switches

7. Curtains

8. The Filing Cabinet/Paperwork

9. The Junk Drawer

10. Organizing the DVDs, CDs, video games


Mama Hagar said...

It's different in a house of one, though. You have five people to pick up after, including Tyler, whereas it's just me and Griff. My back burner stuff is chores I tend to ignore and just walk around them until I happen to see my house through others' eyes, then I'm horrified ..

vacuuming/steam cleaning rug
cleaning tiles
front and back yard
hot tub chemicals
dressing room ie., hanging up clothes (I tend to open the door and throw clothes and shoes into the room then shut the door)
shoveling snow (where's my shovel by the way)
cleaning mirrors/windows

I would definitely get a maid if I now lived with someone else. I'm half a century old so that would be my justification. Period.

WildGirl said...

There's some days when I have that phone in my hot little hands, ready to call the maid service to do all these Top 10 things, but then I put the phone back down because, really, I'm just being lazy. I have the time and the elbow-grease, its just getting the umption to do them.

Amber said...

Wow...make me cringe a little. People are different.