Friday, December 17, 2010

Five Question Friday

1. Do you regift...and if so, do you have a regifting horror story?
Sometimes, if the item is practically new and looks it. Otherwise, no. And no, no regifting horror story. (Unless its just buried so deep in my subconscious that I've forgotten it.)

2. Do you know what you are getting for Christmas this year?
Yep! Hubs and I decided that this year we would just concentrate on the kids and not get each other gifts. That lasted all of a month before we realized that the kids like watching us open gifts just as much as we do them. But to make it easier on ourselves, we decided to buy our own gifts and then just say that the other one bought it. So I'm getting a sweet Black & Decker two-story rolling toolbox (looks like a piece of rolling luggage) and a National Lampoon Christmas Vacation dvd. I'm also planning on getting another bottle of 'our-version-of-Juicy' and some clothes. Boy my kids have great taste in gifts. *wink*

3. Who brings the most gifts in your family, you or Santa?
We do. Santa usually brings the kids one or two gifts, depends on how 'big' the gift is. But us parents get the kids anywhere between 5-6 gifts each.

4. What store do you love to by jeans from?
I just did a post about this! My new fave place is Plato's Closet.

5. Christmas meal: Big, All Out Meal or Snacks and Apps?
Depends where we're having the meal. If its at Julie or Joanne's, its the big, all-out meal with all the trimmings: turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, creamed turnips, peas, spetzla, pies, cookies, squares. If its at Deanna's, its a huge smorgasbord of snacks and appetizers: meatballs, little wienies, fruit & veggie platters, croissant-wiches, meat & cheese trays, olives, Mom's fudge, cookies, etc. Man, I love Christmas! ha

1 comment:

mama hagar said...

I've been craving mashed potatoes, period. Mashed potatoes with coleslaw, with creamed corn, with salad and ranch dressing, with dressing, with turkey and gravy - actually, with anything as long as there's mashed potatoes.
